Cases reported "pharyngitis"

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1/300. Recurrent anterior uveitis associated with streptococcal pharyngitis in a patient with a history of poststreptococcal syndrome.

    PURPOSE: To provide additional evidence that anterior uveitis can be a manifestation of poststreptococcal syndrome. METHOD: A case report providing follow-up information on a previously described patient. RESULTS: An adolescent girl in whom anterior uveitis was the only manifestation of poststreptococcal syndrome subsequently developed recurrent anterior uveitis after another episode of streptococcal pharyngitis. CONCLUSION: Anterior uveitis can recur in a manner similar to other manifestations of poststreptococcal syndrome after reinfection with group A streptococci. ( info)

2/300. A role for tonsillectomy in the treatment of psoriasis?

    Our objective was to determine whether tonsillectomy is beneficial in the treatment of recurrent childhood guttate psoriasis that is associated with recurrent streptococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis. We retrospectively reviewed the cases of two children who were referred to our facility for treatment of repeated exacerbations of psoriasis and recurrent streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis. Both patients experienced a significant improvement in their psoriasis after undergoing adenotonsillectomy, and both were completely free of psoriatic outbreaks after 16 months of follow-up. We conclude that tonsillectomy appears to be of benefit in the treatment of children with recurrent guttate psoriasis and recurrent streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis, and we hope that further investigation will be undertaken. ( info)

3/300. Inflammatory subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint.

    A case of atlantoaxial subluxation accompanying pharyngitis is reported in a 4-year-old child. diagnosis was made by examination and roentgenograms of the lateral cervical spine. Treatment consisted of halter traction and bracing. The patient responded well to treatment and is normal in all respects one year later. Atlantoaxial subluxation should be considered when treating pharyngitis, especially if the patient presents with torticollis. ( info)

4/300. angioedema presenting in the retropharyngeal space in an adult.

    PURPOSE: Hereditary angioedema is a rare disorder of deficient or dysfunctional C1-esterase inhibitor and usually manifests as edema of the face, tongue, supraglottis, extremities, or gastrointestinal tract. We report the case of a 40-year-old man with known hereditary angioedema who presented with a sore throat and a sensation of evolving airway obstruction. After a thorough search of the medical literature, we believe this to be the first reported case of angioedema manifesting in the retropharyngeal space. The pathophysiological factors of angioedema are discussed, along with its variable presentation and management issues. METHOD: Laryngoscopic examination was suggestive of posterior pharyngeal fullness; therefore, a computed tomographic scan of the neck was obtained, which showed a non-contrast-enhancing retropharyngeal edema from the base of the skull to below the level of the glottis. The patient had a history of multiple episodes of angioedema requiring hospitalization and three prior tracheotomies. RESULTS: Familiarity with the patient's history directed his rapid treatment course (including intravenous stanozolol, Solu-Medrol, and diphenhydramine), which significantly reduced his edema and avoided the need for tracheotomy. CONCLUSION: Hereditary angioedema may present in atypical locations, and expeditious treatment in a patient with a known history may avert the sequelae of evolving airway obstruction. ( info)

5/300. Plasma cell mucositis: a review and case report.

    The simultaneous involvement of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper aerodigestive tract by lesions characterised clinically by an intensely erythematous, lobulated surface and histologically by a dense connective tissue infiltrate composed of non-neoplastic plasma cells may be called plasma cell mucositis. We present a review of the literature, consisting of 14 cases, outlining the multifocal site distribution, chronicity and systemic background that distinguish this entity and report a single case with confirmation of the polyclonal nature of the plasma cell infiltrate using gene rearrangement studies. ( info)

6/300. Lemierre's syndrome.

    Postanginal sepsis, or Lemierre's syndrome, is rare but with life-threatening potential involving mainly infants and adolescents. The morbidity or mortality is caused mainly by lack of knowledge of the syndrome. The 18-year-old boy described here developed a jugular thrombosis 7 days after an angina. fusobacterium necrophorum was isolated from the culture of the excised jugular vein. Secondary embolism involved the lungs, associated with an iliac osteomyelitis and sacroiliitis. Computed tomography was used for diagnosis and follow-up. ( info)

7/300. Group A streptococcus causing PID from an initial pharyngeal infection. A case report.

    BACKGROUND: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a difficult diagnosis. Five billion dollars is spent on over 1 million women diagnosed each year. Atypical organisms and prior history of tubal ligation may complicate the diagnosis. CASE: A woman who had undergone tubal ligation and abstained from intercourse for over two years developed group A streptococcal salpingitis. It occurred following an upper respiratory infection with the same organism. CONCLUSION: PID is rare in a woman with prior tubal ligation who is not engaging in intercourse. In this case it followed an upper respiratory infection with group A streptococcus. Low diagnostic suspicion must be maintained for uncommon pathogens in PID in women with prior tubal ligation who are not engaging in intercourse. ( info)

8/300. infectious mononucleosis.

    infectious mononucleosis is a unique disease in its hematologic aspects; it is different from the frequently occurring acute microbial diseases in that it affects primarily the reticuloendothelial system; and it is interesting serologically because of the heterophil antibody reaction, as well as the multiplicity of antibodies which may be produced. The diagnosis should be suspected clinically before hematology is reported - by remembering the prototypes. In fact, a patient between 16 and 25 years old complains of sore throat and fever is more likely to have infectious mononucleosis than another disease; and if - in addition - he is jaundiced, a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis is almost certain. Finally, a negative result of treatment with corticosteroid has the diagnostic significance mentioned above. Positive effect of treatment has no diagnostic significance. ( info)

9/300. Fas ligand-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes in natural killer cell leukaemia.

    Neoplastic natural killer (NK) cells overexpress Fas ligand (FasL), which may cause damage of Fas-bearing tissues. We report a patient with NK cell leukaemia who developed liver injury after pharyngitis. The NK leukaemic cells expressed functional FasL. In addition to soluble FasL, serum levels of interleukin-6 and interferon-gamma were increased dramatically when liver injury was aggravated. Moreover, hepatocytes expressed Fas and apoptotic hepatocytes were detected in the portal areas. These findings are consistent with the notion that inflammatory cytokines enhance the sensitivity to FasL and trigger apoptosis of hepatocytes in NK cell malignancies. ( info)

10/300. Endovascular occlusion of a carotid pseudoaneurysm complicating deep neck space infection in a child. Case report.

    Pseudoaneurysm formation of the cervical internal carotid artery (ICA) is a rare, potentially lethal complication of deep neck space infection. This entity typically occurs following otolaryngological or upper respiratory tract infection. The pseudoaneurysm is heralded by a pulsatile neck mass, Homer's syndrome, lower cranial neuropathies, and/or hemorrhage that may be massive. The recommended treatment includes prompt arterial ligation. The authors present a case of pseudoaneurysm of the cervical ICA complicating a deep neck space infection. A parapharyngeal staphylococcus aureus abscess developed in a previously healthy 6-year-old girl after she experienced pharyngitis. The abscess was drained via an intraoral approach. On postoperative Day 3, the patient developed a pulsatile neck mass, lethargy, ipsilateral Horner's syndrome, and hemoptysis, which resulted in hemorrhagic shock. Treatment included emergency endovascular occlusion of the cervical ICA and postembolization antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks. The patient has made an uneventful recovery as of her 18-month follow-up evaluation. Conclusions drawn.from this experience and a review of the literature include the following: 1) mycotic pseudoaneurysms of the carotid arteries have a typical clinical presentation that should enable timely recognition; 2) these lesions occur more commonly in children than in adults; 3) angiography with a view to performing endovascular occlusion should be undertaken promptly; and 4) endovascular occlusion of the pseudoaneurysm is a viable treatment option. ( info)
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