We report an unusual case of acute urinary retention secondary to Isaacs' syndrome due to external urethral sphincter spasm. The patient was able to resume spontaneous voiding after the treatment of the underlying disease. At 6-month follow-up, there were no voiding complaints. ( info) |
2/163. Prune-belly syndrome diagnosed at 14 weeks' gestation with severe urethral obstruction but normal kidneys. A fetus was diagnosed with prune-belly syndrome (PBS) found by ultrasound demonstration of cystomegaly at 12 weeks' gestation. Fetal urinary electrolyte and beta2-microglobulin concentrations at 14 weeks' gestation indicated a poor renal prognosis. The pregnancy was therefore terminated. An autopsy showed defects of the abdominal wall muscles and megalocystis caused by severe urethral obstruction. However, the kidneys were histologically normal. Together with previous reports, the present case suggests that renal dysplasia in PBS with severe uretheral obstruction may develop after 14 weeks' gestation. We discuss the possibility of preventing the development of renal dysplasia in PBS by early prenatal decompression of the obstructed fetal urinary tract. ( info) |
3/163. hydronephrosis after aorto bifemoral graft surgery: a marker for late graft complications. Ureteral obstructions are serious late complications after aortoiliac reconstructive vascular surgery, which lead to loss of kidney function if they remain untreated. One case report serves to describe the incidence, aetiology, clinical presentation and treatment options of an obstructive uropathy following graft surgery. hydronephrosis due to a ureteral obstruction is considered as a "marker" of graft complication. Therefore, ultrasound examination and close follow-up beyond 1 year are recommended in all patients who undergo aortoiliac surgery. ( info) |
4/163. Postpartum uterine retroversion causing bladder outflow obstruction: cure by laparoscopic ventrosuspension. A case of chronic urinary retention due to bladder outflow obstruction presenting at 7 months postpartum, following a history of early puerperal voiding difficulties, is outlined. The cause was found to be a markedly retroverted uterus obstructing the urethra. Laparoscopic ventrosuspension was performed, converting preoperative urinary residuals of over 400 ml to zero postoperatively. ( info) |
5/163. Anterior urethral valve in an adolescent boy. A 14 year old boy with a relatively uncommon anterior urethral valve is described herein. ( info) |
6/163. prenatal diagnosis of cystic bladder distension secondary to obstructive uropathy. We report the perinatal findings of a huge midline posterior cystic bladder distension secondary to lower urinary tract obstruction and prune-belly syndrome in a male fetus. A 40-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 0, was referred at 21 gestation weeks with sonographic findings of anhydramnios and a fetus with a 9.5 x 6.0 cm intra-abdominal cystic mass containing two chambers. The in utero ultrasound-guided fetal bladder drainage using a single needle aspiration and the ultrasound follow-ups of fetal bladder filling provided a diagnostic aid. This method helped to show the position of the bladder and the cystic bladder mass as well as the status of communication in response to decompression or filling of the fetal bladder. cytogenetic analysis revealed a 46,XY karyotype. autopsy showed agenesis of the posterior urethra, prominent megacystis, a cystically distended mass arising from the lower posterior bladder, hydronephrosis, megaureters, and anorectal agenesis with an intestinal blind end adherent to the posterior wall of the uterus. There were no urogenital duplication, hindgut duplication, or urachal abnormalities. The contracted bladder had a full-thickness muscular wall with a trigone and two ureteral orifices while the cystically distended bladder did not have any opening and was lined by a very thin wall. histology of the cystic bladder wall demonstrated typical urothelium, lamina propria and muscularis propria. The pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of cystic bladder distension are discussed. ( info) |
We present a case report of the first adult woman reported to suffer from both urethral obstruction and bilateral ureteral hydronephroses secondary to fecal impaction. The work-up suggested that hypothyroidism might be the cause for fecal impaction. urinary tract obstruction caused by hypothyroidism-induced fecal impaction has never been reported. fecal impaction should be considered as one of the causes for urinary tract obstruction. ( info) |
8/163. Successful in utero endoscopic ablation of posterior urethral valves: a new dimension in fetal urology. Fetal lower urinary tract obstructive uropathy, when associated with oligohydramnios, is usually associated with a poor outcome. We present a case of successful in utero endoscopic ablation of posterior urethral valves in which the infant survived the neonatal period without evidence of renal dysplasia. The role, indications, and potential benefits of this novel technique are discussed. ( info) |
9/163. Complications of intrauterine intervention for treatment of fetal obstructive uropathy. The intrauterine surgical placement of vesicoamniotic shunts in the treatment of fetal obstructive uropathy associated with prune-belly syndrome to avoid such complications as renal damage and oligohydramnios remains controversial. We present a case of an infant born with prune-belly syndrome at 33 weeks and 5 days of estimated gestational age to a mother of two by vaginal delivery after a pregnancy complicated by fetal obstructive uropathy with attempted intrauterine intervention. After sonographic and laboratory diagnostic and prognostic evaluations, an intrauterine procedure was performed in which a vesicoamniotic shunt was placed under ultrasound guidance. Complications included dislodgment of the initial shunt, with a failed subsequent attempt at placement, oligohydramnios, preterm labor and delivery, and traumatic gastroschisis through the surgical abdominal wall defect. His hospital stay was further complicated by chronic renal insufficiency, prematurity, respiratory distress, bowel malrotation, an episode of gram-negative sepsis with enterobacter cloacae, signs of liver failure, an exploratory laparotomy for severe enterocolitis, and orchiopexy for bilateral undescended testes. At present, it is unclear whether vesicoamniotic shunt placement can provide any significant improvement in the morbidity or mortality for patients with prune-belly syndrome. A large, prospective, randomized trial is needed to determine its efficacy. ( info) |
10/163. Fetal hydrolaparoscopy and endoscopic cystotomy in complicated cases of lower urinary tract obstruction. OBJECTIVE: Vesicoamniotic shunting may be difficult or impossible in selected cases of fetal lower obstructive uropathy. The purpose of this article is to describe the performance of fetal hydrolaparoscopy and endoscopic fetal cystotomy in two fetuses with complicated lower obstructive uropathy. STUDY DESIGN: Fetal hydrolaparoscopy-endoscopic fetal cystotomy was performed in a patient with a markedly thickened bladder that could not be entered percutaneously. A peritoneoamniotic (bridge) shunt was also placed. Fetal hydrolaparoscopy-endoscopic fetal cystotomy was performed in a second patient with a collapsed bladder from a previous vesicocentesis, because vesicoinfusion resulted in further ascites. Fetal cystoscopy was performed after endoscopic fetal cystotomy, and posterior urethral valves were ablated with neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser energy. A vesicoamniotic shunt was left in place. RESULTS: Adequate bladder drainage was obtained in both cases. The first baby required bilateral nephrotomy and a permanent cystotomy at birth and is scheduled for a bladder expansion procedure at the age of year. The second patient had premature rupture of membranes and fetal death from treatment of this complication 5 days after the original procedure. CONCLUSION: Fetal hydrolaparoscopy-endoscopic fetal cystotomy can be performed in complicated cases of lower obstructive uropathy. The procedure involves the creation of a defect in the bladder dome under direct endoscopic visualization within a spontaneous or intentional hydroperitoneum. Peritoneoamniotic shunting, vesicoamniotic shunting, or ablation of posterior urethral valves may then be performed. Fetal hydrolaparoscopy-endoscopic fetal cystotomy should be reserved only for complicated cases of lower obstructive uropathy in which conventional vesicoamniotic shunting is not safely possible. Further experience with fetal hydrolaparoscopy-endoscopic fetal cystotomy is necessary to establish its risks and benefits. ( info) |