1/86. Vision disturbances after operative hysteroscopy. Vision disturbance after transurethral resection of the prostate using glycine (1.5% aminoacetic acid) as the irrigating fluid is well known (TURP syndrome). Not so commonly seen or reported is transient blindness after operative hysteroscopy with glycine. It occurred in a 38-year-old woman who underwent hysteroscopic myomectomy and endometrial resection in which the distention medium was glycine. (J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 6(2):213-215, 1999) ( info) |
2/86. Lung cancer, proptosis, and decreased vision. A 48-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 3-day history of decreased vision in a painful proptotic right eye. The patient was being treated with chemotherapy and radiation for non-small cell lung carcinoma. Examination showed visual acuity of hand motions, decreased motility, and an afferent pupillary defect on the right, consistent with an orbital apex syndrome. neuroimaging revealed "dirty" orbital fat and no paranasal sinus disease. Orbital biopsy initially showed only fibrosis; however, on subsequent biopsies, nonseptate hyphae later identified as mucormycosis was recovered. The patient survived with exenteration and systemic amphotericin b. ( info) |
3/86. Cancer-associated retinopathy during treatment for small-cell lung carcinoma. A 70-year-old woman with small-cell lung carcinoma (c-T4N2M0) was treated by six courses of combination chemotherapy (carboplatin and etoposide). After two weeks, she complained of a sense of darkness and night blindness. A Western blot analysis showed that the patient's serum bound with the recombinant 23-kDa retinal cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) antigen at 1:1,000 dilution. Her visual acuity became so poor that she could only recognise a hand motion at 50 cm despite treatment with corticosteroids and combination chemotherapy. The patient was diagnosed as having a rare type of CAR because CAR is usually found before the diagnosis of primary cancer. ( info) |
4/86. cisapride in the treatment of visual hallucinations caused by vision loss: the Charles Bonnet syndrome. The authors describe the use of cisapride (Propulsid), a potent 5-HT(3) antagonist, in the treatment of visual hallucinations in two patients with vision loss (the Charles Bonnet syndrome). ( info) |
5/86. Providing timely and ongoing vision rehabilitation services for the diabetic patient with irreversible vision loss from diabetic retinopathy. BACKGROUND: diabetic retinopathy (DR) remains the leading contributor to severe vision loss in the united states among persons 20 to 70 years of age. Despite advances in disease management and treatment, patients with vision loss from DR continue to constitute a significant portion of patients served in vision rehabilitation service (VRS) settings. These patients present special challenges to VRS providers because of early onset, fluctuations in and the complex nature of vision loss, unique visual demands of disease management, and associated multi-system losses. case reports: After introductory epidemiologic review, a case presentation format is used to illustrate solutions a multidisciplinary VRS can offer the special visual challenges of the person with diabetes with vision loss from DR. Four patients are presented--ages 30 to 70 years--with varying degrees and types of vision loss, with different lifestyle demands and disease management needs. The cases address vocational issues, vision fluctuation, coordinating adaptive solutions to complex visual losses, and meeting diabetic needs to measure medication, insulin, and blood glucose levels, to maintain skin care, diet, exercise, transportation, family roles, and support systems. CONCLUSIONS: The unique and complex needs of people with diabetes who experience vision loss can be well addressed through timely and ongoing VRS consultations, in conjunction with medical/ocular disease management. ( info) |
6/86. Chronic, traumatic intraconal hematic cyst of the orbit removed through the fronto-orbital approach--case report. A 22-year-old male presented with a chronic encapsulated intraorbital hematoma 3 months after blunt trauma to his left eyeball. Ophthalmological examination found the best corrected visual acuity was 4/20 in the left eye, and 20/20 in the right eye. The orbit exhibited exophthalmus and inability of the eye to move above the horizontal level. Orbital magnetic resonance imaging showed a fairly well-demarcated area in the medial aspect of the orbit appearing as hyperintense on T1-weighted images and isoto hyperintense on T2-weighted images. This area was believed to be hemorrhage. No other abnormalities were found. The diagnosis was hematic cyst. The cyst was approached through a left fronto-orbital route and its location identified within the periorbita and orbital fat. The cyst was removed partially. Histological examination demonstrated cystic accumulation of blood and breakdown products in a non-epithelium-lined fibrous capsule, compatible with hematic cyst. The presence of hemosiderin in the cyst wall suggested that the cyst was a chronically enlarging lesion. Hematic cysts of the orbit usually present as subperiosteal mass months to years after trauma. Surgical removal of the cyst wall rather than needle aspiration is recommended to prevent recurrence. ( info) |
7/86. Compressive optic nerve atrophy resulting from a distorted internal carotid artery. An 18-month-old female with right compressive optic nerve atrophy caused by an ipsilateral distorted internal carotid artery is reported. She was referred to an ophthalmologist at 8 months of age with the complaint of unilateral visual loss. neuroimaging studies should contribute markedly to the determination of the causes of visual problems in young children. ( info) |
8/86. Enhanced responsiveness of human extravisual areas to photic stimulation in patients with severely reduced vision. Lesions in the primary visual cortex induce severe loss of visual perception. Depending on the size of the lesion, the visual field might be affected by small scotomas, hemianopia, or complete loss of vision (cortical blindness). In many cases, the whole visual field of the patient is affected by the lesion, but diffuse light-dark discrimination remains (residual rudimentary vision, RRV). In other cases, a sparing of a few degrees can be found (severely reduced vision, SRV).In a follow-up study, we mapped visually induced cerebral activation of three subjects with SRV using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We were especially interested in the visual areas that would be activated if subjects could perceive the stimulus consciously although information flow from V1 to higher visual areas was strongly reduced or virtually absent. Because subjects were only able to discriminate strong light from darkness, we used goggles flashing intense red light at a frequency of 3 Hz for full visual field stimulation. Besides reduced activation in V1, we found activation in the parietal cortex, the frontal eye fields (FEF), and the supplementary eye fields (SEF). In all patients, FEF activation was pronounced in the right hemisphere. These patterns were never seen in healthy volunteers. In a patient who recovered completely, we observed that extrastriate activation disappeared in parallel with the visual field restitution. This result suggests that damage to the primary visual cortex changes the responsiveness of parietal and extravisual frontal areas in patients with SRV. This unexpected result might be explained by increased stimulus-related activation of attention-related networks. ( info) |
Visual loss with optic atrophy is common in osteopetrosis. The efficacy of optic nerve decompression in patients with osteopetrosis is still controversial. The purpose of this study is to report that visual deterioration in osteopetrosis can be completely reversed by early optic nerve decompression. An 8-year-old female patient with osteopetrosis was found to have reduced visual acuity on routine ophthalmologic examination. Extensive optic nerve decompression was performed. It not only included unroofing the optic canal, but also drilling away bone on both sidewalls of the optic nerve. Both optic nerves were decompressed during the same surgical procedure. Progressive loss of vision associated with osteopetrosis can be prevented by optic nerve decompression in the early stage of visual deterioration. When managing patients with osteopetrosis, the importance of careful and regular assessment of visual function should be stressed. ( info) |
10/86. Transient visual loss due to severe anemia in a patient with AIDS. We present a case of a patient with AIDS who developed a profound anemia caused by zidovudine, an important antiretroviral drug. In the setting of concurrent cytomegalovirus retinitis, the anemia produced transient visual loss that resolved with transfusion of red blood cells. Withdrawal of zidovudine resulted in a stable hemoglobin. This case describes an unusual manifestation of severe anemia. anemia itself is a very common complication of treatment with zidovudine, one of the most commonly used agents in the treatment of AIDS. The relationship of profound anemia to transient visual loss and the role played by zidovudine in anemia in AIDS patients are discussed. ( info) |