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1/211. Hypertonic saline test for the investigation of posterior pituitary function.

    The hypertonic saline test is a useful technique for distinguishing partial diabetes insipidus from psychogenic polydipsia, and for the diagnosis of complex disorders of osmoreceptor and posterior pituitary function. However, there is little information concerning its use in childhood. The experience of using this test in five children (11 months to 18 years) who presented diagnostic problems is reported. In two patients, in whom water deprivation tests were equivocal or impractical, an inappropriately low antidiuretic hormone (ADH) concentration (< 1 pmol/l) was demonstrated in the presence of an adequate osmotic stimulus (plasma osmolality > 295 mosmol/kg). In two children--one presenting with adipsic hypernatraemia and the other with hyponatraemia complicating desmopressin treatment of partial diabetes insipidus--defects of osmoreceptor function were identified. Confirming a diagnosis of idiopathic syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) was possible in a patient with no other evidence of pituitary dysfunction. The hypertonic saline test was well tolerated, easy to perform, and diagnostic in all cases. ( info)

2/211. Secretory villous adenomas that cause depletion syndrome.

    Secretory villous adenomas of the colon have been known to cause a depleting syndrome characterized by dehydration, prerenal azotemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis, obtundation, and, in severe cases, death. We describe 1 case of classic depleting syndrome and review the literature on possible mechanisms. Both cyclic adenosine monophosphate and prostaglandin E2 have been implicated as possible secretagogue compounds in the pathogenesis of this syndrome unique to the secretory variant form of villous adenomas. indomethacin as a prostaglandin inhibitor has been used with apparent benefit in controlling the volume of rectal effluent in patients with secretory villous adenomas. ( info)

3/211. Fluid balance assessment. The total perspective.

    Fluid balance assessment is a fundamental aspect of caring for critically ill patients who often have volume disturbances. Since the introduction of hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care setting decades ago, we have become more dependent on technology to assist us in evaluating a patient's fluid status and less skilled in basic physical examination and interpretation of common blood and urine values. Information obtained from these basic clinical skills is equally as, if not more, important as numbers derived by invasive means. ( info)

4/211. A patient-focused approach to managing diuretic therapy.

    The use of diuretic therapy has been shown to be efficacious in a variety of patient populations. However, its use is not without untoward side effects. knowledge about the indications for and possible complications resulting from diuretic therapy is imperative to any practitioner prescribing and administering these medications. Informing your patients about why they are on these medications and any side effects will help to prevent the incidence of complications. ( info)

5/211. A comprehensive analysis of the fluid and electrolytes system. An interactive exercise.

    The fluid and electrolyte system is difficult to study because one cannot examine an organ in order to understand the anatomical and functional connection. This exercise was developed to emphasize the connection between different fluid and electrolyte situations. ( info)

6/211. Mucous fistula refeeding in neonates with short bowel syndrome.

    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Neonates with enterostomies commonly suffer from a functional short bowel syndrome (SBS) and have a greater risk of electrolyte and fluid loss with poor weight gain. The authors describe their experience with refeeding stoma effluent into the mucous fistula in neonates. methods: A 5-year (1993 to 1997) chart review of neonates with stoma effluent refeeding was undertaken. Demographics, medical history, surgical procedures, timing, and duration of refeedings were reviewed. Enteral and total parenteral nutritional (TPN) requirements, electrolyte, and acid-base disturbances were recorded. RESULTS: Six neonates (gestational ages of 27 to 38 weeks, birth weights of 533 to 3400 g) were identified with nutritional or electrolyte complications before the commencement of refeeding. enterostomy indications included necrotizing enterocolitis (n = 2), intestinal atresia type 3b (n = 1), complications from ruptured omphalocoele (n = 1), congenital adhesive band obstruction (n = 1), and midgut volvulus after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair (n = 1). weight gain during refeeding ranged from 5 to 25 g/kg/d with duration of refeeding lasting 16 to 169 days (two neonates were refed at home) until reanastomoses were done 6 to 44 weeks after the original surgery. There were no complications, and TPN requirements were diminished or eliminated. CONCLUSION: This technique represents a simple and safe method, which lessens the need for TPN and electrolyte supplementation in neonates with enterostomies and SBS before reanastomosis. ( info)

7/211. neuroleptic malignant syndrome due to promethazine.

    A 42-year-old man came to our emergency room hyperthermic (oral temperature, 42.4 degrees C), diaphoretic, and delirious. Other findings included labile blood pressure, sinus tachycardia (heart rate, 138/min), tachypnea (respiratory rate 34/min), muscle rigidity, and incontinence. Two days earlier, he had gone to a local clinic with complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. promethazine was prescribed, and this was the patient's only medication on admission. Laboratory studies showed leukocytosis, hypernatremia, metabolic acidosis, elevated creatinine phosphokinase level, elevated transaminase levels, azotemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and myoglobulinuria. The clinical and laboratory findings were characteristic of the neuroleptic malignant syndrome, with promethazine as the offending agent. ( info)

8/211. Saline-induced dilutional acidosis in a maintenance hemodialysis patient.

    A patient with end-stage renal disease developed severe hyperchloremic acidosis (venous serum total CO2 level of 10 mmol/L) after treatment with 16 L of isotonic saline. Analysis of this case and published literature indicates that dilutional acidosis may result when very large volumes of isotonic saline are administered intravenously, especially in patients with impaired or absent renal function. ( info)

9/211. ventricular flutter in a neonate--severe electrolyte imbalance caused by urinary tract infection in the presence of urinary tract malformation.

    male infants under the age of 3 months presenting with pyelonephritis in the presence of urinary tract malformation (UTM) are prone to transient pseudohypoaldosteronism. This may resemble congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, dehydration, and metabolic acidosis are the primary findings that permit the diagnosis of CAH. We report a case of transient pseudohypoaldosteronism resulting from pyelonephritis and vesicouretric reflux. The 17-day-old boy presented with a salt-losing episode simulating adrenal insufficiency. An initial diagnosis of CAH was made. The severe metabolic imbalance resulted in ventricular flutter that resolved after correction of the metabolic acidosis and the electrolyte and volume depletion. early diagnosis is essential because both conditions are potentially fatal and treatment differs significantly. Differential diagnosis may be achieved by urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound scan. ( info)

10/211. Electrolyte disorders following massive insulin overdose in a patient with type 2 diabetes.

    We present a case of a 47-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes mellitus who attempted suicide with 2,100 U of insulin injected subcutaneously. Administration of dextrose intravenously was required to maintain the blood glucose concentration normally for 5 days. Moreover, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia were also seen for 24 hours after insulin injection. The serum phosphorus and magnesium concentrations decreased to nadirs of 1.6 mg/dl and 1.6 mg/dl respectively 7 hours after insulin injection. Electrolyte disorders other than hypokalemia may be induced in hypoglycemic patients by massive insulin overdose. ( info)
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