1/374. eating disorders in adolescents and young women with spina bifida. This is the first report of the association of spina bifida and eating disorders. Five patients were diagnosed rather late in the course of their illness. They all had been overweight premorbidly and had been urged to lose weight for years in order to improve their mobility. As they dieted, they experienced their weight loss as a source of power that could somehow compensate for their losses and neurologic limitations. They responded to a multidisciplinary intervention. Clinicians taking care of patients with spina bifida need to be cognizant that they may be at risk of developing an eating disorder. Such awareness should influence the quality of nutritional counseling (prevention aspect) and the clinical assessment of sudden weight loss (early intervention). ( info) |
2/374. Lower dosages of phentermine-fenfluramine given in the afternoon: five cases with significant weight loss. phentermine and fenfluramine are widely used in the treatment of obesity. Despite the fact that primary pulmonary hypertension and mitral valve insufficiency have been associated with fenfluramine use, many of these patients need medication to achieve weight loss. Small degrees of weight loss have been shown to significantly improve obesity-related medical conditions such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Current practice is to give phentermine and fenfluramine in the morning and afternoon. Doses for phentermine have ranged from 15 to 37.5 mg and for fenfluramine from 20 to 120 mg per day. We report five cases of severely obese women with medical complications who were treated with phentermine 8 mg twice per day (at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.) and fenfluramine 20 mg per day (at 4:00 p.m.). Because many obese patients skip breakfast and eat more in the afternoon and evening, medication was dosed in order to cover these high-risk eating periods. overall, these patients lost a mean of 22.4% of their initial weight (range 18.6% to 32.8%) over an average of 8.4 months (range 3.5 to 16 months). These cases suggest that short-term weight loss can be achieved with a low dose of fenfluramine when both medications are given in the afternoon to better target the eating patterns of obese subjects. ( info) |
3/374. Sclerosing mesenteritis seen clinically as pancreatic pseudotumor: two cases and a review. Sclerosing mesenteritis is an uncommon nonneoplastic inflammatory process in the mesentery that is seen as a pseudotumor, usually involving the small bowel mesentery, the mesenteric fat, and less commonly, the mesentery of the large bowel. We report two cases of sclerosing mesenteritis and review the literature on this rare disease. Both patients had pain, profound weight loss, and a mass on computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen. The provisional diagnosis was pancreatic neoplasm on the basis of clinical presentation and imaging studies. The diagnosis of sclerosing mesenteritis was established by histologic findings in biopsy material obtained at laparotomy in both cases. Interval histologic studies in one patient who had a high CA 19-9 level, progressive biliary ductal and partial duodenal compression, revealed a transitional histologic pattern from predominant inflammation and fat necrosis to predominant fibrosis. This may explain the varied descriptive terms used in the literature to describe this entity. ( info) |
4/374. Primary gastric T-cell lymphomas: report of two cases and a review of the literature. To understand more fully the clinicopathological features of primary gastric T-cell lymphomas (PGTL), we report two cases of PGTL and review the literature. The present cases were not associated with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and were at clinical stage IIE. In both cases, T-cell origin of the lymphoma cells was diagnosed immunohistochemically. The clinical courses of these two cases were different: one followed a very aggressive clinical course and the patient died 6 months after the diagnosis, whereas the other patient survived more than 2 years without adjuvant chemotherapy. Clinicopathological features of 23 patients with PGTL are summarized with regard to their differences from primary small intestinal T-cell lymphomas (PSITL) and by association with HTLV-1. The median age at onset of PGTL was 58 years. The gender ratio was male-dominant (M:F = 2.3:1). About two-thirds (10 of 17) of PGTL cases had evidence of HTLV-1 infection. The most common presenting symptom for PGTL was upper abdominal discomfort and/or pain (76%), whereas that in PSITL was weight loss (61%) and diarrhea (42%). Typical lesions for PGTL were large ulcerations at the corpus to antrum. Neoplastic cells had no typical morphological characteristics for PGTL including HTLV-1-associated cases. CD3 4 8- was the most frequently observed surface phenotype of PGTL cells. Laboratory findings at diagnosis were not informative. Most patients were treated by gastrectomy with or without chemotherapy. PGTL, excluding that with HTLV-1, showed better prognosis than PSITL, although PGTL with HTLV-1 had a poorer prognosis. ( info) |
5/374. An unusual manifestation of diabetes mellitus. MEDICAL history: Type 2 diabetes mellitus for five years; unexplained 35-lb weight loss three years ago; Bell's palsy on right side many years ago. MEDICATIONS: glipizide, 10 mg/day. family history: Father died of leukemia at age 65; mother has kidney stones; no diabetes or neuromuscular disease. SOCIAL history: insurance salesman; heterosexual, promiscuous, uses condoms; smokes (25 pack years); does not drink. physical examination: Well-nourished, well developed, not in acute distress; had difficulty rising from a sitting position because of right lower extremity weakness. blood pressure, 154/74; pulse, 88; temperature, 36.6 degrees C; respiratory rate, 16. head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat: normal. neck: normal. heart: S4. Lungs: clear. abdomen: mildly obese. extremities: no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema; atrophy and weakness of right thigh and both calves; wide-based gait; able to walk on toes but not heels. Neurologic responses: cranial nerves intact; deep tendon reflexes, 1 symmetrically; plantar reflexes, flexor bilaterally. skin: macular rash in sun-exposed areas. LABORATORY FINDINGS: Hemoglobin, 13.2 gm/dL; mean corpuscular volume, 80 micron 3; white blood cell count, 7,200/mm3 (normal differential); platelet count, 137,000/mm3. serum: electrolytes, normal; blood urea nitrogen, 18 mg/dL; creatinine, 0.8 mg/dL; glucose, 308 mg/dL; total protein, albumin, liver enzymes, and creatine kinase, normal. urine: 1 glucose. Venereal disease test: nonreactive; hiv test: negative. DIFFERENTIAL diagnosis: dermatomyositis; heavy-metal poisoning; diabetic amyotrophy. HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was given 50 mg/day of oral amitriptyline to alleviate the painful paresthesias and was switched to 20 U/day of subcutaneously injected neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin to normalize the blood glucose level. Histologic studies of skin and muscle showed sun damage and neuropathic changes, respectively. There was no evidence of vasculitis. Screening for heavy-metal toxins produced negative results. ( info) |
6/374. An unusual case of ileocaecal tuberculosis in an 80-year-old Caucasian male. An 80-year-old Caucasian male presented with a seven-week history of diarrhoea and weight loss. Distal duodenal biopsies showed partial villous atrophy but he failed to respond to a gluten-free diet. Subsequently he developed a right iliac fossa mass associated with radiological evidence of ileocaecal ulceration. Colonoscopic biopsies from the caecum showed non-caseating granulomata and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining and culture for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) were negative. Crohn's disease was diagnosed and he was started on steroids. Although he showed an initial response, his condition then deteriorated and he died after six weeks. ZN staining of tissue at postmortem showed AFBs. Although a rare diagnosis in the UK, a high index of suspicion should be maintained for ileocaecal TB in patients with appropriate clinical features, even if classical risk factors for TB are absent. ( info) |
7/374. Renal fibrohistiocytic sarcoma. Three cases and a review of the literature. The purpose of this paper is to report three unpublished cases of so-called "renal malignant fibrous histiocytoma" which should be more appropriately called "renal fibrohistiocytic sarcoma", and to review and analyze the data concerning 41 cases collected from the literature and our three new cases, making a total of 44 cases. Our third case is very interesting; in addition to the fact that this condition is rare, this particular patient also had concomitant nonmalignant ascites and compression of the descending colon, both conditions being rarely associated with renal cancer. The average age of the patients was 58 years; in 66% of the cases the tumor involved the left kidney; 57% of the patients were males; the average tumor size was 12 cm; nephrectomy was performed in 93% of the cases; the average survival was 16 months. In none of the cases was a preoperative diagnosis correctly made. It is concluded that a triad of symptoms and signs (renal pain, weight loss, and large tumor size) as well as a triad of imaging characteristics (areas of low density on the CT scan, hypoechoic areas on ultrasound, and hypovascularity on angiography) may hold the promise of a preoperative diagnosis. It is suggested that the tumor arises from the system of Gerota's fascia-renal capsule. ( info) |
8/374. ascites and weight loss in a child: due to congenital division of the right atrium. Congenital division of an atrial chamber is a very rare congenital malformation that more commonly affects the left atrium but which may, in rare circumstances, involve the right atrium. Such a divided right atrium may present with symptoms consistent with increased portal venous pressure. Reported is a case with unusual clinical presentation. The patient underwent resection of the dividing shelf with good postoperative results. ( info) |
9/374. Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the liver. The clinicopathological features of a rare case of primary non-Hodgkin's hepatic lymphoma (PHL) are described and compared to those of the other 76 cases reported in the world literature. PHL is mainly a disease of Caucasian, middle-aged males and, in approximately half of the reported cases, was associated with other diseases involving depression or chronic stimulation of the immune system. Right upper abdominal and epigastric pain with loss of weight are the most common presenting symptoms. The tumour is usually a single large mass involving both hepatic lobes and is almost invariably composed of lymphocytes reacting with B-cell markers. Most tumours are of intermediate or high grade according to the classification of the Working Formulation for Clinical Usage. No correlation is apparent between gross appearance of PHL (massive or nodular) and grade of severity. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy alone appears to be ineffective, while relatively good results can be obtained with combination modalities. ( info) |
Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome presents with either renal or ocular manifestations, and associated weight loss. We report two adolescents with transient hyperthyroidism early in the course of the syndrome. hyperthyroidism may represent an unrecognized feature of the disorder and potentially contributes to the accompanying weight loss. Thyroid function should be evaluated in patients with tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome and symptomatic therapy provided when necessary. ( info) |