female no health problems, daigonised w/ autoimmune Hemolytic anemia, dies in heart hospital w/ blood clot .?
female no prior health problems, taking no medictions, no alcohol or drugs, diagonised w/ autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Taking to er, red blood cells count was 7.9 - transferd to heart hospital given blood an stabilized at reb 10. Was told she suffered a heart attack because of termendous loss of blood, mild stroke aswell. No blood was actuallyh lossed, but blood was eating own blood. Layed in hospital bed for 2 day, the nerver massaged legs or put things on her legs for blood clots. Died from blood clot in leg. I think this should have never happened especially in a reknowed heart hospital. Does any body know anything about blood clots and if this a case of over sight or neglect. She leaves a loving close net family that is asking why? thank you very much
I would definitely tell the family to get the hospital records for this patient as soon as possible! It does sound like a bit of neglect went on,the staff should have been more prompt on this issue,it was the icu,and that stands for INTENSIVE care unit.I'm sorry about your loss,and i pray for the family. (
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Female age 60 no health problems, daigonised w/ autoimmune Hemolytic anemia, dies in icu w/ blood clot .?
female, age 60, no prior health problems, taking no medictions, no alcohol or drugs, diagonised w/ autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Taking to er, red blood cells count was 7.9 - transferd to heart hospital given blood an stabilized at reb 10. Was told she suffered a heart attack because of termendous loss of blood, mild stroke aswell. No blood was actuallyh lossed, but blood was eating own blood. Layed in hospital bed in the intensive care unit for 2 day, the nerver massaged legs or put things on her legs for blood clots. Died from blood clot in leg. I think this should have never happened especially in a reknowed heart hospital. Does any body know anything about blood clots and if this a case of over sight or neglect. She leaves a loving close net family that is asking why? thank you very much
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Beta-Interferon and Drug-Induced Hemolytic Anemia
Do any of the medical people maybe know if there is a link between the two?
I have a theory that the immunomodulatory action of the interferon could result in altered hemoglobin levels; even premature hemolysis of erythrocytes.
Thank you both for your replies. I appreciate that you would take the time to help me out.
Yes, that's a good theory. But it has been shown in a recent French study that forty per-cent of people suffering MS have malabsorption problem's where bee-twelve is concerned, including a lack of intestinal bacteria, required for expediting the absorption process.
May I ask why you are addressing a possible link between anemia and interferon? If the subject in question that you're building the hypothesis for is suffering MS, then they may already be presenting with anemia caused by malabsorption. Thus, addressing another causative agent for the anemia may not only be a confounding of variables- it may well be a moot point.
The predisposition toward malabsorption disorder in MS patients is clearly seen. It may help you untangle variables. Well, it will when I find the right link. I'll post an edit.
Sorry about spelling out the numbers. Breather message won't let me post.
Try this site: http://www.nhfw.info/multiple-sclerosis.... (
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Is there splenomegaly in Sickle cell anemia?
I was wondering if there is splenomegaly in sickle cell anemia as there in other hemolytic anemia.
Yes. Part of the function of the spleen is to remove old or abnormal red blood cells. Sickle cells are abnormal, so when there's a lot of sickle cells, the spleen becomes overloaded causing splenomegaly. (
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can autoimmune hemolytic anemia be treated/cured thro' acupuncture?
I don't know about acupunture, but I have 2 friends, one of whom dies of this disease. I wouldn't fool around with it, it can be fatal. (
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Can dehydration lead to hemolytic anemia?
I had blood work done in a hospital last Thursday, though the first two attempts (from arm and hand) failed. She had difficulty getting my veins to rise, and even then, she couldn't get any blood. When the doctor was speaking to another staff member, she mentioned the word "hemolytic" over not having been able to draw blood. She instructed me to drink plenty of fluids for the remainder of the day, and she would give it another try the next day; she believed I may have been dehydrated. The next day, Friday, she managed to get the blood that she needed from a vein in my hand. She said that it was still difficult to draw the blood, as it came very slowly, "in drops", she said. I'm planning on going to my primary physician to discuss this with him, but in the meantime, I'm just curious. I'm trying to link her mention of "hemolytic" and dehydration, to see if the latter could result in becoming hemolytic, or if she was trying to rule out the possibility of being hemolytic by seeing if increasing my fluid intake to absolve the dehydration. If I were dehydrated, could this lead to becoming hemolytic?
even if you are well hydrated you can still be considered to have "slow bleeding time", this means that your blood has hypo-ablility to coagulate.-blurey (
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in patient with autoimmune hemolytic anemia,what's the condition of the bone marrow?normo,hypo,aplastic?
it should be hyper
reticulocytosis will be found in peripheral blood, that means,
bone marrow thinks that the body doesn't have enough red blood cells, so it will continue to produce more and more, that will cause hypertrophy of the bone marrow (
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My GF is Idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia chances of dying? i need help and answers l.. pl eveone help m
i nedd answer everyone help out ....
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Is Autoimmune hemolytic anemia heretitary???
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anemia? Immune Hemolytic Anemia? leukemia?
i don't know what's the sickness of my uncle, the doctor said that his antibodies are attacking his red blood cells like it's some kind of foreign element. his body doesn't accept blood when the doctors attempt to do a transfusion, even the blood has the same type as his. the doctors can't give a name on this sickness. but i still feel that there is. can someone have an idea on this?
As it looks like, your uncle has "Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia". There are numerous disorders causing this kind of anaemia, and among others are idiopathic reasons.
There are many more questions and tests, that you should describe in order to be sure. For example: Is your uncle's anaemia "Coombs possitive"? For this it is better in any case to advice your uncle's doctor, because he/she knows better. (
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