FAQ - Aortic Stenosis, Subvalvular
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Congenital Aortic Stenosis?

My son is 6 weeks old and was born with Aortic Stenosis and Aortic Regurgitation. He was born with a mild case but in 3-4 weeks it quickly progressed to moderate. He will be undergoing the balloon procedure very soon, I was wondering how many times can the balloon procedure safely be done, before he will need valve replacement?

Really your ped cardio should tell you this.
The long-term results of this procedure are still being studied.
This site will give you some info-
With all sympathy, may I suggest you to concentrate on problem what you have at present? It should be hoped that the procedure will be successful and surgery won't be needed.
Good luck!  (+ info)

What happens before, during, and after an aortic valve replacement?

Ok so i am 16 years old, and i have Aortic stenosis, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic regurgitation and an Enlarged aorta. I am soon going to be getting an aortic valve replacement. I am just wondering what happens before and after the surgery and how long i will be in the hospital, how long in the ICU, what kind of tubes/machines will i need? any information will help. thanks :)

Mechanical valve will last for ever. But the red blood cells will be damaged and clot will be formed in the implanted mechanical valve. In order to prevent the formation of blood clot, the patient has to take warfarin (a blood thinner) for the rest of his/her life.
If pig valve is used, there is no necessity to take the medicine (warfarin) for the rest of his/her life. But the tissue valve will function only for 15 years.
Since you are too young, you have to opt for mechanical valve and to take the medicine for the rest of your life.
Valve replacement is indicated for virtually all who can tolerate surgery. In younger patients, the patient's own pulmonic valve can be used, providing good durability; a bioprosthesis is then used to replace the pulmonic valve (Ross procedure). Most often, the aortic valve is replaced with a mechanical or bioprosthetic valve.
You will stay in an intensive care unit for the first 2 or 3 days following the operation. Your heart functions will be monitored constantly. The average hospital stay is 1 - 2 weeks. Complete recovery will take a few weeks to several months, depending on your health before surgery.  (+ info)

aortic stenosis - advice please?

i am a 21 year old male, who suffers from aortic stenosis.

the speed of the blood flow measured from my ultrasound has increased 40% in 6 months to 3.8 m/s

i am due a check up in october. can someone inform me of a likely outcome.

i am slightly overweight - 6 ft tall 16 stone, but am attending a gym often. i am a non smoker. aortic stenosis does not seem to afffect me as such, but i am not as fit as i have been in the past.

My son has moderate aortic stenosis and has just had his check up this week. There is no knowing from one appointment to the next what will happen. That is why you have these checkups, to catch any signs of worsening before they become a problem.
We have been told an operation is an inevitability but we are hoping it will be in terms of years not months.
I know how nerve wracking it is just before these appointments and I hope it all goes well for you.  (+ info)

hi,i have a 9 yr old son who suffers aortic stenosis.is it possible for him to continue play soccer?


Like everyone is saying, it really depends. I was born with aortic stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve. The doctors noticed it when I was a baby, and told my parents it was mild then. I grew up playing sports, pretty much running around like everyone else. I was extremely asymptomatic, which was great. Then, when I was about 12, I went to go see a cardiologist and he told me that I needed surgery. I had it when I was 13 (now I'm 15). What I'm trying to say is that your son could be very asymptomatic, like me, or he could be suffering from symptoms. Your question can't adequately be answered here without more information. I think that a cardiologist would be better qualified to answer. I hope everything goes well with your son.  (+ info)

aortic valve stenosis severe amemia hemoglobin 9.1 ?

Is there a relationship?
Does arotice valve stenosis cause severe amemia?
Does aortic valve stenosis cause severe amenia?

Yes it does cause severe anemia and it is a risk factor for the development of a gastrointestinal bleeding, but patients usually lack a source of active bleeding. The stenosis can cause acquired Von Willebrand Disease by breaking down coagulation factor 8.This can happen because of the sheer force of blood across a calcified aortic valve..The patient also developes angiodysplasia of the colon. It is a condition where the fragile blood vessels stretch which results in the severe anemia from the loss of blood . Patients can have recurrent GI bleeds.With the turbulent blood flow red blood cells are mechanically damaged. Patients require supplements of vitamin k prior to surgery. After surgery this problems resolves it self..What medications are you taking now? I just read the other responses to your question, 9.1 is low and will continue to decrease because of the AS,. Given the problems associated with AS it should not be ignored just because someone saw a lower value under different circumstances. Are you being assessed for surgery on your valve? Do you see a cardiologist regulary? Did you have a echocardiogram done recently?I hope they will continue to keep a close eye on it, take care, Donna  (+ info)

aorta aneurysm and aortic stenosis?

any good way to treats these hearts problems
i am 38 years old, since 1991 doctor say i have aortic stenosis
the balloon valvalaplastic may help
but till 2006 it worse more than that i even thinkabout it
aorta aneurysm it about 6.5 mm as the ct scan and x-ray
and doctor say i realy need to replacement on both problem
machanical valve and dacron for aorta need
any help which way it good for my. I have 5 kids and just divorced 5 years ago ..thankyou so much

Go to webmd type in aorta aneurysm read. Then type in aortic stenosis...Stenosis is a hardening condition of the aortic artery or hardening of the artery...There is controversay about the medicated stents so have your cardiologist explain about using it. Right now the pros and cons of the medicated stent is pro for use. Doctors make informed decisions so just get together a list of questions for him and ask...Good Luck  (+ info)

aortic stenosis getting worse?

I have moderate to severe aortic stenosis diagnosed 8 months ago, I just had my pulmonary valve replaced also last august. Anyways, I was not really having any problems except for a little chest pain every now and again but nothing that occured too often. The past few days I have been having a sudden abnormal beat that ranges either from a flutter or drop like sensation or an almost enlarging sensation in my heart and they are always with a faint sensation to my head with a rush of blood. This only lasts a second then is gone, but occurs frequently through out the day. Could this be related to the Stenosis? I know I posted last week but I never thought it could be related and wanted to know others thoughts? I am calling my cardio 2maro. Because I am also having more recurring chest pain on the upper left part of my heart moving close to my under arm. It isnt really a sharp fast pain more as a painful sensation that lasts for a little while, fades, then comes back later on.
Anyways thanks to who ever is reading this and decides to answer, just wondering if it could be related to the stenosis and if that could be a bad thing? And if it is how soon would a surgery be required? I was told surgery to replace the aortic valve would be needed in the future (4-6 years) but that was when I was not experiancing any of these problems. Thanks again!!!!
thanks for all the replies. to answer everyones questions they were hoping to aortic valve would show signs of improvement or the wearing down of my heart would have been mostly from my pulmonary vavle. but we see now it was from both. like someone else said its hard to predict what is going to happen after surgery.

I am glad to get a question in something I know a ton about.

First of all, how old are you?

Also- You should be a seeing a Pediatric Cardiologist for this as they are the most qualified to treat this problem.

Aortic stenosis is the narrowing of the Aortic Valve. The aortic valve pushes blood to the lower body.

I have had 4 heart surgeries myself relating to the Aortic and Pulmonary valve. Two on my Aortic and two on my pulmonary. I am looking at a possible third one on my pulmonary valve this summer.

I have gotten chest pain a lot when it was related to my aortic valve. However, I have never found that it was an emergency.

These problems you are experiencing related to the abnormal heart beats can be caused from the stenosis itself or can just be occasional abnormal heart beats that you may experience.

Aortic stenosis rarely gets worse extremely fast. More than likely if they do an echocardiogram they will find around the same gradient on the valve as they did 8 months ago.

However- it may be that the valve is deciding to finally wear on you. This does not mean that it is much more life-threatening just that your body is finally sick of the stenosis, which can occur.

Usually when you starting experiencing symptoms, they will go ahead and do a cath to look at it more, which I'm sure you know what that is.

Seeing how you just had heart surgery last year and it has not been a year yet, you might be experiencing minor symptoms of having your chest cavity opened up.

It's rarely an emergency but seeing how you have symptoms, it is more than likely time for them to treat it. Hopefully balloon or stent in the cath lab will work instead of another open-heart surgery.

I had to have the same thing once though. I had one heart surgery and then the next year my other valve needed heart surgery but that is impossible for them to predict unless it is showing a lot of signs already.

Best of luck to you!  (+ info)

Is it common to develop moderate aortic stenosis less than 1 year after valve replacement?

I had my open heart surgery in Jan of this year and now my echo's are showing moderate aortic stenosis. I'm still having chest pains, shortness of breath etc. I spent 9 hours in the ER a few days ago and that's what they found moderate aortic stenosis. I just can't stand the thought of another surgery; even though since I have a tissue valve, I know I would need surgery in the future, but if this stenosis progresses to severe I know it will put me having surgery allot sooner. I'm just wondering if anyone have dealt with this kind of problem after OHS.
Yes the ER doctor called the Cardio. he was the one who ordered the Echo of my heart. I'm just so curious as to why this is happening, as I recall when we discussed the things that could go wrong, the subject of stenosis never came up. I'm just don't understand why this is happening so fast, Im 8 months post op and already at moderate stenosis. I am going to follow up with my Cardio. but in reality what can he tell me, we will watch it and go in and replace it when it needs it. The thought of another open heart surgery anytime in the near future leaves me questioning if I would go through with it. I'm 40 years old, thought I would be atleast 50 before this would be on the table. Thanks for your response.

Tissue valve degenerates faster in younger individuals. Don't be so scared. It need not progress fast. Even individuals with severe aortic stenosis are pulling on by reducing intensity of activities. Your doctor will give the appropriate advice.  (+ info)

can anyone tell me about aortic stenosis in children?

Aortic stenosis (AS) is a condition where the last valve going out of the heart is not opening wide enough as the blood is being pumped out of the ventricle (the largest chamber of the heart). AS can be a rather serious condition and if symptomatic, usually manifests in shortness of breath, lack of tolerance to exercise, and chest pain. It may have no symptoms for many years other than a harsh mumur heard by stethoscope.

I have known cases where mild or moderate stenosis is monitored for sometime until it progresses to severe and/or becomes symptomatic. This sometimes takes 20 years or more in an adult. Regular monitoring via echocardiogram should be done serially (maybe once a year until there's evidence of decline then every 3 months) to gauge the condition's progress. There is a point where the condition made be stable for some time. Once it gets critical its time to fix it.

To fix the problem an open heart procedure and new valve needs to be implanted. This is a big surgery and should not be done unless absolutely indicated.

Two types of valves exist. Tissue valves and mechanical valves. The tissue valves have shorter lives but do not require chronic anticoagulation medication. Mechanical valves last for a long time and do not wear out but DO require oral anticoagulation medication.

There are special issues with children considering the fact that their heart is going to grow and therefore require a different size valve as the heart grows. I have not direct experience with valve replacement with children but I would imagine you want to delay the surgery for as long as possible until his/her heart is close to adult size if possible (eliminating the need to go in multiple times to replace the valve as it becomes too small).

Your goals would need to be balanced between watching for symptoms, reducing the need for multiple surgeries, and managing the condition once the surgery has been done with the need for anticoagulation medication or not.  (+ info)

If you have aortic stenosis can you.....?

Hey, ok so im 16 years old. I have Aortic Stenosis, Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Aortic Regurgitation, and an Enlarged Aorta. I will be getting surgery, possibly within the next few months(im going to a new cardiologist soon).

So my question is, i want to be an FBI agent, or NCIS agent, and i was wondering if i can do this if i have heart problems? or will i not be allowed to join.

I just want to know, because im looking into colleges and i want to go for criminal justice, but if i cant be in the FBI or NCIS which is what i want to do, then im going to look into other jobs.

thanks for the help :)
sorry i didnt know were to put it, so i put it here.
my aortic stenosis is moderate, but i have every symptom you could possibly have with my heart problems, and but the surgery should fix it and i would be able to go back to normal, i have no damage on my heart or heart failure or anything so the replacing the valve would take the symptoms away.

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