FAQ - Brain Injuries
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Is it possible I suffered any traumatic brain injuries?

I am a college student and I unfortunately ended up drinking too much one night and got lost. I fell on my head about 2-3 times on concrete in different parts of my head but I managed to walk the 3/4 miles to my room by myself and woke up with a minor hangover but didn't feel any different. The hangover went away after breakfast. This happened a couple months ago. I have also stopped drinking.

if u had suffered any traumatic brain injury it would have been obvious by now...so the answer is absolutely not.  (+ info)

What is the first aid procedure for brain injuries?

What is the correct procedure to follow when somebody has obtained aa head injury?

Per the Red Cross...

Check the scene for safety
Check the victim for consciousness.
- If unconscious, call 911 and check for breathing
----- If not breathing, begin CPR, moving the head as little as possible
----- If breathing, check for other injuries and leave in place while waiting for 911

- If conscious, check for other injuries, find out what happened. If a head, neck or spine injury is suspected, keep the victim still and call 911 ASAP
----- If needed, place supports along the head and neck to minimize movement
----- Treat for shock without moving the victim  (+ info)

A leading neurosurgeon has said a seemingly minor blow on the head can cause life-threatening brain injuries ?

Is there a way to if you or someone you are with suffers seemingly minor blow on the head if it is life-threatening or not ?

Always get ANY head injury checked out immediately - the Actress in question refused the inconvenience of this and unfortunately this killed her.

Any injury that causes blackout or headaches should be treated as an emergency and any that have even minor bruising should also be checked out asap. the only exception is very very minor impacts (dropping a teaspoon onto your head for example, but walking into a door frame should be checked out).  (+ info)

how would cryonics or neuropreservation be possible (if ever) on patients or victims with brain injuries?

such as head trauma, aneurysm's, brain cancer, etc?

There are two problems with damaged brains. One is that if the blood vessels are too damaged it can result in incomplete perfusion. Today's cryonics companies use cryoprotectants to prevent the brain from freezing (meaning ice formation), which dehydrates the cells and distorts the tissues. (Note: freezing does not explode cells. Ice forms between cells, increasing concentration of salts outside of cells and thus puling the water out.) But where the blood vessel system is too badly damaged, instead of perfusing evenly throughout the tissue, the fluid leaks into the intermediate spaces and causes swelling (edema) instead. That means that parts of the tissue are going to be straight-frozen (which we think is very bad).

Of course there is the second problem as well which is that the damage of the brain will have to be repaired in the future. That is on top of the damage of freezing, and the damage of vitrification. (In an ideal cryonics case you would only have to worry about the damage of vitrification, which is mainly just the toxicity of brief exposure to cryoprotectants.)

The worst damage to the brain occurs in the minutes after the brain ceases to have oxygen. The longer you wait, the worse it becomes. Ischemia (lack of blood flow) is like lighting a bunch of tiny little fires. At first they do not do much, but if they progress too long it will destroy the brain very thoroughly. It is absolutely critical for cryonics technicians to be able to act fast. Unfortunately, modern hospitals are not equipped with cryonics standby teams, so your best bet for getting a good cryopreservation is to move near a cryonics facility as soon as you have any inkling that you might not make it. Cooperation of family and friends is extremely important. Even if you aren't a prospective cryonics patient yourself, you should be aware of how important simple cooperation can be for a family member or friend who wants this for themselves.

Repairing the damage caused by straight freezing, toxicity, or ischemia is likely to be accomplished by something like stem cell therapy. The parts of the brain which are irrecoverable would need to be replaced with healthy tissue. Other body parts would as well. Stem cells have amazing properties, and can be turned into kind of tissue necessary. However, when replacing brain tissue we need to be aware that any replaced tissue may have held some important memory. The more brain tissue is replaced rather than regenerated, the more likely it is that parts of a person's life experiences and personality will no longer be available to them.

Another possible reanimation scenario is to scan the brain layer by layer, and then recreate it -- either with cloned tissues or with a digital replica. In that case, there is a deep philosophical question to be resolved (with intelligent people on either side of the fence) as to whether, once it starts running and experiencing consciousness, this is "you" or not. Are you even the same person after all of your cells are replaced by natural processes over the years?

But at this point we do not even know if creating an independent copy is necessary. Perhaps it will eventually become a trivial matter to scan the details of objects without destroying them, model their properties to see how they should look, and repair the damage in place. Many cells that seem to have perished could actually still be recoverable this way.

One thing that is certain is that death is a process -- not a simple on/off switch. Cryonics is a means of stopping it from going past a certain point. Where exactly that point is depends on multiple factors, including how quickly they get stabilized, how much damage there is to begin with, and unknowns such as how far future technology can develop and how irreversible the damage truly is. In a worst case scenario, cryonics can only provide us with a clone of the person -- identical in all heritable characteristics but with none of the same life experiences. In the best case, they remember everything they could before they died -- perhaps more thanks to healthier neurons that can retrieve the memories better. What is not likely is for a person to wake up old or disabled, because the very fact that they are waking up in the first place implies very powerful technologies for repairing damage and making people robust and healthy again.  (+ info)

when specialists and doctors refer to patients who have suffered brain injuries as being in a vegeative state?

isnt that like saying there vegetables ,i thought were not supposed to be like this

Well, I tend to think that saying someone is a "vegetable" is just a figure of speech. If you are vegetative it means you are inactive. That is not to say that the WHOLE brain is not functioning. I mean, you do need your brain to breath, eat, drink, sleep, even keep your heart beating and your bowls moving. It's more the communicative (speaking and understanding speech) and higher functioning part of the person.  (+ info)

Does brain damage continue to eat parts of the brain long after the injuries? ?

Or can it heal itself and create new neural pathways, to make up for what is missing?

It really depends on what caused the brain damage. If it is caused by trauma like a blow to the head or a stroke, once the swelling goes down the individual should see should start to see improvements in function. While it is still not really known if new neurons can be formed after injuries, the brain has ways to compensate for the damage that has occurred. New connections get formed, and other areas of the brain start to take over for the ones that have been hurt.
However, if the brain damage is caused by some ongoing disease like Alzheimers, the damage continues to destroy different parts of the brain, and the affected individual gets worse and worse.   (+ info)

What support services are available Newcastle Upon Tyne for parents of children with acquired brain injuries?

I need help please.

Social Services should have all the answers - ask to speak to a mental health Officer.
Or, ask your local Citizens' Advice Bureau.
Are you in touch with a CPN? He or she will have full details.
Failing all else, your doctor should know what is available
P.S. I've just found a site called "Child Brain Injury Trust" Support for Families. The postal district is NE2 3BB which I think is you, and the phone number given is 0191-281-9506  (+ info)

Are there any agencies/foundations that help finanically/people that have traumatic brain injuries?

Grandson, college student attacted by 4 others. In critical condition with traumatic brain injury. He has no medical insurance.

I am so sorry to hear about that. I am a quadriplegic and while I was in the hospital and a rehab so many people had brain injuries. The hospital that he is in should give you an information you need and help you make the best decisions toward his future. While I was still in ICU someone from the rehab which was about 60 miles away came to see my mother and greatly helped her make a decision. I had insurance and a steel had a million-dollar hospital bill. They knew that I could never pay for that so they just wrote it off. If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.  (+ info)

What brain injuries do not let people do calculations any more?

  (+ info)

Can forceps delivery cause brain injuries in babies?

What have you heard about the possibility that forceps can cause subtle head injuries in babies?

Singles? Twins? etc.

Oh, yes it does happen!!!
I do not have the percentages, but it does happen.

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