FAQ - Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial
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Can a person with cerebral palsy start to walk on their own if they pratice alot?

i have cerebral palsy. i think that i can walk if i pratice alot. the other day i went to store and walk with my walker. now my legs are score and i cant pratice now. how can i make my legs less sore?

In my experience, the only way a person with CP will learn to walk is to learn how to do it with minimal effort. When you use the right muscles, walking should be almost effortless.

Think about it...babies experiment by using different muscles and bending their bodies in different positions until they find the simplest way. We don't consciously think about breathing, we just do it. Walking should be easy, too.

PT is the best way for a person with CP to learn how to do these effortless movements. My son couldn't sit up, crawl, or walk for a long time; much longer than the average child. After 3 years of PT, (age 3 1/2) he took his first steps. Now he's 5 1/2 and walking, running, jumping, climbing etc. We continue PT visits once weekly and he also practices at home.

If you force walking before your body and brain learn the correct "tools" to master the movements correctly, I think you will be putting unecessary strain on your muscles and cause more pain for yourself.

Make an appt. with a good PT that specializes in people with CP. They are out there, and they are VERY good at what they do. Good luck!  (+ info)

What are the challenges of cerebral palsy?

I am waiting to be a "Big Sister" in Big brothers, big sisters, and they have a possible match for me. She is a girl with cerebral palsy, and I don't know much about it. I have found info online, but it's very clinical and I just wanted some insight on the condition from real people.

Any thoughts? Anything I should know about?

Basically it is caused by damage to the part of the brain that handles your motor skills and muscle control. It really varies from person to person so its hard to say exactly what challenges someone would have though.

If her CP is more severe she might use a wheelchair or walker, and also it might be a little hard to understand her because the CP effects muscle control for talking too? Also a lot of people with cerebral palsy have this thing that makes their muscles really tense and they move involuntarily. I think thats what the other answer is talking about when she says her friend shakes. People will do stuff like shake or kick/move their arms or legs without trying, its just like signals from the brain so they can't control it?

My sister has pretty severe CP and her legs just kick a little bit back and forth constantly like 24 hrs a day. She uses a wheelchair only to get around (noo walking) and I think people who don't know her usually have a really hard time understanding her unless she talks really slow. She can't write or do much with her hands but she can drive her wheelchair and eat by herself. But also I have a friend with really mild CP and he just walks with sort of a stiff limp and has bad handwriting/fine motor skills, basically he's just a little bit klutzy/awkward when he moves. Like I said, it varies a lot? Maybe someone at Big Brothers Big Sisters could tell you a little more about her before you meet her?

Oh, also it is caused by brain damage but that doesn't always mean the person will have a mental disability too. Some people with CP will be mentally challenged and some will be average and some total geniuses.  (+ info)

How many different different types of Cerebral are there?

The only one I know about is Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Aneurysm
Cerebral Anoxia
Cerebral Concussion
Cerebral Gigantism
Cerebral Hemorrage
Cerebral Ischemia
Cerebral Ischemia, transient
Cerebral Parenchymal Hemorrage
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Pseudosclerosis
Cerebral Sclerosis, diffuse
Cerebral Stroke
Cerebral Vasospasm

All are disorders and conditions rather than diseases except for the following:

Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Pseudosclerosis
Cerebral Sclerosis, diffuse

Cerebral Gigantism is a syndrome.  (+ info)

How does the temporal lobe correspond physically to the cerebral cortex?

Is it a part of the cerebral cortex, or is the cerebral cortex inside the temporal lobe? Or are they totally unrelated?
I probably sound like an idiot to all the brain surgeons here, but I'm just a lowly eighth grader who's lost with her science fair project on memory.
Google only shows the temporal lobe; it says nothing about the cerebral cortex.

suggest you use google and enter "anatomy of the brain"  (+ info)

What can cause a blockage in the cerebral artery in the brain?

My ex just got his test results back and he has a 55% blockage in the cerebral artery. What will happen now? Meds or surgery?

Cholesterol builds up over time clogs up the arteries. I would imagine they will start with drugs, last resort surgery.  (+ info)

How long does it typically take for a cerebral aneurysm to rupture?

I recently had a cerebral aneurysm rupture and bleed out in my brain. After a very long surgery I am now recovering. I was curious how long it was in my brain before it ruptured?

It is true, there is no way to know. Although more than likely, it had been there a while. Aneurysms, unless caused by trauma, tend to grow fairly slowly. Some aneurysm locations in the brain can be faster than others due to differences in blood flow.  (+ info)

How do you deal with your limitations when you have Cerebral Palsy?

I have sometimes felt sad because I have Cerebral Palsy. Any tips on feeling better about it. And what about the anger that comes up too?

i'm an 18 yr old college student, i use a walker and have some difficulty with my left. honestly i doubt i could tell you how to deal with sadness or anger.What i will say is that sadness and anger is just a part of the human condition people are always anger or sad about something so even if you were perfect in everyway you'd still be sad or angry about something. the one thing thats gotten me through is humor and realizing that most people are incredibly ingnornate of people and things they have never had experience in or with (including myself).

ideas to overcome (corny)

1 stay objective in your thinking process- try and understand where people or the world in general is coming from.( its helped me)
2 i dont know your age but whatever it is set and hit goals that others think are impossible and force people to open their eyes to what you can do.

hope that helps some. remember you may feel lonely but you arent alone.

ps. i set a goal to walk by my 21st birthday and i been streching and working out 2-3 hours a day for months because i intend on hitting my goal i set for myself.
i also am going to learn 4 more languages in my lifetime.
im starting on Spanish next month
(it has helped my confidence in self worth just trying like i have been)  (+ info)

What medical term for cerebral infarction can trigger Google health search?

My friend's father suffers from cerebral infarction and I wanna look up some helpful information for him. I know Google health search can be triggered by medical glossary, but not cerebral infarction. What medical term for the disease cerebral infarction can i use to trigger Google health search?

Stroke, cerebral vascular accident, aneurysm (different from prior two) TIA (transischemal attack)  (+ info)

What are the chances of my child having cerebral palsy?

My fiancee has cerebral palsy and we want to have a baby but wanted to know what are the chances that our baby would have it. Cerebral palsy runs on his side of the family but not mine. His grandad and a few of his uncles have it but what are the chances that our child would have it? It seems as if the ppl on his side of the family that have it are male so is it more likely that if we have a boy would he have it. Please help! Please no smart remarks...thank you in advance!

I have Cerebral Palsy and it is not a disorder that runs in families. Your fiancee's family might just have it just because. It is simply a lack of oxygen that causes brain damage in the areas of the brain that control balance and fine and gross motor.  (+ info)

Is the stimulation a good treatment against the incapacity of the cerebral cortex?

My child suffers from the incapacity of the cerebral cortex and the medicine recommended as treatment the stimulation. I wanted to know if it is a check treatment against this disease because my child is at present 4 years old but he does not speak and behaves as an 18-month-old child. Help me I am African and to us it has no specialist for this kind of neither case nor processing center there. If I do not find solution, my child risks beginning the school in 11 years. Thank you for your contributions.

As difficult as this is to accept, i would have to say that even if you were in the West, Europe or USA etc and had access to medical resources, your child will always have a disparity between physical age and mental development.

There may be a real likelihood of your child developing ADHD as well if this is not already indicating, which may also be why stimulants are being prescribed as well as the need for neurosynaptic amplification in certain areas.

With such a condition, normal levels of neurotransmitters in the cortical and hippocampic regions do need to be amplified with stimulants so communication with centres of higher brain function are adequate and this is a standard treatment in a developing child so young soas to try and bridge that disparity in development as your child matures through to adulthood, without stimulating lower brain function your child's development will steadily become more disparate between physical and mental maturity and what you seem to already know by saying your child will be starting school at 11 years of age would indeed be true.

With this condition, there is no magic pill which will advance mental development to what is normal and the extents of his lack of development can only be assessed as time advances, too many unknown quotients to be sure about anything.

I would agree for your your child to take the recommended stimulants, i do hope though that the doctor prescribing has had your child properly assessed as to what is the appropriate stimulant medication and properly ascertained dosage and regimen.

Hopefully, as your child grows, the gaps in physical and mental development will close and as his brain matures the stimulants achieve near normal neurotransmitter communication between cortical and higher brain functions, this should happen and your son should be able to lead a fairly normal life by the time he's a teenager but will always be a bit less developed than the majority, that is a sad fact i'm sorry.

He will likely have to have medication for ADHD into adulthood as well but i am certain that without stimulants to raise cortical activity, your son will not develop very much at all, the condition he has is serious so listen to the doctors advice, as long as the doctors are properly qualified.

When you know what stimulants are to be prescribed and at what dosages, i would check that out further just to be sure too much or too little is being prescribed, there are a lot of websites which can aid you in that and you can contact health professionals on-line to ask their expert opinions on your sons treatments, it will be wise to do so, many opinions saying the same will give you reassurance.

Your son may make huge breakthroughs and develop fairly normally as time goes on or he may not, that is something only the passage of time will reveal but children and the human brain are resilient, wonders do happen.

I wish you and your son all the best of luck in life.

The goddess guide your path's.  (+ info)

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