Is it possible to confuse Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with Carpal Tunnel Syndrom?
I had surgery for CTS and I'm still having problems, I have a painful elbow still, is it possible that it was Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? Wouldn't the EMG show what it really was?
There shouldn't be any way to confuse them...Carpal tunnel syndrome is a problem of the median nerve at the wrist and cubital tunnel syndrome is a problem of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The EMG would clearly differentiate between the two.
That being said, someone might use the abbreviation "CTS" which usually is used only for carpal tunnel and confuse them after the fact.
Clinically they should be easily distinguished also...numbness affects the thumb/index/middle fingers for carpal tunnel and pinky finger for cubital tunnel. Pain for carpal tunnel is mainly hand and wrist though it can radiate up the forearm. Pain for cubital tunnel is often at the elbow as well as wrist hand.
Also, it could be BOTH CTS and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (of which cubital tunnel is one type). Some are prone to multiple entrapments, esp. if you have diabetes, hypothyroidism, or a number of other conditions.
Problems in these nerves higher up, including the brachial plexus and neck remain possible too but those are less likely without pain there. (
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How do i get rid of cubital/carpal tunnel syndrome?
Ok, so i dno wut its called eithere cubital or carpal tunnel syndrome
all i know is Its on my left hand on my pinky only and has something to do with my elbow
I can move my pinky like normal
it can feel stuff but still has that little numb feeling in it
What can i do to treat this w/o going to the doctors or having surgery because im freakin scared to get surgery.
What can i do to treat it and what can i do to prevent it?
does this mean i cant workout or do normal stuff anymore?
Please answer my question and give me good info.
no silly answers, u wanna fcuk around go do it in the entertainment section.
If the pinky of the left han feels numbs or feels like passing electricity, it si a CUBITAL SYNDROME.
The real treatment is surgery if it is severe, but to reduce the numbness and the pain:
1. strengthening the elbow flexors and extensor --- do arm exercise.
2. avoid ulnar entrapment---- try no t to flex to much your elbow.
3. decrease activity where it exacerbates your symptoms.
4. use an elbow pad and /or night splinting for 3 months if the symptoms are mod. but if severe use a reverse elbow pad that vcovers the antecubital fossa
5. if constant pain, use the rigid thermoplastic spit in 45 degree
THIS SHOULD REDUCE YOUR SYMPTOMS, but if not , consider going to an HAND SURGEON.....
Fredy ROcuts
Colombian Medical Doctor (
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How do i get rid of cubital tunnel syndrome?
Its on my left hand on my pinky only
I can move my pinky like normal
it can feel stuff but still has that little numb feeling in it
What can i do to treat this w/o going to the doctors or having surgery because im freakin scared to get surgery.
What can i do to treat it and what can i do to prevent it?
does this mean i cant workout or do normal stuff anymore?
Please give me some good information
no silly answers, u wanna fcuk around go do it in the entertainment section.
no it aint carpal w/e syndrome
its cubital try googling it
The early symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome usually respond to stopping the activity that is causing the symptoms. The amount of time you perform tasks that require repeated bending and straightening of the elbow should be reduced. Take frequent breaks from work- at least five minutes every half an hour. If the symptoms are worse at night because you sleep with your elbow bent, a thin pillow may be wrapped around the elbow to splint the elbow in a straight position.
If the symptoms fail to respond to activity modifications and an elbow splint, surgery may be required to stop progression of damage to the ulnar nerve. The operation moves the ulnar nerve from behind the medial epicondyle to the front of the medial epicondyle. This gives the nerve some slack and removes the stretching of the nerve. (
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Any one else have carpal tunnel, tendonitus, cubital tunnel syndrome, & De Quervians tendonitus?
I developed De Quervians tendonitus in both of my thumbs 3 months after each surgery ( I had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists) Now I am having surgery on both elbows for cubital tunnel syndrome. I would like some answers as to why all this is happening to me.
all of those problems are related to repetitive motions- so I don't know what you do (or did) for a living or for sports prior to this, but repetitive movements will inflame/ irritate/ pinch nerves in the extremities.
Have you tried conservative therapy (physical therapy, acupuncture, deep tissue massage etc) already ? that cubital tunnel surgery is very complicated & difficult to recover from.
Please ask your doctor for more information & get a second opinion if you feel unsure about it. (
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how to get rid of cubital tunnel syndrome?
Its on my left hand on my pinky only and has something to do with my elbow
I can move my pinky like normal
it can feel stuff but still has that little numb feeling in it
What can i do to treat this w/o going to the doctors or having surgery because im freakin scared to get surgery.
What can i do to treat it and what can i do to prevent it?
does this mean i cant workout or do normal stuff anymore?
Please answer my question and give me good info.
no silly answers, u wanna fcuk around go do it in the entertainment section.
and after ( if ) it heals will i be able to work out anymore?
i do lift weights, not THAT heavy but i have dumbells
and its NOT carpal tunnel syndrome.
I have carpel tunnel, I go to physical thearpy and wear a wrist brace so it wont go numb and i just to some different exercises, but the first time they said i needed surgery, but i dont really, they will just keep working with you it will eventually get better because thats what i been doing i go every week. they think its mostly a muscle problem so just keep lifting weights thats what they told me to do every night. i even have certain exercises i do too. (
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Complications with cubital tunnel syndrome or "cell phone elbow"?
so i have most symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome. but i cant get into an orthopedic till January. my elbow, pink and ring fingers hurt really bad. are their any ways that can make the pain go away untill then?
pinky finger*
Motrin is the only thing I know that helps, also keep it warm, which is hard during the winter, and try not to use it no more than you have to (
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Cubital tunnel syndrome treatment?
I was diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome yesterday and I was given something for the pain until after my MRI is done. My question is once they confirm that I have compressed my ulnar nerve what would be the first treatment they would try? The doctor mentioned something about a cortisone shot and splinting? Which would be first?
Also, which would be the best option? The cortisone shot or the splinting? I've had the shot before, but not so close to a nerve, which makes me a little nervous.
surgery, tendon release. (
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hi i have cubital tunnel syndrome and waiting on an operation how long are you in hospital it painful.?
i was wondering is it painful after the operation and how long you are in hospital for.
my mom had it...she was put under and didn't feel anything until she'd been home for a night. She said she felt a tiny pinch in the area and an itchy-crawly feeling, and if she forgot to take the pain pills, shed intermittently feel a tiny prick pain at the incision...but nothing horrible. (
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Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Surgery?
I am due to have cubital tunnel syndrome surgery this week and I had a question about the incision. I have heard that there will be a long incision but then I have heard that there will only be about a one inch cut. What am I to expect on the incision? And if anyone has had this type of surgery and would like to share your information on your experiance, that would be great!
Try these sites:;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNmVxdnJsBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0gzNTFfODA-/SIG=12o3tfb5d/EXP=1245942050/**http%3a//;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMWEyaXVvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0gzNTFfODA-/SIG=12sf2opno/EXP=1245942050/**http%3a// (
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is cubital tunnel syndrome with nerve damage covered by ssi disability?
I had ulnar decompression surgery that failed. It has worsened my situation with extreme weakness, numbness and pain.
you need to have a Doctor back up the claim that you cannot work ever again'
if he/she is willing to possibly have to go to court with you and testify that to be true.. sound like you got a good claim (
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