If someone has carpal tunnel syndrome, would that person necessarily have to have surgery?
I am asking this out of curiousity as my mom thinks she might have carpal tunnel syndrome.
I'm not asking for medical advice or anything; just want to be informed.
What is the difference between carpal tunnel syndrome and mere tendonitis? How invasive is carpal tunnel surgery anyway?
You do not have to have surgery at any time for any thing. You can change how you use your hands which will allow your wrists to heal and sometimes, the symptoms go away. Wearing a brace also helps the healing process as does ibuprofen on a regular basis. Tendonitis often is just pain, carpal tunnel sometimes is accompanied by swelling in the wrist and hand but without a doctor looking and feeling the tendons, it would be very difficult to differentiate. Carpal tunnel surgery is only a small incision but unless you stop the repetitive movement that caused the problem in the first place, it can come right back. (
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Help! Is it possible to have carpal tunnel syndrome from carrying a baby for months now?
Especially when I breastfeed my baby in lying position, my entire arm becomes numb and painful. I'm also having difficulty moving my thumb. Occasionally my middle and ring finger gets numb (pin and needle sensation) even when Im not carrying her.
Am I having the carpal tunnel syndrome?
What can I do? Im the only caretaker of my baby. Aside from my husband but he works.
You can get all sorts of hand and arm problems from carrying a baby; I know someone who did. Carpal tunnel is one of many RPI's. Try the book, "It's not carpal tunnel" for some good advice. (
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what drug can I take for the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome?
I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both of my hands. I plan to have my hands operated on early next year. Whan meds can I take to help ease the pain. The pain is most severe when I lie down. I wake up many times throughout the night. There are nights when I don't sleep at all.
You need to take an anti-inflammatory like Motrin or Aleve. It'll help calm down the inflammation of the tendons and it'll also eleveate the pain. You can take up to four 200mg tablets of motrin four times a day OR 2 Aleve twice a day. (
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How can I get relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
I am a personal trainer who works out alot. Lately I have developed what I believe is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. When I touch my wrist I can feel a tingling all the way at the top of my index finger. I hear there are surgical options but I don't want to take that route. What are some solutions for relief?
Personally I would head on down to the doctors for a consult before deciding anything.
I'm sure they would gladly give you some options.
I've had the same problem and my doctor told me personally that it wasn't that big of a deal. Just real annoying!
Of course there is the option of surgery if it gets so unbearable, but she kind of talked me away from that decision straight away.
She told me that another option though was a steroid injection that helped expand the nerve. Apparently that works well except it needs to be done every 4 months in order for it not to wear off.
Could get annoying but I still think it's much better than being sliced open..
haha I just don't like the thought of surgery.. I'm a wuss, I know! As well as those there are also things like exercising the hand and putting on a wrist brace before going to bed.
I'm not sure yet but I think I'll be going for the injection, hope this helped!
Good luck! (
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Can you get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from playing the piano?
I have been playing the piano for a year. At most I play for an hour a day. Am I going to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if I continue? Thanks for answering.
No, not likely I used to play for more than an hour a day and for 5 years. I never had any problems. (
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What is Ayurvedic/naturopathic Treatment /medicine for curing Carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Alopathic medicines have side effects and I do not wish to undergo Surgery.However, I wish to get 100% cured out of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
I to do suffer from this ailment in my left hand and sharing your views.
Didn't find any help - yet. (
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What options do I have to treat carpal tunnel syndrome?
Are drugs, splints, cortisone injections and surgery my only options to treat carpal tunnel syndrome? Are there any other ways to get rid of the pain and numbness? Laura
You're not alone. Most people think medicines, splints cortisone injections and surgery are the only options. In reality, there are a host of other options that can be just as (or more) effective in alleviating your symptoms. You can explore custom made splints, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and active medical devices. A good place to start is to look in Wikipedia - it's a good and unbiased overview. Good luck, Dr. Christian Walker, The Carpal Therapist (
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Is it possible to get carpal tunnel syndrome from playing Guitar Hero?
If a hardcore, button mashing, Guitar hero addict were to play Guitar Hero nonstop, would it be possible to get carpal tunnel syndrome? What if that person was to limit their play time to 2 hours for 7 days a week, so 14 hours a week. Would this cause cps also? Should there be worry?
optional question (you don't have to answer)
Would wearing a brace while playing Guitar Hero help prevent it?
If you are careful in what you do, exercise your hand and wrist and are healthy there is no reason it should add to any normal day strains. Don't be worried, using a mouse on a computer is much worse. (
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I would like to hear from some people that have had surgery for carpel tunnel syndrome?
I'm not bothered with numbness in my hands, but I have pain in my wrist at times and especially in my thumbs. I especially have a lot of pain in my upper arms between my elbow and shoulder. Not in the joint. Could that be caused from carpel tunnel syndrome? I'd like to hear from some that have had the surgery to see if it helped them. Are they satisified with the results? Would they recommend it?
The pain you are experiencing from your elbow to your shoulder is definitely part of carpel tunnel syndrome...most people think that it's only in the wrist and fingers, but not so. I went thru this surgery in August of '06...it was a long healing process, but well worth it!! My CTS was so bad before the surgery, I had pain in my shoulder that literally brought me to my knees!! *LITERALLY*!!! Yes, I do recommend the surgery....it's kind of freaky for the first two weeks afterwards as you really cannot use your hand...I mean, the damn thing just doesn't work! But after awhile it starts getting the strength back...best part is that the pain up to the shoulders is gone immediately after surgery. Don't get me wrong, it's painful...but the pain is in the wrist and hand, and is alleviated by whatever pain killers the doctor prescribes. Thank God for darvocet!! hehe! But here I am 6 months later and I am absolutely amazed at the results!! I do recommend it. (
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I am suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in my last trimester?
I am 34 weeks pregnant and suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. It is really bad and I wake up from the apin. My middle finger and ring finger are constantly numb. Everything causes numbing writing, typing, doing my make up and at night it is the worse I wake up from the pain. I have tried the brace an dit brings no relief. I wiggle my fingers and shake my hand but that is not very helpful...Any advice?
I am right there with you sister, it's terrible. There's nothing you can do.I have found staying really hydrated helps and when its excruciating I take some Tylenol. otherwise there isn't much you can do. (
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