FAQ - Ectromelia, Infectious
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Do dogs carry diseases infectious to babies?

My mom is going to have a baby soon and she doesn't think it's safe to keep the dogs in the house. Do dogs really carry a disease infectious to babies, but not more matured humans?

dogs do carry diseases that can be spread to babies, my 1 year old son got sick from some sort of bacteria that is found in the dogs poop, the same bacteria can also be found in chicken that isn't fully cooked  (+ info)

What is the difference between Infectious Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis in symptoms?

I have arthritis that has fused my SI joints, and had to also get both my hips replaced due to degeneration of the joint. I thought I had AS. But the tests did not come Positive, but that also is common with people with AS. How can I tell if I have AS or if it could be an Infectious Arthritis? I have had my condition since I was 15yrs


infectious arthritis... ABOVE link....


for the other...you can read about the symptoms there...  (+ info)

What is a really grose infectious disease?

I'm doing a project at school and I need to know a really nasty infectious disease. I'm gonna have a lot of pictures so I would want it to be eye poping... anything come to mind?

Small pox

And this one, you just have to see to believe
have fun


google image guinea worm, you will get plenty of pics, i would get them for you, but i jsut ate.  (+ info)

What will the USA do if a person has caught an infectious disease in a foreign country?

Let’s say in general, that this disease is infectious what will they do. In addition let’s also say it does not have a cure. And lastly it does not exist in the USA yet? If you can give me more sources to read more about the policies or an example of a situation that something has happen in relation of this. I know this is hard and I probably won't get any hits on this but if you do have some knowledge please share.

what kind of infectious disease? how fatal and how contagious? if it was something like ebola, they would be quarantined in a military hospital until recovery or death.  (+ info)

I want to become an infectious diseases doctor, what do I need to do?

I know I need to go to medical school, and then go into an Infectious Diseases residency. Does anybody know of any good textbooks or materials online I could study for infectious diseases? :)

You'll have a bright and BUSY future in ID. Good for you!
You can find some pretty cool new and used books at www.alibris.com, www.amazon.com and all kinds of information about both common and rare dzs at www.medbioworld.com. The medical libraries at med schools are a great resource of information.

Just run a search for "infectious diseases" and something's bound to come up. Enjoy!  (+ info)

What does an infectious disease doctor do?

Do they work in hospitals?
What is a normal day like for an infectious disease doctor?
Is it exciting?

In the hospital where I work and ID doctor generally does rounds to see their patients, has consultations to see new patients that may have an ID (eg..things like osteomyelitis in their bones due to chronically infected wounds), manage programs that identify and treat groups of people with ID's eg. some refugees have a high incidence of TB and we have a TB clinic in our hospital. They write policy and protocols for staff when dealing with patients with diseases like MRSA. They also report incidences of ID within their juurisdiction to the Government as required by law.
I imagine their jobs would vary considering what type of hospital they work in and the country in which they work.  (+ info)

Who is the best doctor in Banagalore to treat infectious diseases?

my wife is suffering from some infectious disease which has led to some sort of boils in the body...pus is also forming and she gets a regular bout of fever due to this

Would try Bangalore medical society or the US consulate. They might know.  (+ info)

How long does HIV live in blood and for how long is HIV positive blood still infectious?

Does anyone know how long HIV can live in blood if the blood is dried on a bandaid? After the blood has dried, Is it still infectious? If you stepped on a bandaid or touched one and came into contact with the dried blood, what are your chances of exposure to the virus if hue blood is HIV positive?

oh look someone else should have thought ahead  (+ info)

How long is Strep Throat Infectious for?

Hey, so I started getting strep on tuesday. I got diagnosed yesterday and began taking anti-biotics and painkillers as prescribed. My friends birthday is tonight and while feeling much better my thraot is a bit scratchy still, but they want me to go to the party. Im more worried about making them sick than anything. Am I past the infectious stage?

The doctors have told me that you are contagious until you have been on antibiotics for 24 hours. My kids have strep atleast 4 or 5 times a winter.  (+ info)

What is the difference between Infectious diseases and Chronic diseases?

I would like a clearer explanation of the difference between infectious diseases and chronic diseases.

infectious and chronic diseases are all brought on by mostly the same issues. (viral, bacterial and some a combo of environment, ie., chemicals, pollution ect).

what makes them different is the body can let some of the virons run it's course, whereas the chronicity of a disease the body can't fight off.

Diseases are always infectious, otherwise would wouldn't have them, regardless of the chronic nature or the short lived kind.

Genetics (w/ combination of pollutions) can sometimes play a role in the ability to fight off certain diseases. Sometimes an organ is so severely affected that the body can't fight it off.

Sometimes the natural interferon process in the body is not elevated enough to help ward off infection.

Bottom line:
short lived infection=bodies defense figured how to fight it and win.

long lived or chronic=body is not able to ward off the infection in it's entirety.  (+ info)

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