polio is an infectious disease, then why cant it spread from one person to another? Read below?
according to the definition of infectious diseases : "those diseases which can be easily transmitted from one person to another are called infectious diseases."
polio comes under the category of infectious diseases, but i haven't heard any cases of polio in which it is transmitted from one person to another.
please clear my doubt!
Polio is infectious, but it is not transmitted by breathing the virus in the air. It is transmitted through feces. If a person drinks water contaminated by the feces of an infected person, he can get the disease. Polio is a water borne disease. (
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The germ theory proved that germs are responsible for the spread of infectious disease?
True or false questions...
1.The germ theory proved that germs are responsible for the spread of infectious disease.
2.Prior to the discovery of the germ theory, doctors would inadvertently contribute to the spread of infectious diseases by passing germs from patient to patient.
3.The discovery of the germ theory, while valuable to science, has not prevented any deaths.
4.Doctors and nurses have always known that it is necessary to sanitize and disinfect their hands before touching a patient.
Everything written above is correct in accordance with allopathic medicine.
The "Theory" does not account for millions of people exposed to the same germs that are either not effected or effected in varying degrees from mild to severe.
If you want enlightenment of the overall picture - read this.
I could go into immune system and function - but that's FAR above allopathic medicine's present understanding. (
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How long are cold sores infectious for?
My boyfriend has a cold sore on the inside of his lip, he has gotten them before but this is his first one in ages. I don't want to get it myself so we've been not kissing (so sad) and avoiding drinking out of the same glass etc. Now it's going away but I want to know for how long after it is still infectious? He thinks the actual cold sore will be healed in about 2 days. Any ideas?
As long as the lesion is open it's contagious. All it takes is one little peck on the lips to transmit the herpes simpex 1 virus. He can also transmit the virus through saliva. Once it's healed over completely, he will no longer be contagious. A zinc-oxide cream will dry the lesion out so that it heals more quickly. (
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What will it takes to be an Infectious Disease Specialist?
I want to pursue the medical field and be an Infectious Disease Specialist. Can anyone tell me how hard it will be and the steps required to become one. Also, I don't care how much money they make, but I can anyone enlighten me on that too?
Thanks in advance.
How much does it cost to be an Infectious Disease Specialist.
1) 4 years of college
2) 4 years of med school
3) 3 years of residency
4) 1 - 2 years of fellowship (
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why were infectious diseases much more lethal to Native Americans than to Europeans?
How do geography, agriculture and animals explain why a number of infectious diseases were much more lethal to Native Americans than to Europeans?
Europeans who were exposed to diseases, survived and passed down their ability to resist the diseases to their children. This cycle continued, meaning that a large amount of Europeans were immune to the diseases. However, Native Americans' bodies had never been exposed to the same diseases. That means that many of them would die because they had no defense against diseases that were not very harmful to the Europeans. (
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How long it would take for HIV positive semen to dry so that it would no longer be infectious?
Does anyone know how long it would take for HIV positive semen to dry so that it would no longer be infectious? Like if you had dried semen that was HIV positive on a shirt or upolstery, how long would it take for it, under normal environmental conditions, to dry and not be infectious?
After a few hours 90 to 99% is inactive, and that's with artificially high lab concentrations. In a real world case, it'd be more like minutes to seconds. No case of environmental transmission of HIV has ever been identified. (
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Can you specialize in general/family medicine and then do an additional specialization in Infectious Diseases?
I will be entering medical school next year and my dream is to become a family practitioner with a future specialization in Infectious Diseases. Is this possible or do you first have to specialize in Internal Medicine before you can specialize in Infectious Diseases?
You'll generally need to do IM, then ID.
Good luck. (
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What are the causes of infectious disease EPIDEMICS?
Like what things give rise to the number of people catching an infectious disease? Eg. Lots of people in close proximity to one another.
I know there are more...i just need to know them all..
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What are some cool infectious diseases?
I have to do kind of an informal research paper on an infectious disease of my choice, what are some cool infectious diseases I could do that would be relatively easy?
Don't pay any attention to the posters who are berating you for calling an infectious disease "cool". I know what you mean by "cool"...it's not "cool" for the person afflicted, but it's "cool" in general. I feel the same way about infectious diseases or I wouldn't be in the field!
The med school guy had some great ones, but here's a few more...and I've included pictures!
Gas gangrene (caused by the bacteria Clostridium perfingens) http://people.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~bcole04/bum.gif
Loa loa (a parasite found in the tropics. It is a nematode that can crawls under your skin and eyes)
Have fun writing your paper! (
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How do you become and Infectious Disease Specialist?
OK, I'm 15 and a freshman in high school and i really want to become and infectious disease specialist...i just want to know what to do to become an infectious disease specialist and is it really worth it to become one?
It would have to be worth at least a six figure salary in order for me to consider working with infectious diseases. BE CAREFUL! (
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