How long did it take for your membrane sweep to take effect?
Just wondering if you had a membrane strip/sweep if it worked, how long did it take 2 work and how far along were you?
with my 2nd daughter i had my membranes stripped at 38wks & didn't actually go into labor until I was almost 42wks so i would say that it DEF different with every pregnancy! However I went to the doctor last week & I am almost 2cm dilated but not thinned out at all & he told me that I might go a week or 2 early & itll be okay I guess because of her weight....I am 36wks & go back to the doctor on Tuesday & I'm seriously thinking about begging him to strip mine lol I'm ready for this baby! : ) GOOD LUCK! (
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What effect does the change in resting membrane potential on the propagation of the cardiac impluse?Why?
Situation: a 63yearold man sudenly felt a crushing pain. He became weak & began to sweat profusely. He called his physician, who advised him to go to the hospital immdediately by ambulance. the tests made at the hospital confirmed his physician's belief that the patient had suffered a 'heat attack', that is, a major coronary artery had suddenly became occluded.
What effect does the change in resting membrane potential have on the propagation of the cardiac impulse?why?
The questions is not clear, but what happens is we all have plague build up in our coronary arteries. Once this plague reaches a certain stage the blood flow(which carries oxygen and nutrients to all muscles) is reduced or stopped. The heart muscle dies (like all muscles) without oxygen and dies, there by causing pain. The person then experiences a heart attack. (
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Results of my early ultrasound say the amniotic membrane is unusually close to the fetus?What does this mean?
I had an ultra sound done at 7 weeks and 2 days. Now 3 days later I recieved the results in the mail saying that chorioamniotic speration is seen which is normal but the amniotic membran appears to be unusually close to the fetus. Will this cause a problem in my pregnancy? Or will the fetus move away the this membrane? If it does not move away is that bad for the babys development? Someone help.
visit this link it was especially about the pregnancy and for the pregnant ladies i hope it will help you.
thnks for using (
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What is the medical term for thickening of tymphanic membrane?
Friends.. pls suggest me the medical term for thickening of tymphanic membrane. What is it s significance? In what all conditions this exists?
tympanosclerosis. It can cause the ear drum to vibrate less when conducting sound and therefore give you mild conductive hearing loss. It can occur with age, prolonged noise exposure, repeated infections, of multiple ear drum ruptures. (
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Forgot to take membrane off ribs?
I have been cooking babyback ribs for 2 hours now, and just realized I forgot to take the membrane off the back like most recipes call for! Should I take it off now? Or is it too late and should I just leave it?
That membrane, the "silver skin", isn't poisonous or anything. It's perfectly wholesome food; it's just that it can be tough and sinewy to chew on.
You mentioned that you've been cooking the ribs "for 2 hours now", which indicates that you're using a low-and-slow cooking method, like a crock pot or slow oven. In that case, just leave it; the slow cooking will essentially dissolve it, or at least make it so tender that you'll never notice it.
If you were directly grilling the ribs---a shorter, high-temperature cooking---you really should peel off as much of the skin as you can. The faster cooking means the membrane won't have time to break down, which WILL turn out tough. NOTE: in lieu of removing the membrane, you can use a sharp knife to "score" it---just make a bunch of shallow slashes in it. During cooking it will shrink apart, and essentially disappear. (
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How can I help things along after getting a membrane sweep?
I had a membrane sweep this morning, I'm only bleeding really lightly, and I'm 3 cm and 70% effaced.
Anything I can do to keep it going?
No contractions yet, just pain in my lower stomach.
Naw I've done the castor oil thing with my first, it did get her out and FAST.
I want to try a way that doesnt cause such harsh contractions this time.
I'd suggest walking to help gravity bring the baby down further into your pelvis. My OB recommended having sex-semen has properties that help soften the cervix. Anything that helps open your pelvis-rotating your hips while standing, using an exercise/birthing ball. Good luck and congrats! (
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How much does a membrane sweep hurt?
I am 1 day past my due date, but want to try something else before induction. Ive hear induction is long and results in a Csection a lot. Im thinking of asking my doctor to do a membrane sweep at my appoitment tomorrow.
How long does it take?
How bad does it hurt?
How soon does labor start on average if successful?
my friend had one done and she said it did hurt a bit, and didn't take that long, labor should start within 48 hours if successful, but hers wasn't and still had to have her waters broke, and no induction does not always result in a c section i have been started off and labor only took 6 hours from start to finish, i would go for the sweep 1st and see what happens (
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In cases of a ruptured appendix, what serous membrane is likely to become infected?
In cases of a ruptured appendix, what serous membrane is likely to become infected? Why can this be life-threatening?
From all the anatomy & physiology questions you're asking, I'm assuming your a student. We can give you good Answers, but I encourage you to look them up on your own so that when you become a healthcare provider you know what you're doing...
The peritoneum is the serous membrane that can become infected after a ruptured appendix. Peritonitis results, which can then result in death if not treated. (Feel free to look up peritonitis...) (
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What are some non harmful ways to make you rupture your membrane(water break)? Is there certain foods to eat?
I am ready to have this baby, but she is stalling and acting as if she does not want to come out, People has said that if you walk alot and drink lots of water that that could help your membrane rupture, but that has not worked! Looking for non harmful ways to help my membrane rupture(water break)! Ready to have this baby!!!!
I would try walking. I have heard spicy foods can kick things along, not sure if that is just an old wives tale though.
Sex too can stimulate things.
But take it easy and don't over exert anything. I'm sure it seems as if that baby will go to college in your womb, lol but trust me she will be with you soon. As long as the environment in the womb is still pleasant, ie the placenta is good and the docs aren't concerned let her "bake" :P The doctors will keep a close eye on you and pull the plug if she really is playing a stalling game with you.
Good Luck with the upcoming delivery and CONGRATS. (
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Can anyone tell me their experience with having a membrane sweep?
I am 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. A friend asked if at my 40 week antenatal appt I was planning on having a membrane sweep. I read online that it's a bit painful. Can anyone give me advice or tell me their experiences? Thanks.
I had 2 membrane sweeps (also known as membrane strips) done with my second pregnancy and I had one with my third pregnancy. None of them did anything to help bring on labor. My second baby was born 11 days past his due date and my third baby was born 5 days past hers. With my first and my fourth pregnancies I didn't efface or dilate prior to going into labor so I wasn't a candidate for one. Since a membrane strip involves your doctor/midwife inserting a gloved finger through your cervix and loosening the amniotic sac from the uterus, you need to be effacing and dilating for a membrane sweep to occur. Each of the 3 I had done were painful as they are like a rough internal exam. I did have some vaginal spotting after each one and did have some cramping, but it did not lead to any productive contractions. With my 4th baby, I would have refused one if offered, but since I didn't begin to efface or dilate until I went into labor (thanks to a bad reaction to a prostoglandin gel insertion at 41 weeks) I didn't have to worry about having one done. I am much more of a let nature take it's course kind of person. If I hadn't had Gestational Diabetes with my 4th baby, I would have refused the prostoglandin gel as well, but my team of doctors were getting concerned when I showed no signs of impending labor at 41 weeks. I reluctantly agreed to the gel and if I had known about the bad reaction would have refused that, too. I ended up having 6 minute contractions which sent my baby into distress with heartrates in the 40's and 50's. Very scary and if we had chosen to have any more children I would not of had that again. (
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