FAQ - Epiretinal Membrane
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Does membrane sweep hurt and when can it be done?

Does having a membrane sweep hurt? When does the doctor usually do it and can you ask to get one done if you are close to your due date?
Sorry no idea who it works
Oh and did having it done help you go into labor shortly after?

Any info you can give would be great!

I had one done today and yes it was uncomfortable but definitely not any worse that what is to come. I would best describe it as an intense internal. I've been active all day, had some cramping but am not in labour yet. I'm not due until the 19th but my other three where all chemical inductions and I don't want that again. Well that and I want to have the baby before Christmas and the New Year.  (+ info)

Should I have my doctor do a Membrane Sweep?

My doctor wants to do a "Membrane Sweep" at my 39th week appointment tomorrow. Is there a benefit to this? Is it painful?

its is uncomfortable, but painful may a 2 on a scale of 1 - 10 10 being painful, my doctor did it to me when my water broke and i had no contractions, all it does it hopefully start your contractions and to get the baby to start descending into the birth canal.  (+ info)

what is the success rate of getting a membrane sweep done?

I am going on to 39 weeks and was wondering what the success rate of my going into labor if I had a membrane sweep done?

i had mine done on a friday and i went into labor at 4pm saturday night had my daughter at 4:05 am the next morning... and I tryed everything to kick start my labor.. so yes i think this works.. but it HURTS it makes u really crampy.  (+ info)

37 weeks and doctor wants to do a membrane sweep at my next appointment?

At my next appointment I will be 38 weeks and my doctor wants to do a membrane sweep as long as my cervix is ready for it. How long does it take to go into labor??

  (+ info)

I had a membrane sweep about 3 hours ago and now have some bleeding, will i go into labour soon?

I am 40 weeks plus 2 days and went in for a check up with the midwife. I am 1cm dilated. They did a membrane sweep and i went home and had about a teaspoon or two of red mucus discharge and then some brownish discharge. I am getting some mild cramping. Will i go into labour soon?

You are ready to pop I'd say within the next 24 hours.  (+ info)

After having your membrane stripped and losing your mucus plug do you show signs of labor?

Im 1 cm and 70 % effaced.. I had my membrane stripped yesterday at 9am and i lost my mucus plug today at 1:00.
Does this mean labor is coming on?
please share your stories with me!
Im ready to meet my son!

I lost my mucus plug while in the hospital and had my daughter 21 hours later,so I reckon that your son will be with you shortly! All the best and many congratulations!  (+ info)

How effective is a membrane sweep?

I am 40 weeks and 1 day and the midwife has just given me a membrane sweep, how effective is it and when will I go into labour. How likely is it to work or will I need to have another one.

I delivered next day but I did these 3 things right afterwards...

SEX!!! Semen has the hormone prostaglandin in it, your body produces this naturally to soften and dilate the cervix, which in turn will release the horomone oxytocin for contractions, its gonna take 3-4 times for this to be really effective but it does WORK!

Walking also helps..gravity pulls the babys head down into the pelvis, putting pressure on the cervix to release the two hormones i described above!

I also stopped on my way home and picked up the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, this helped to bring my contractions stronger and closer together, more regular pattern

Sweep done at 4pm delivery was at 9am  (+ info)

Anatomy and Physiology: How is tympanic membrane involved in hearing loss.?

How is tympanic membrane involved in hearing loss and what is the reason for hearing loss and what are the typical treatments?

Sound waves travel along the external auditory meatus (passage from pinna to tympanic membrane) until they hit your eardrum and cause it to vibrate. As a result, your ossicles start moving. They, in turn, pass on vibrations to a thin layer of tissue at the entrance of your inner ear called the oval window. The movement of the oval window then sets off wave-like motions in the fluid in your cochlea.
Your organ of hearing, the spiral organ of Corti, runs through the inside of your cochlea. It consists of thousands of sensory hair cells, attached to a membrane. Tiny sensory hairs emerge from each sensory hair cell and pierce into a second, gel-like membrane above. Whenever the fluids in your cochlea are in motion, the first membrane vibrates and squashes the sensory hairs against the second membrane. The movement of your sensory hairs is then translated into nerve impulses, which travel along your cochlear nerve to your brain.
Conductive hearing loss
This is caused by anything that stops sound moving from your outer ear to your inner ear.
Perforated (pierced) eardrum, which can be caused by an untreated ear infection (chronic suppurative otitis media), head injury or a blow to the ear, or from poking something in your ear.

I have taken you literally and just gave stuff about the tympanic membrane - how it works, how it can cause deafness.
The rest. if you need it, is on the links  (+ info)

What is it like to have a membrane sweep?

I am now two days overdue and will have a membrane sweep by next wednesday if I don't go before then. Can anyone tell me what to expect?


I had three sweeps with my first pregnancy! Here's how they went:

#1: 38 weeks pregnant. My doctor said my baby was "well over 8 pounds", so she tried it hoping for early labour. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions irregularly for about a week. I was not dilated at all, but my cervix was starting to thin. The sweep wasn't painful, but uncomfortable, like when your doctor positions a speculum wrong. My doctor inserted two fingers, & what she was trying to do was push a finger into my cervix & detach the membrane holding the amniotic fluid from the side of my uterus & cervix. This sometimes tricks your body into thinking that it's time to go into labour. It's a bit of an awkward procedure, & it's not exactly comfortable. The sweep was unsuccessful.

#2: on my due date. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions on & off for about three weeks. The sweep was a little more painful this time (nothing I couldn't handle with deep breaths though, & it's over quickly), & a little more successful - my doctor said that she performed "a good sweep". Still, nothing happened.

#3: in labour, nine days late. I was 1 1/2 cm dilated when I went in for my regular appointment. This sweep hurt, but more because I was in labour than because of the actual procedure. As it turned out, my son's head presented sideways, so the sweep didn't do anything. I delivered 16 hours later.

HOWEVER, a friend of mine had sweeps with both her kids, & both were born within 24 hours. Good luck!  (+ info)

I have started passing stools that have a membrane covering them, usually one or two per bowel motion. Why?

The membrane covered ones float. They look like they are encased in a suausage skin. I have tried researching on the web but to no avail. Is this something I should be concerned about?

Stool normally contains a small amount of mucus, but passing stools with visible amounts of mucus can be from a variety of causes. Mucus in the stool is a common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis (UC), and is seen to a lesser degree in Crohn's disease (CD). A bacterial infection, anal fissure, or a bowel obstruction may also cause the passage of mucus.  (+ info)

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