FAQ - Erythema
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Endoscopy report of GUI for 32 year old male read as erythema in the mucus of stomach faiability slight errosi
biopsy taken report awaited. Doctor says it is to know the type of infection that caused inflamation. What could be the likely diagnosis?
My guess is they were looking for ulcers caused by a bacteria called H. pylori.
Since I don't know why you had the endoscopy done in the first place, that is just a guess. (
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Erythema how long does it last ?
How long does it last?
foreverrr (
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For Professional: Why does Accutane (isotretinoin) cause facial erythema and burning?
I have been taking a micro-dose (10mg/day) of accutane for about two weeks. Although my acne has started to clear up, my facial skin has become redder and I flush easier, making my skin feel a slight ‘burning’ or ‘warm’ sensation.
What mechanism causes isotretinoin to cause facial erythema and flushing? Are these effects only present at the beginning of therapy, or do they persist the entire duration of treatment? (Since I am on a low dose, would this effect whether these particular side effects will diminish after several weeks of therapy?) I am aware that accutane increases the skin's sun sensitivity, but I don't believe this could account for my symptoms.
There are so many many side effects of this medication.... I would highly discourage the use of it.... It is similar but much stronger than Retina A which is a topical tetinoin.... It stops the prodcution of facial oil and actually causes shedding of layers of your skin while preventing bacterial grough by using retinoic acid.... I can't even list the TONS of side effects of this treatment.. although.. yes it has been proven effective... not many dermatologists will even prescribe it due to all the horror stories from patients... here is the web site with its pharmakenetics... go ahead and look for yourself...
Anyway I am going to go ahead and paste real good acne treatment:
I used Tetracyclin, Proactive, Retina A and had many expensive facials with less than good results.
This has worked for me and many many other happy people.
Go to pharm.,Drug store, or Walmart, buy "PURPOSE" bar of soap - Blue box - Made by Johnson & Johnson - wash your face with this
2-3x's per day. Also pick up a LOW strength Benzoyl-peroxide cream, apply the cream by dabbing
to the individual blemishes.... DONT rub it in works using a oxidation/reduction reaction..It will unclog
dry it out and bring it to a head...DONT over use this or put anywhere else on your face. It will cause drying and make you look worse.
Salicylates such as found in regular asprin among other products work very similar but also remove layers of skin...
other over the counter creams with this product will dry out pimples but maybe too hash and cause surrounding skin trauma..
I have seen many people recommending crushing asprin and making a paste which probably will dry out the blemish but again
pretty strong and probably will cause more tissue damage and bigger scars as an anti inflammatory
probably would take the reddness out... again pretty harsh for sensative skin.
Also, If need which probably will for moisture ASK FOR "NUTRADERM lotion" - the orginal not the new stuff, this works
great and wont clog pores or leave a residue on your skin...Any lotion that is completely oil free and hypoallergic should
work but again I recommend Nutraderm. I have heard from people online that "Purpose" also makes a lotion that is good, Nutragena, and Nivea
make good products also. I recommend Nutraderm from experience and my dematologist.
"Purpose Bar" & "Nutraderm" are oil free and hypoallergic they contain no perfumes and are great for both men and women.
I have also heard great reports of this soap helping improve skin tone. Some people recommend the "Purpose luqid soap" saying
that the bar did dry out their skin some. The rational behind using the bar is that there are no ingredients in it that will clog pores, and
according to dermatologists they recommend the Bar. I have also heard good responses from "cetaphil soap". These products are safe for all skin colors and tones. I highly discourage use
of Proactive and other harsh chemicals for people with some natural color in their face due to the bleaching and drying effect it has
shown in many many people.
Additonal TIPS: acne, pimples, etc are frequently cause by a bacteria or hormone issues that cause clogging of pores.
DONT PICK POP POKE (your hands are the dirtiest part of your body) and will cause: infections, spreading of germs, more breakouts and scarring
DONT EVER listen to people online who tell you to scrub your sensative skin or use harsh chemicals
such as: Lemon juice, vinagar, alcohol, etc... DONT EVER use that APRICOT CRAP!!! DONT USE
PROACTIVE- this is expensive and harsh it may kill the bacteria cause also Benzoyl based wash but
will irritate skin and cause bleaching of face and neck.... Other similar treatments may work.. also
things such as Accutane but have SERIOUS side effects such as Major Depression, & birth defects in unborn children, among others
If you wear make up make sure it is oil free, & hypoallergic...Eating healthy...Drinking plenty of water.. changing pillow cases freq.
etc ...avoiding dirty sports equp. such as helmets...can not hurt...Acne/pimples again are caused by pores/hair follicles becoming plugged
up, this plugging then causes an inflammatory reaction - reddness and infection (pimple)..black head is dirt trapped in pore, while a white
head is the same thing you just dont see the dirt instead you see white pus (lymphocytes that accumulate in the area to fight the infection)
It has been shown in many studies this most often not caused by what you eat (chocolate etc... or how clean you are) but most often by either excess oils plugging pores or a bacteria
on the skins surface. - Proactive works in some people because it is a strong Benzoyl peroxide based washed but is most freq. to strong
for people with sensative skin - this is why alot of people get excessive drying and flaking, rashes, bleaching or breakouts from the product.
Retina-A does decrease the bacterial growth on your face but also removes dead/living skin, this can work well in some individuals and
has been shown to reduce wrinkles and scars but again I feel this is pretty harsh on sensative skin prone to breakouts. If you choose
Retina-A never use this product during the day only at night due to the sensativity it will give you to the sun. You must also get a perscription
for this product and I really don't believe it is worth the damage it does to your skin. In some rare cases for very deep/large boils and cyst types
of pimples oral antibiotics maybe needed but I would first recommend trying "purpose" and a low dose "benzoyl-peroxide cream" along with a good
oil free moisturizer "Nutraderm... etc" this does work well.
THIS WORKS FAST AND CHEAP!!! I no longer get expensive facials, take oral antibiotics, or even NEED makeup... I am very happy - Have
very good skin... and have many many other happy friends... THANKS again to my WONDERFUL
DERMATOLOGIST... TRY THIS!! GOOD LUCK.... PS. "PURPOSE" costs about $3 ---------------------------------------------
----PSSS---sorry I have to keep adding more information to this to address common questions that always being asked.... (
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Erythema ab igne from laptop?
I am on my laptop often and sometimes it can get pretty hot. As of late, I noticed a developing rash on the leg the hottest area of the laptop rests. I did a google search and I found out about erythema ab igne, something that can be caused even by the heat of laptops. Apparently, this disease can develop into skin cancer. This has me very worried.
Should I go to the doctors? It has been about a week or two. Could it be dangerous that it has not been treated for this amount of time?
Please give me all the information you can!
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state two possible causes of the appearance of erythema following a hand and arm massage?
Very likely, the substance used to facilitate the massaging - eg. oil or powder etc - is the prime suspect it this case. The exact cause of Erythema multiforme is unknown. The disorder is believed to involve damage to the blood vessels of the skin with subsequent damage to skin tissues. Approximately 90% of erythema multiforme cases are associated with herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections. The disorder occurs primarily in children and young adults.Erythema multiforme is a type of hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, or illness. Medications associated with erythema multiforme include sulfonamides, penicillins, barbiturates, and phenytoin. Associated infections include herpes simplex and mycoplasma infections.Pathophysiology of EM is not completely understood but appears to involve a hypersensitivity reaction that can be triggered by a variety of stimuli, particularly bacterial, viral, or chemical products. EM affects males more often than females, with a male-to-female ratio ranging from 3:2 to 2:1.
Hope this is of some help
matador 89 (
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Erythema infectiosum and my 6 week old son.?
My oldest son, 14 months, has erythema infectiosum and is very, very sick from it. He has seen a doctor who came to this diagnosis.
I know it is extremely contagious, but is there any way I can stop my 6 week old son getting it? My 14 month old is suffering so much, I don't want them both getting it.
I've never heard of it before. I'm guessing it is passed around by means of bodily fluids (saliva, mucus?)
I guess just like with anything contagious practice proper hand washing even when you don't feel it is necessary. My husband has been sick twice since my son was born and neither my son nor myself caught what he had.
This may sound excessive but if you are going to have the best shot at keeping it from your 6 week old excessive may be the key...
-Wash your hands every time you touch something and then touch your youngest, that may even mean hand washing every 30 minutes but I would rather wash my hands every 30 minutes than have a very ill and upset 6 week old on my hands.
-Be diligent about washing your oldest son's hands... I know a 14 month old will not want to wash their hands every 30 minutes but you can use wet ones wipes or hand sanitizer for quick disinfection and then do regular hand washing.
-Keep your oldest son in his room if at all possible. Even when Xander still has the symptoms he may not be contagious anymore... Find out how long after a person shows symptoms for that illness that they are contagious for. A lot of viruses only have a time period that they are contagious.
Bring toys and food to him, bring a TV and DVD player to him, sit in his room with him while your 6 week old naps so he still gets time with you... But try as much as possible to keep them separated.
-And a big one, do not let Xander touch any of the 6 week olds items or toys. Keep them out of his reach or just make sure he knows not to touch them.
-Change your clothes more often than you usually do... At least your shirt. And I never washed my breasts before every nurse but you may want to do that now just in case.
-And make sure your husband follows your example with hand washing and being extra careful.
-Wipe surfaces more often and wash anything before it even touches your 6 week olds lips.
I hope Xander feels better and hope your 6 week old does not catch it. I don't know what it is but if your oldest is really sick from it I don't even want to think about what it would do to a 6 week old!
Hope everyone stays and gets well! (
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Has anybody ever had erythema multiforme?
If so, other than the creams that the doctors give you, what else can you do?(I have it on my hands,help!!!)
There are numerous websites that you can find answers and information for this condition. You can do a search for the condition and you can do a search for unconventional cures. Just type in to your search something like:
what is the home treatment for erythema multiforme?
Or just search: erythema multiforme.
you may find more information than you might ever want! I hope this helps you find some specific answers. (
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does anyone have erythema nodosum?
Ive been diagnosed with i.. anyone out there have this chronic disease?
I don't but my neighbor has it. She has been really ill and they think she might die in a few months.
Coach (
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I have erythema on my face, the doc has tried a few things without success, what can I do?Thanks.?
there are creams etc you can buy hemp cream is good what i found sucessfull and also another family member did is to use a sunbed i know this is harmful in other ways but you dont have to use it everyday maybe just twice a week till it clears then once every 2nd week depending... then using a cream to help moisturise (
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I need information about toxic epidermal necrolosys/steven johnson syndrome, and erythema multiforme.?
I have a friend who has been dignosed with;fibromyalga,chronic pain syndrome,DJD,osteoarthritis, angular chelitis,metabolic syndrome,depression,anxiety,and numerous other diagnosis. Is there any one out there who knows about "toxic epidermal necrolosys/steven johnson syndrome/erythema multiforme"?? If so is associated with any of these other diagnosis'?
Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a life-threatening skin disorder characterized by a blistering and peeling of the top layer of skin. This disorder can be caused by a drug reaction -- most often penicillin -- or another disease. About one-third of all diagnosed cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis are a result of unknown causes.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis can cause the skin to peel off in sheets, leaving large areas that look scalded. The loss of skin causes fluids and salts to ooze from the raw, damaged areas which can easily become infected. The following are the most common symptoms of toxic epidermal necrolysis. However, each person may experience symptoms differently:
a painful, red area that spreads quickly
the top layer of skin may peel without blistering
scalded-looking raw areas of flesh
condition spread to eyes, mouth, and genitals
The symptoms of toxic epidermal necrolysis may resemble other dermatologic conditions. Consult a physician for diagnosis.
The progression of the disease happens fast, usually within three days. Treatment usually includes hospitalization, often in the burn unit. If a medication is causing the skin reaction, the patient is immediately taken off the medication. Specific treatment for toxic epidermal necrolysis will be determined by your physician based on:
your overall health, age, and medical history
severity of the condition
your tolerance of specific medications, procedures, or therapies
your opinion or preference
Treatment may include one, or several, of the following:
isolation to prevent infection
protective bandages
intravenous fluid and electrolytes
antibiotics (
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