FAQ - Erythema
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what condition involves erythema across cheeks and nose, alopecia,photosensitivity, stiffness of the joints.?
The doctor prescribed a anti inflammatory medication for joint pain, and a cream for the rash called corticosteroid.
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My friend underwent colonoscopy test and diagnosed that she is having red erythema in intestine. what is it?
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I have a friend who is suffering from erythema multiforme....any info about this skin allergy?
any info on how to prevent erythema multiforme
My friend's son had this when he was about 2 YOA. It can be very scary and very scary looking. He (my friend's son) literally woke one morning with circular patches that looked like bruises-all over his body.
She flipped out when she saw him-when he woke up. (It looked like he had been beaten severely) She then brought him over to my house and asked what to do. I told her if she didn't bring him to the ER asap-I was gonna call 911.
She brought him to the hospital and he wound up having Erythema multiforme.
This condition can be brought on by a number of different things. Infections can bring it on. So can allergies to different things.
What I imagine your friend's DR would do-is give your friend Benadryl to help with the itching and help the immune system calm down, oral steroids to help the immune system and to help swelling, and anitbiotics to prevent any infections associated with this.
The severity of this condition can vary largely. It can be mild and your friend can stay at home and take the medications for it and be fine. It can also be very, very serious requiring some people to go to burn units for treatment.
Hope this helps. God Bless you and your friend.
Here's what Medline has to say about this.....
Alternative names
Lyell's syndrome; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder resulting from an allergic reaction.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
Erythema multiforme is a type of hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction that occurs in response to medications, infections, or illness. Medications associated with erythema multiforme include sulfonamides, penicillins, barbiturates, and phenytoin. Associated infections include herpes simplex and mycoplasma infections.
The exact cause is unknown. The disorder is believed to involve damage to the blood vessels of the skin with subsequent damage to skin tissues. Approximately 90% of erythema multiforme cases are associated with herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections. The disorder occurs primarily in children and young adults.
Erythema multiforme may become noticeable with a classic skin lesion, with or without systemic (whole body) symptoms. In Stevens-Johnson syndrome, the systemic symptoms are severe and the lesions are extensive, involving multiple body areas, especially the mucous membranes. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN syndrome, or Lyell's syndrome) involves multiple large blisters (bullae) that coalesce, followed by sloughing of all or most of the skin and mucous membranes.
Multiple skin lesions:
With sudden onset, which may recur
That may spread
That may appear as nodule, papule, or macule
Central lesion surrounded by concentric rings of paleness and redness, also called "target", "iris", or "bull's eye"
May have vesicles and bullae (blisters of various sizes)
Located on the legs, arms, palms, hands, or feet
May involve the face or lips
Trunk is usually not involved
Usually symmetrical
Itching of the skin may be present
General ill feeling
Joint aches
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:
Vision abnormalities
Dry eyes
Bloodshot eyes
Eye pain
Eye burning, itching and discharge
Mouth sores
Signs and tests:
The diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin lesion and its typical symmetrical distribution, especially if there is a history of risk factors or associated diseases.
There may be a positive Nikolsky's sign.
A skin lesion biopsy and microscopic examination may be helpful to differentiate erythema multiforme from other disorders. Erythema multiforme may show tissue death and other changes. Microscopic examination of the tissue may also show antibody deposits.
Treatment goals include control of the underlying causes or illnesses, treatment of the symptoms, and prevention of infection. Suspected medications should be discontinued.
Treatment of mild symptoms may include:
Moist compresses applied to skin lesions
Medications such as antihistamines to control itching
Over-the-counter medications (such as acetaminophen) to reduce fever and discomfort
Topical anesthetics (especially for mouth lesions) to ease discomfort that interferes with eating and drinking
Treatment of severe symptoms may include:
Hospitalization and treatment in an intensive care or burn care unit for severe cases, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis
Systemic corticosteroids to control inflammation
Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) to stop the process
Antibiotics to control secondary skin infections
Good hygiene and isolation from others may be required to prevent secondary infections.
Extensive skin involvement may cause the loss of large quantities of body fluids, causing shock in addition to the risk of infection. Intensive care with support of body systems may be required.
Skin grafting may be helpful in cases in which large areas of the body are affected.
In cases that are caused by the herpes virus, daily antiviral medications may be prescribed to prevent recurrences of erythema multiforme.
Expectations (prognosis):
Mild forms of erythema multiforme usually resolve without difficulty in 2 - 6 weeks, but they may recur. More severe forms may be difficult to treat. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis are associated with high death rates.
Permanent skin damage and scarring
Occasionally, lesions on internal organs causing:
Pneumonitis (lung inflammation)
Myocarditis (heart inflammation)
Nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Hepatitis (liver inflammation)
Secondary skin infection (cellulitis)
Systemic infection, sepsis
Loss of body fluids, shock
Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if symptoms indicate erythema multiforme. Involvement of a large area of the body is an emergency situation.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000851.htm (
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Is anyone familar with Erythema Nodosum?
Yeah, you might as well use plain old water. (
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what is a mild patchy erythema and what is a 5-mm polyp?
mild patchy erythema is medical speak for mild patch of reddness. a polyp is a small growth like a bump. 5mm means 5 millimeters which is small. smaller than a 1/2 inch. (
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what is erythema infectiosum?
what is it in young children and what are the symptoms for a child from birth-10
who has it! (
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can erythema migrans come back?
Can erythema migrans(bulls eye rash) come back in the same spot?
kyra -
Some infected people with Lyme disease have no symptoms at all. The most common sign of infection, seen in about 80% of people with symptoms, is a pale pink or reddish rash called erythema migrans, which spreads out from the site of a bite after three to thirty days, but usually between five and fourteen days. It is not significantly itchy or painful, and may be difficult to see on darker skin. Patients may also be feverish and have some enlargement of the lymph glands near to the site of the rash. They may also complain of aches and pains and feel very tired. The rash can spread to cover quite a large area of skin but it will gradually clear, usually from the centre outwards, which may give a target-like appearance. Erythema migrans rashes usually fade after three to four weeks, but can occasionally last much longer. They disappear rapidly with appropriate treatment. (
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Erythema nodosum is a type of skin inflammation that is located in a certain portion of the fatty layer of skin. Erythema nodosum (also called EN) results in reddish, painful, tender lumps most commonly located in the front of the legs below the knees. The tender lumps, or nodules, of erythema nodosum range in size from 1 to 5 centimeters. The nodular swelling is caused by a special pattern of inflammation in the fatty layer of skin.
Erythema nodosum can be self-limited and resolve on its own in three to six weeks. Upon resolution, it may leave only a temporary bruised appearance or leave a chronic indentation in the skin where the fatty layer has been injured.
There are several scenarios for the outcome of erythema nodosum. Typically, these areas of nodular tenderness range in size from about a dime to a quarter and they may be tender and inflamed off and on for a period of weeks. They usually then resolve spontaneously, each one of the little areas of inflammation shrinking down and then becoming flat rather than raised and inflamed. They leave a bruised appearance. Then, they resolve spontaneously completely. Other lesions can sometimes pop up elsewhere. This may occur for periods of weeks to months and then eventually goes away. However, chronic erythema nodosum that may last for years is another pattern. Chronic erythema nodosum, with intermittent recurrences, can occur with or without an underlying disease present. (
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Anyone's 1 year old ever have erythema multiforme?
I've already answered your question. (
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Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans?
My doctor says i have erythema dyschromicum perstans. My skin has black spots. I want to know why i have it and what is the treatment. Thank You
A fungal infection of the skin, like ringowrm. (
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