FAQ - Erythema
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i've discovered i suffer from Erythema ab igne .?
well, i've been exposing my legs with heating from laptop for more than a month. is it much? am i liable to cancer if i stopped the exposure and i'm going to meet a doctor as soon as possible? i've read it can lead to cancer and i'm very afraid. do the spots fade away? i don't care too much if they do or not because it's not very visible, but i'm very afraid of cancer!!
I dunno I have the same thing on my whole left side from a heater I use at work. I have already went to the doctor and they told me it was "dry skin" turns out its not and it has gotten worse since then. I hope someone else answers the question about the spots, mine are covering my left arm and I wish someone knew how to get rid of it. The doctors dont seem to know a thing so I am pretty much on my own on this one. (
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Erythema Marginatum/Rheumatic Fever?
Has anybody ever had Erythema Marginatum? it is an ugly rash that can be caused from a few different things...mine is associated with Rheumatic Fever. I am on medication for the RF but I still have and have had this ugly rash that comes and goes and heat seems to make it worse..I am wondering if anybody has had and if there is a way to get rid of it??
Its very common in RF. The treatment for RF will help the rash to resolve and will disappear as the disease improves. I assume you have seen a Dr who should have prescribed an antibiotic, some analgesia +/- steroids. The rash is nothing to worry about. (
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does anyone know what erythema in the anthum is ?
Erythema is an abnormal redness of the skin caused by capillary congestion {lupus}. I don't know what "anthum" is perhaps its not spelled correctly (
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Is there treatment for Erythema Nodosum?
This is inflammation of the fatty tissues usually occurring on the shins, but mine showed up on my upper arms and at my waist. I thought I was having a recurrence of the shingles.
This is sometimes caused by strep throat or the streptococcus bacteria and certain antibiotics are given, usually penicillin, but if you are allergic other medications will be used.
As with all infections curing the problem lies with the patient and how well their body adapts to the medications.
I have a very poor immune system, it took almost 9 weeks for mine to go away.
My doctor also had me tested for tuberculosis as this is often found in the same culture as the consumptive bacteria.
Basically this is also called inflammation of the fat cells.
They are red splotches which itch and burn at the same time. Anti-inflammatory medicines (aspirin, ibuprofen, or other NSAIDS) are used to treat the pain from the inflammation and antihistamines are used to stop the itch and reduce the watery tissues from becoming more inflamed.
Normally this goes away in 3 to 5 weeks. (
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What is the diagnosis of the following symptoms?
1. 20 yr old female with fever, erythema and painful, swollen muscles
2. Has fatigue
3. Quadriceps, hamstrings and deltoids show weakness
4. Scaling ad pigmentation of skin
5. Her eyelids show edamatous and heliotrophy
6. Perivascular infiltrates of inflammatory cells in muscle biopsy
7. Normal Electromyogram
8. Increased creatine levels in urine
9. Increased creatine phosphokinase, adolase and eosinophilia in blood
Are you studying for medical school?
I would guess MS. But more tests are needed. (
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I have a couple brown markings on my leg caused by my laptop?
My laptop gets really hot sometimes, so now I keep it on a flat surface instead of on my lap. Are these brown markings erythema ab igne? How serious is this and will it go away? If you're a doctor, a nurse, or have had similar experiences, please share your thoughts.
Oh, one more thing! How do I get rid of these brown marks?
that totally happens to me....they will go away, its just may take a few days....deff. not harmful...well hasent been to me anyway...
hope it helps (
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If my 6 mth old baby has erythema multiforme, does that mean he is going to be more prone to it in the future?
It's very rare to see erythema multiforme in children that young (under 3 years on average is rare). However, it is caused by the herpes virus, the same virus that causes cold sores, so unfortunately it can sit dormant for a while and cause a recurrance....There are antiviral meds (though not sure how safe they are at this age) called zovirax and acyclovir and occasionally they'll use oral steroids to treat flares....
Hopefully he has few outbreaks....herpes virus can become painful.
I hope this helps a bit. (
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Erythema multiforme being a symptom of cancer.?
Has eyrthema multiforme ever been linked to cancer
No- there has been no link to cancer but it usually occurs in association with herpes simplex virus, suggesting an immunologic process initiated by the virus. (
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erythema nodosum HELP PLEASE!!!!?
i don't know whats going on but im worried i woke up with a painful bump on my leg that lookes like a bite. its red and tender and it feels like a bruise now i have a few more and they hurt im sooo scared i read that it could be erythema nodosum but i dont have insurance to see a doc. please someone helppppp
It could be erythema nodosum. Are you unusually stressed out? Have you gotten any vaccine shots lately?
They can go away on their own, but if it ends up getting really bad, you will need to take a short, 6-day round of prednisone. You may be able to get this prescription written for you at a minute-clinic or walk-in clinic sort of place. (
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i have Erythema ab igne, help!?
rite, i have Erythema ab igne, its a heat rash i got from having my laptop on my lap all the time, the heat from my laptop has made my thights very itchy and red and when i itch its red bubbles, so any1 have a cooling tip i cud use, creams and stuff are pointless, i want sumthing to cool it down!
also the best thing to help with a heat rash is power, not cream. you want to prevent moisture from getting to it, not trap the moisture in (
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