FAQ - Esthesioneuroblastoma, Olfactory
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The Olfactory System and Alzheimer’s?

If smells trigger memory, is there some way that they could be used to aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s?

there is no evidence nor any known "treatments" for alzheimers.

smells may have some use in cognitive behavioural therapy, to produce a relaxing effect but have little benefit beyond this.

in alzheimers disease dopamine receptors in the brain die in many of the main regions of memory and coordination, and many recent memories are forgotten in early stages.
however smells may find use in reminding patient of their childhood which may improve mood.

but of course, smells would not be able to repair the nerve pathways lost in alzheimer's disease.  (+ info)

treatment options for olfactory hallucinations?

should anyone have an answer to this, their help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Do you have epilepsy? That is a common cause of olfactory hallucinations. Hallucinations are a non-specific symptom and can occur in a number of disorders. You need to find out the underlying cause.  (+ info)


Has anyone ever been diagnosed with esthesioneuroblastoma? I was 15 when i was diagnosed and I was just wanting to hear about others experiences.

This is so rare that I doubt you will find anyone on this site who has had this type of malignancy. I didn't see one in 20 years as a cancer doctor. Glad you are doing well.
http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/278047-overview  (+ info)

Are olfactory disorders ever linked with GERD?

Smelling things that aren't there . . .

No, Olfactory disorders are nerve related. whereas GERD is a muscle weakness. There has been some research done saying that GERD could be linked to nerves but nothing is known yet. If you are smelling things that aren't there why don't you see a ENT Doctor.  (+ info)

Have you ever had an Olfactory Hallucination?

You've heard someone say "You're seeing things", or "You're hearing things".....but have you ever been told "You're SMELLING things!"?


This is crazy. Trying to smell a banana and it smells like rotting flesh!!!

Yes, my sister and I can't walk by a perfume counter that carries Giorgio because it smells like vomit to us. A long time ago, she threw up in the car and we tried to mask the smell by spraying Giorgio all over it. I know when someone is wearing Giorgio because it'll smell odd to me, like I can still smell the puke. Gross!!!  (+ info)

olfactory refernce syndrome what is it plz help?

my bruv has just been diagnosed with it i no it is some sort of mental ilness but me mi mum and mi dad are clueless to what it is so what is olfactory refernce syndrome or and also could someone give me some information on the medication he has been pescribed its called pimozide like what the side effects are

Because I have it handy I will tell you about the medication first. This is an antipsychotic. The side effects include - (these first ones are the common ones)
dry mouth
unusual hunger or thirst
muscle tightness
changes in posture
difficulty falling or staying asleep
changes in behavior
changes in taste
eyes sensitive to light
changes in vision
decreased sexual ability

These are the uncommon ones that need to be told to the doctor immediately
unusual movements of your body or face that you cannot control
high fever
muscle stiffness
fast heartbeat
shuffling walk
difficulty moving any part of your body
difficulty speaking

Now for olfactory reference syndrome -

Common Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS) obsessions include:

Exaggerated fear of having extremely bad breath (halitophobia)
Thoughts of having a foul, noticeable anal odor
Belief in having a foul, noticeable vaginal odor
Fear of having a foul overall body odor
Fear of having an unnatural, non-human or chemical odor
Believing others' behaviors or comments are related to the imagined odor (e.g., another's cough, sneeze, or turning of the head is due to the alleged odor)
Common Olfactory Reference Syndrome compulsions include:

Repetitive showering and other grooming behaviors
Excessive use of deodorants, perfumes, and mouthwash
Repeatedly checking the source of the alleged odor
Seeking reassurance from others that there is no odor
Avoidance of social situations for fear that others will notice the smell
Multiple visits to doctors regarding the odor

Olfactory Reference Syndrome has obsessive-compulsive features that are quite similar to both OCD and BDD. In fact, ORS is considered by many to be a sub-type of OCD or BDD, and does not currently exist as a separate diagnostic category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association. Regardless of the diagnostic terminology used, it is important to note that the cyclical process by which the symptoms in Olfactory Reference Syndrome intensify is the same as in OCD and BDD.

So, to treat ORS, therapists use similar techniques which are also used to treat OCD.

I hope that this gives you some idea of what is going on. I know that it can be scary to not know what is going on with someone you love, but know that there is help.

Best Wishes

  (+ info)

what is the structure of the olfactory including nasal cavities,mucous membrane and blood supply?

if you know so many big words, then why don't you know the rest of the information you are asking? try looking it up in a library book.  (+ info)

I keep smelling cigarettes. I call it olfactory hallucinations. What can this be?

I quit smoking 3 yrs ago and I too smell cigarettes sometimes. I am not sure if it is something in my house that comes out of the walls or carpet. I have painted, cleaned carpets, deodorized and it is as if someone is in my house smoking. I think it is olfactory hallucinations as you suggested. I hate the smell and don't know why this would be haunting me yet I find myself craving nicotine after this happens.Good luck with not taking up the cigarettes again if you have quit. Hope this helps you  (+ info)

Is there a correlation between nose size and smelling capabilities?

I understand that there are receptors in the nasal cavity that send sensory information to the olfactory bulb which is what actually allows you to interpret the the smell. What I am trying to determine is if having a larger nose will enable a better sense of smell being that it might allow for more air flow, which could react with more receptors. Or is the sense of smell determined strictly by the size of the olfactory bulb?

no. I think it has more to do with the way your brain uses the information. big nose or small nose if your numb to a smell (as when someone wares the same perfume everyday,they will start to ware more and more till somebody has to say something!) hope this helps.  (+ info)

Is there an enzyme in grass that helps a dog pass a bowel movement?

Sounds crazy, but I have actually pondered whether there was an enzyme in grass that dogs smelled and actually stimulated bowel movements.

I know canines have much more sensative and complicated olfactory sense. But, could it be possible that the same odor, or scent could be used to help keep humans regular?

Dogs commonly eat grass, and there are several explanations that have been offered for this behavior. One, wild canids (e.g., wolves and fox) eat all of an animal when they catch it. Since they eat many herbivores (plant-eating animals), they end up eating a lot of grasses and plants that were in the intestines of these animals. In addition, they have been known to eat certain berries and other plant material. Dogs then, may eat grass because, in reality, it is a normal part of their diet.

Many times, dogs will vomit after eating grass. Did they eat grass to make them vomit? Or did they vomit because they ate grass? It is a mystery, but it seems that some dogs may eat vegetation when they have an upset stomach.

The third reason - they just like it. Some dogs have certain species of grass or plant material that they will search out and eat.

In any case, grass eating is basically a normal behavior, and is not of concern unless your dog does it excessively.  (+ info)

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