what are olfactory nerves?
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can you actually get tactile hallucinations with psychosis?
ive had visual, auditory and olfactory, but tactile? can you actually get that where you feel things that arent there?
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The olfactory bulb is related to the sense of smell as papillae are related to the sense of?
A. sight
B. hearing
C. touch
D. taste
D. taste
Another good site, much simpler to understand, is:
http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tasty.html (
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MD's/Nurses --Olfactory Hallucination---causes???
About a year ago I began to smell smoke like smoke from a campfire. After many trips out of bed to find the "fire" and finding none I realized this must be a hallucination and set out to find the cause of this smoke smell that is threatening to drive me insane.
I had an MRI and an EEG ruling out epilepsy. I do not have allergies and I cannot pinpoint any specific triggers for these events. I smell the smoke intermittently for the most part and constantly at times, sometimes strongly for days in a row. I smell it in my home, car, at work, while shopping,...etc so it is not situational. I have also twice experienced the taste and feel of ashes in the back of my throat and on my tongue. PLEASE help before I go crazy.
Are you taking any medications (over-the-counter, prescription, or herbal) in which this may be a side effect? (
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will I ever get my sense of taste and smell back?
I crushed the olfactory nerves in my face in 2004 in a fall.
I can taste salty, sour, mint and honey. the olfactory nerves control taste and smell in the brain. I can smell cigarette smoke and smoke from forrest fires, I have been to doctors who say it could come back tomorrow or never. is there anything i can do to bring it back? i miss smelling a rose.
AWWWW! thats so sad...maybe you should go to an accupuncture place. there are many pressure points that heighten the senses. (
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Why do I get olfactory hallucinations?
Sometimes I smell things that apparently are not there. Once I ran around my entire house trying to find what was burning -- I literally went insane -- until others came over and said I was crazy. I usually smell either intense burning rubber or something that smells like coffee and vinegar. They are very unpleasant and make me feel like I need to vomit. Sometimes they are accompanied with a headache, but not always so I don't know if they are connected. It kinda freaks me out because I can't tell if what I am sensing is real or imagined. Could this mean I'm going crazy? Also, I am a student with no insurance, so I can't afford a doctor. :(
Why do some people have these olfactory misinterpretations? What is the brain doing during olfactory hallucinations? Unfortunately, there is not a very in-depth range of literature about olfactory dysfunctions. There are, however, some interesting similarities between smell 'hallucinations' and other reports of 'hallucinations', namely the phantom limb phenomenon experienced by some amputee victims. Perhaps olfactory hallucinations could be understood by extrapolating from some theories about phantom limbs. The phantom limb sensation is the experience of a feeling, usually pain, in a limb that has been amputated. Even though nerve connections have been severed and the nervous tissues have been taken away, many amputee outpatients report experiencing sensations in their amputated limbs. In a previous web paper for our course, Christy Taylor explored the etiology of phantom limb hallucination and explained that the phenomenon may be a product of inconsistencies between the sensory information received by the brain and the brain's corollary discharge signals, signals from the output side of the brain which sends feedback to the brain about motor output. "Corollary discharge signals are used to define expectation, and when the sensory input does not match this expectation, the nervous system sends out a signal that says 'there is something wrong' which may be felt as pain in the phantom limb"6. Phantom limb pains, like the unpleasant scents experienced in parosmia and phantosmia, are often intense and long-lasting.
If sensations of noxious smells are the olfactory equivalent to pain, then parosmia and phantosmia seem to be an olfactory equivalent to phantom limb pain. This observation may be a useful, new perspective on these olfactory dysfunctions, but it still does not explain why they occur. Why should a person receive sensory inputs from the nose that are incongruent with the corollary discharge messages? For phantom limbs this is a simple matter, there are no sensory inputs from the amputated limb and the brain thinks there should be, but for parosmia and phantosmia there is no reason for the signal to be incongruent. This is especially true for this 'chemical' sense of smell - olfactory sensory input is a result of direct interaction of neurons and molecules from the things that are smelled. And what about people with anosmia? Why don't they have phantom smells? There are still a lot of questions to explore but one thing is clear, the olfactory sense is a lot more complicated than we may think and we should appreciate our working senses of smell.
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My Hands Are Shaking and I am having Olfactory hallucionations?
As you can tell, i'm not vry good at typing ATM. well, besides the shkaing and the weird bitter acidic smell in my nose, I have a "full" throat and lot sof phlem and I'm sweating waaaaaaay more than usual and I can't get tired or anything...my head keeps rolling around even though I don;t want it to- like not exorcist style just from side 2 side- whats up??? Sorry about bad grammar and such its ard 4 me to type right now.
call someone and go to the hospital. DO NOT DRIVE THERE BY YOURSELF!!!!!! i hope u get better. i will pray for u. (
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Why don't old people admit their flatulence?
I mean, seriously. This old dude totally farted, and it was obviously noticeable both by auditory and olfactory means. Additionally, all of the leaves fell off of my crocus, and I can't get rid of this bad taste in my mouth even after scrubbing it.
Note that this is not a one time occurrence, and has been developed over several unique occasions I've had with old people.
With their lack of a strong sense of smell and the fact that they're old, they probably have already forgotten they actually farted by the time the pungent odor reaches their weak nostrils. (
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Does anyone have the perfume Armani mania?
My boyfriend wore that when we met for the first time and i have been obsessed with it's scent. Olfactory nerves going crazy here!!!! =)
Does anyone else like it?
yup i love idols of armani perfume (
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which of the following is true of neuronal tumors?
a. they are rare bc most neurons in the brain do not replicate
b. common in degenerative zones
c. common in hypocampus
d. common in olfactory bulb
e. produced by astrocytes
Is this a test question? Maybe for homework or research? Might be best using a search engine. (
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