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asymmetric crying facies syndrome?
Does anyone know anything about asymmetric crying facies syndrome? I know that if a baby has it then it can cause heart defects. Can someone just have it and have a healthy normal heart? Anyone out there had this before?
Below is not an actual yes or no answer. But below statistics is what I found from what I researched. I provided links at bottom of page.
Asymmetric crying facies was considered insignificant at one time and often confused with a congenital facial palsy. It is now known that 5% of infants with congenital heart disease have this abnormal facies, and 5% of patients with this facies have associated anomalies.
Cayler syndrome, also known as "asymmetric crying facies with cardiac defects," is an extremely rare disorder characterized by congenital heart defects and the under development or absence of one of the muscles that control the movements of the lower lip. The disorder is present at birth (congenital) and is usually first noticed when the infant cries or smiles. Half of the lower lip cannot be drawn down and outward because of the incomplete development (hypoplasia) or absence (agenesis) of the depressor anguli oris muscle.
Congenital heart defects associated with Cayler syndrome may include ventricular septal defects, atrial septal defects, and/or tetralogy of Fallot. In some rare cases, individuals may have an abnormally small head (microcephaly), unusually small jawbones (micrognathia), small eyes (microphthalmos), and/or mental retardation. Most cases of Cayler syndrome are thought to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
Associated cardiac anomalies occur in 5% to 50% of patients.
It is associated with other defects in more than 50% of cases. In two published series these associated anomalies involved the head and neck (50%), heart (40%), skeleton (20%), genitourinary tract (20%), central nervous system (10%), gastrointestinal tract (6%), and miscellaneous minor anomalies (8%).
Click these links for more info:
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SUNA_enUS222US228&q=Asymmetric+crying+facies+syndrome (
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One of my sons has a bifid uvula and my other son has asymmetrical crying facies. Should I be concerned?
Doctors tell me that there is nothing wrong with my sons except for these minor physical anomalies. In fact, my pediatrician said if we looked hard enough every person would have *something*. BUT: should I be concerned that both children have something wrong in their mouth area? Like there's a genetic problem? Or do you think it's random and they have nothing to do with eachother? If your child has either or both of these, what did your ped. say???? I'm such a worried mother, I never sleep :)!
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Myd ad has Vitiligo,will that mean hewill become mentally retarded?
There are a sizable number of inherited disorders associated with vitiligo. To illustrate, they include: albinism of the ocular type, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome, congenital deafness with vitiligo and achalasia, dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria, ermine phenotype, familial histiocyctic reticulosis, kabuki syndrome, Letterer-Siwe disease, progressive hemifacial atrophy, progressive vitiligo with |||||mental retardation||||| and urethral duplication, Schmidt syndrome, and the syndrome of spastic paraparesis, vitiligo, premature graying and characteristic facies.
that can't happen because he's the only one in my family who brings home money. i'm really scared,help?
no that means his mentally retarded Gene gets passed on to his off spring.. moron! (
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