FAQ - Fasciitis
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Can ankle injuries cause plantar fasciitis?

I have had numerous ankle injuries. One doctor speculated that in an attempt to protect my ankles I have caused my current problem of plantar fasciitis. Is there any relation?

adjusting your weight differently due to weak ankles can create different problems to your feet..did the doc give you a remedy for both?
If not get a new doc.  (+ info)

What is the best way to help the pain for plantar fasciitis? ?

I have pain in the heel from plantar fasciitis. What are the best exercises and what kind of tape should I buy to tape my foot like the podiatrist does...Any other suggestions would be just fine. Thanks

I have the same thing in both heels but it no longer bothers me - well only once in a while and never even as close to how painful it used to be. My podiatrist recommended that I no longer wear any shoes that don't have a heel. I used to always wear sandals that had the heel actually a little lower than the rest of the foot (Berkenstock types) - a definite no no. Today I cannot even wear flat flip-flops or slippers or even just spending too much time in just stocking feet. Having a heel of at least 1/2 inch makes a huge difference. No surgery. No special insoles. And, best of all, no more pain. Good luck.  (+ info)

How do you know when Plantar Fasciitis is gone for good?

i used to have plantar fasciitis not no more, i am a basketball player grade 9
before after my basketball games i barely could walk and i had to walk all the way home.
but now after games i walk perfectly fine and i can dunk now.
also i been streching, icing my plantar fasciitis and doing excersises i just want to know if im cured for good ?
but when my plantar fasciitis was hurting at the time when i wake up in the mornings it wouldnt hurt

Hi, I am a physical therapist that frequently treats plantar fascia pain. Unfortunately, just because the pain is gone now does not mean that it cannot come back. Wearing good shoes is as important as doing the stretches and icing. Make sure the shoe you wear both during sports and when just running around give you good support.  (+ info)

What's the difference between necrotizing fasciitis and necrotizing soft tissue infection?

I came upon the second one while researching and was wondering whether or not they are the same thing, but I'm having trouble finding information differentiating the two. Could anyone explain the differences if there are any?

They are almost the same. Necrotizing soft tissue infections refer to severe infections of the muscles, subcutaneous fat and fascia that are multifactorial in their microbial origin (which is to say that a number of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms contribute to the underlying etiology). Necrotizing fasciitis on the other hand is a type of necrotizing soft tissue infection that develops along the planes of the fascia and is caused by the Group A Streptococci (i.e. mostly the M1, M3 and M18 serotypes of Streptococcus pyogenes).

Therefore, necrotizing fasciitis is a type of soft tissue infection caused by a single organism. Another example in this category is myonecrosis, a soft tissue infection caused only by Clostridium perfringens.  (+ info)

Which inexpensive sandals would be good for Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs?

I would like to know which sandals would be good for people with pf and heel spurs... Skechers shape up sandals, keen sandals, birenstock sandals, or some other names that I can't remember. Would Doctor Scholls sandals be good or not?

Having experienced pf.I tried just about every shoe known to man.Finally had good luck with birkenstock sandals.Believe me you do not want a cheap shoe.I also have good luck with Merrell's.  (+ info)

Heel pain: does it sound like a heel spur or plantar fasciitis?

My left heel has been hurting me for several months now. It progressed very slowly from something annoying to something that is almost crippling. It is the worst in the morning when I get out of bed, I can hardly walk and almost fall down from the pain, but the more I walk the better it feels. Even during the day if I sit for 5 mins then walk the pain the back. The pain has gotten much worse and I am going to the doctor next week. Does this sound like a heel spur or plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fascitis comes 1st then you get a heel spur. I imagine you have fascitis. Before you get out of bed in the morning, do calf stretches for a couple minutes before you get out of bed. It will help.  (+ info)

What is the best way to prevent Plantar Fasciitis?

When ever I run more than 10 miles my feet kill me the next day. I strecth them, warm up, wear newer running shoes but nothing seems to work. Am I doomed with this forever?

Man I feel your pain. I cannot even walk or stand in the shop for more than a few minutes. Besides your streatches, my podiatrist recomended anti-inflamatory drugs like Ibuprophen or you can ask them for a prescription for Meloxicam which is a newer replacemment for drugs like Viaoxx that were pulled from the market. Also do ice packs for 20 minutes several times a day to keep swelling down. I also purchased Orthotics (Special shoe inserts) from my podiatrist. You can get ones like Dr Scholls from the drug stores but they are soft. The ones my podiatrist sold me were $35 and are like a very hard plastic that when I have my shoes on they press into and streatch the arch to keep that tendon flexible. My problem is that the bone spur resulting from having Plantar Fasciitis is probably too large as it gets inflamed way too fast. Looks like surgery is possible in the future for me.  (+ info)

What shoes do you recommend for those with plantar fasciitis?

I just donated over 23 pairs of shoes. I used to LOVE shoes, so this has been a disappointing blow. Do they make any cute, cushiony white sandals anywhere?

if it is support and comfort u are looking for..i say
go with NIKE AIR
They are awesome~  (+ info)

How do you get rid of the pain from plantars fasciitis and a heel spur?

I've been to the podiatrist, doing the stretching, ice and heat every few days, taking Mobic anti flammatory.. anything else I can do?

  (+ info)

How much effect does the achilles tendon play in plantar fasciitis?

My podiatrist says all the pain is caused from the tight achilles tendon, is it true.

It very well could be. If the achilles tendon is too tight, it would be causing constant pressure (pulling) on the Plantar facia, thus making it tired / sore.  (+ info)

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