How long should I keep my razor blades to avoid necrotizing fasciitis?
I have a Venus razor and the blades hardly ever get dull because my hairs are thin. The blades I have on are probably several months to a year old, but there's no rust on them and they work just fine. But last night I saw this show called "1000 Ways to Die", and this woman cut herself with an old razor blade where a flesh eating virus was growing and it killed her. So how often should I change my blades, or how can I keep them sterile because they're kind of expensive.
Trust me, you're not going to get a flesh eating virus. Even so, if you want to sterilize them, and you should, just keep them in a cup of rubbing alcohol with a sealed lid. Then, whenever your need them, just rinse them with water and use. Just make sure to clean them and put them back in. (
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what insert would work best to relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis?
I have ones called "heel halo", they have a hole in the middle so my heel doesnt touch it full on. I have seen ones that say they are specifically for the PF but am not sure what would work best. Just looking for some help.
The plantar fascia supports the inside arch of your foot. If you have a pronated (flat) foot type it over stretches and irritates the plantar fascia. You need to lift and support the arch with a insole to relieve the strain and allow the inflammation (where it attaches into your heel bone) to settle. I would also advise getting sports shoes with an anti-pronation device fitted in... find a good sports shoe shop, they should be able to give advice on insoles and shoe types. (
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What is the best way for a distance runner to cure plantar fasciitis?
Stopping your running is NOT a viable answer! Amputation does NOT count. The solution must be legal in most parts of the world!
if you wont stop running and do alternative fitness workouts for a month or so simply it will not be cured! but you may be able to lessen the pain
if you insist on running then first get an podiatric corrected heel and foot insert for your shoes, next get appropriate stretchs taught to you for you tendons, next ice it after every run and use anti-inflammatories and finally get used to pain - as you refuse to not run it will never be cured and might develop into arthritis (
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How to alleviate the pain of plantar fasciitis?
Any ideas? I have had it before and have been treated with injections, which worked. Don't really want to resort to that again. Have the usual gel inserts in shoes, try to keep feet elevated etc., but I am on the go all day! I just have to walk through the pain, but it is getting worse. Someone suggested potassium - any other tried and tested tips? I could always be thinner, but I am not particularly overweight, so I don't think that is an issue.
Thanks Pam - icing definitely helps
Try doing a lot of stretching the back of the heel ankle and calf's. Massage the calf's and ice the feet. I had a similar problem, and they wanted to do surgery on my feet. But instead I did physical therapy and got over it. It took about of month of stretching every day to be pain free. Good Luck (
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What sandals do you recommend for people with Plantar Fasciitis?
I have seen some people recommend Birenstocks, all I see is open back sandals not closed ones. Keens is the other one that I see but not sure if I like their choices of color and designs. Is there any other sandals like Keens?
Birkenstocks are very well made and formed for the foot ... they aren't just 'any' sandle...
I'm not familar with Keens and if they are a well made sandle or not.
One very good company for shoes is New Balance... for your sneakers which you really have to wear most times anyways to get the support you need under the foot.
Some people also like clogs.. like good ones... surgeons wear them becuase they are on their feet so long. I went to a place that sold them.. very nice onces but they cost around 300 bucks for them.
You might want to look on the net for places that have info on plantar fascitis and see if they have shoe reccommendations down to find out more about the Keens brand you have found.
Unfortunately when it comes to painful feet and finding footwear, it's hard to find stylish and nice unless you pay a lot... as in the nice clogs i found had all sorts of nice colors and stuyles but you pay very highly for them.
I have seen other color Birkenstocks too but primarily black open toe I assume because that is the eaiest to match things. Try going to their site on the net and see what comes up..
good fortune (
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What are the impacts of Necrotizing Fasciitis on technology and society?
I don't really understand the question, other than telling you that Necrotizing Fasciitis is extremely deadly. (
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What REALLY works to cure plantar fasciitis?
My feet have been hurting since May. I've bought Walkfit Orthodics, seen a podiatrist (suggested EXPENSIVE orthodics), stretched, exercised, nothing seems to help...
Oh yeah, except that nice shot they gave me in the heels. That helped for a few days.
Anybody have advice?
Treatment of plantar fasciitis is with short-term rest and controlling the inflammation. Here are the steps patients should take in order to cure their plantar fasciitis:
Avoiding the precipitating activity; for example, take a few day off jogging or prolonged standing/walking. Just resting usually helps to eliminate the most severe pain, and will allow the inflammation to begin to cool down.
Apply Ice Packs
Icing will help to diminish some of the symptoms and control the heel pain. Icing is especially helpful after an acute exacerbation of symptoms.
A great way to ice plantar fasciitis
Exercises and Stretches
Exercises and stretches are designed to relax the tissues that surround the heel bone. Some simple exercises, performed in the morning and evening, often help patients feel better quickly.
Anti-Inflammatory Medications
Anti-inflammatory medications help to both control pain and decrease inflammation. Over-the-counter medications are usually sufficient, but prescription options are also available.
Shoe Inserts
Shoe inserts are often the key to successful treatment of plantar fasciitis. The shoe inserts often permit patients to continue their routine activities without pain.
Night Splints
Night splints are worn to keep the heel stretched out when you sleep. By doing so, the arch of the foot does not become contracted at night, and is hopefully not as painful in the morning.
These modalities alone will cure the plantar fasciitis pain in most patients. Be forewarned that the symptoms will not resolve quickly. Most patients find relief within about three months, and over 90% within one year.
If the pain does not resolve, an injection of cortisone can decrease the inflammation of plantar fasciitis. However, many physicians do not like to inject cortisone because there are potentially serious problems with cortisone injections in the heel area. The two problems that cause concern are fat pad atrophy and plantar fascial rupture. Both of these problems occur in a very small percentage of patients, but they can cause a worsening of heel pain symptoms.
A new treatment for chronic plantar fasciitis is being investigated. This treatment, called extracorporeal shock wave therapy, or ESWT, uses energy pulses to induce microtrauma to the tissue of the plantar fascia. This microtrauma is thought to induce a tissue repair process by the body. ESWT is recommended in patients who have failed the previously mentioned treatments, and are considering surgical options. For more information on shock wave therapy treatment:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
After successful treatment, how can I prevent plantar fasciitis from coming back?
To prevent the recurrence of plantar fasciitis after treatment, proper fitting footwear is essential. Many people use shoe inserts to relieve pressure over the tender area. Custom orthotics can also be made if there appears to be a problem with the mechanical structure of the foot. It is also important to continue the stretching and exercises. These simple exercises will help maintain the flexibility of the foot and prevent the plantar fasciitis pain from returning.
What if the symptoms of plantar fasciitis do not resolve?
In a small number of cases (usually less than 5%), patients may not experience relief after trying the recommendations listed above. It is important that conservative treatments (such as those listed above) be performed for AT LEAST a year before considering surgery. Time is very important in curing the pain of plantar fasciitis, and insufficient treatment before surgery may subject you to potential complications of the procedure. If these treatments fail, your doctor may consider an operation to loosen the plantar fascia, called a plantar fascia release. For more information about plantar fascia release: (
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Are there any inexpensive shoes for plantar fasciitis? Any advice on getting rid of it?
I don't have health insurance, and can't afford a doctor. I'm 99% positive I've developed this. (It sounds crazy, but I think I've developed it from driving a lot. My clutch is far from the floor.)
I've been going to the gym 4-5 times a week, have lost weight and want to continue, but fear not being able to go anymore until the pain goes away. I just want to walk again without pain!
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience. (
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How can I tell if I have plantar fasciitis or fibromyalgia? When I take neurontin & flexeril the PF is better.
I have had the diagnosis of both conditions, but how do I know if I have "real" PF or it's just fibromyalgia in my feet? Isn't it strange that the medications help?
These can be very frustrating situations to diagnose and treat, and also to have as a patient...if the medications work, thank God and get on with life-enjoy it while you can...good luck (
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Whats a great way to cure/help Plantar Fasciitis?
I have read everything I could and came to what I beleieve I have is Plantar Fasciitis. I have not seen a doctor because I have read a lot of little things to help out with it such as stretching, night splints ect. But I was just wondering if anyone else has this or know of anything that works great to get you going besides the stretching? I work at a sit in job all day so when I get up and go at work it hurt so bad I can't stand the thought of getting up again the rest of the day. I just need some advice. Thanks
Sadly, no.
The stretches and "whatnot" are by far and away the most effective "non-DR" way to effectively cure/manage palantar fasciitis. Quite a sad realisation at that, considering most patients never get over the initial pain the stretching causes and thereby, cease to stretch, just making their problem worse.
Your job isnt going to help you at all, and in all likely hood, you will need to see your Dr. if the pain contiues. In your question, you dont mention chronicity so i cant advise you on that. But, if its getting worse instead of better, stop being stubborn and go see a doctor. This is one of those "compounding worseness" type problems, as in, the worse you let it get, the worse it will continue to get.
And yes, i did just make that term up, but it should describe the situation adequately.
For non dr methods... a simple change to the proper footwear could be the most effective(stay away from heels!) and medicinally, over the counter "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" (NSAIDS) are your best bet. This is assuming you dont have erosive essophagitis, peptic ulcers, gastric bypass, or an allergy to them, or anything that falls within that general realm and applies to you. Note to self: Reading the back of the box helps lol. Motrin/ibuprofin(same thing) are the most common. I would reccomend taking 1000mg tylenol every 4hrs/16hrs(4x's) with 800mg motrin every 6hrs/18hrs(3x's daily.) Im not a doctor so dont quote me on those, but in my experience in the hosptial, thats the general rule of thumb and is QUITE effective at meteing out a medicinal can of whoop-ass to a plethora of general aches and pains as well. And yes, you can take both together without turning your liver and kidneys into prunes.
Note however if you do use this method... you MUST STILL DO THE STRETCHES IF IT MANAGES THE PAIN!!!! Pain management is to FACILITATE the streching, and allow the eventual discontinuance of the medication. In my opinon, this would be the best way to go about it if you have "white coat syndrome" or the "i dont need no freakin whack quack dr" mentality.
If this has been going on for awhile though, i would recommend seing a dr. He/she/it WILL recommend the streches, possibly get you referral to see a physical therapist, MAYBE the odd podiatrist depending on how jacked up your feet are, for specialized fit and footwear. Additionally, naprosyn(and all its variants) will generally be perscribed at this point as well. It falls into the same NSAID family as motrin but is much more potent. Just remember, with all NSAIDs, accumilation in the system is required for theraputic effect... ie you wont notice pain relief form an NSAID until the 3rd-4th dose generally.
Quite common to hear people complain about how NSAIDS dont work when they only poped the first dose... now you know why.
If the oral NSAIDs are ineffective... then you will probably get an injection of Kenalog(an actual steroid, glucocorticoid if you want to be specific) in the realm of about 40mg's. This is VERY effective in the management of this type of pain and lasts for as many days as milligrams, tending to make it the prefered choice among chronic sufferers of this condition. Works wonders on eczema too. This medication does have a myriad of side effects to potentially be aware of, but your dr can go over those with you. The most notable are generally strange dreams, nightmares, restless sleep, head ache, sterile abcess at the point of injection, and blanching(whtening) of the skin. Occasional mood swings as well. Most of these can be managed by simply being ALERT and "slowing your roll" if necessary lol.
The more concerning side effects tend to come with long term use of the roid, and so i will not go over them here.
As for what happens after this step, i couldnt tell you, as this is the furthest i have gone in managing/assisting in managing with my patients and RARELY have seen a repeat customer with agressive use of phys therapy and the injection should it be required. In fact, ive only had to give the injection 3 times because, as initially stated, the streches are the most effective method and once physical therapy gets ahold of my patients... I generally dont see them again till they get something else!
Hope that helps. (
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