FAQ - Fistula
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What role does a fistula play in the circulatory system?
I guess what I am trying to ask is, if someone who is on dialysis, has a fistula inserted in his forearm, how does that play into the circulatory system? How does the circulatory system function when a fistula is present? What does the fistula do exactly?
the fistula is much like a central line -- the dialysis patient by the means of a fistula or connection is able to have the machine for dialysis plugged into the body and circulate and filter the blood ,,,, as the patients liver is not able to function and do the filtering inside the body == therefore the ""shunt"" or connection for the dialysis filtering machine .... the fistula is like a connection that goes two ways =the blood is removed from the body -- filtered in the machine -- then returned to the circulatory system (
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When is it suitable to use a Fistula Plug?
I have a fistula which manifests itself on the lower part of my stomach (not precisely sure from exactly where it originates internally). Am doing some research on the Cook fistula plus, but all examples seem to show a fistula very close to the anal opening (both ends) whereas mine is not. Does this preclude it from being an option for me ?
when a large butt plug just wont do...lol.. (
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How can I heal up a dental fistula without the tooth being pulled?
I have a pus draining fistula on a tooth where a bridge is anchored on. Antibiotic treatment hasn't helped. Are there any natural remedies?
Nope, no natural remedies will cure a badly-infected tooth.
You have a fistula because the tooth above it is serving as a reservoir for the bacteria, and no natural remedies can get in that tooth, kill all the germs, and seal it off so it won't be infected again.
The only way to get rid of the source of the infection is to either do endodontics treatment, or get the tooth pulled, depending on the specifics of your situation (to be determined by a thorough evaluation by a dentist).
Hope this helps. (
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What is the difference between Anal Fissure/ Fistula and Hemorrhoid?
I got an abscess which became Anal Fistula. I am not understanding is it Anal Fistula/ Fissure or Hemorrhoid?
How to know the difference.
Let me define things first. An anal fistula is an abnormal communication or tunnel between your rectum towards your anus, it is commonly caused by an anal abscess, which you said you had. so even though your abcess may have healed, there is now a skin tract or tunnel from your rectum, towards your anus, this tract will stay there until you have surgery done.what is done is usually called a fistulectomy,or fistulotomy. tracts can course either to the front or towards your back.tracts towards the front are straight while tracts towards the back are curved.if it really is a fistula, i recommend you see a surgeon and have an operation done.the tract might get infected and will lead to more pain and suffering on your part, not to mention possible complications.
An anal fissure on the other hand is simply a nick or wound in your anal area,usually superficial but still painful and very prone to infection.usually it is caused by trauma or passing of hard stools.
The ano-rectal region has a rich blood supply and veins, these veins sometimes get inflamed, enlarge and form what we call hemorrhoids. though usually seen in pregnant women, men are not spared. there are external hemorrhoids,which are superficial, and internal hemorrhoids which are deeper. hemorrhoids usually present as painful masses which come out during a trip to the toilet. some hemorrhoids go back in by themselves, some don't. some may bleed, some dont. in any case, a surgical consult is warranted.
So, what do you have?
If you feel that you have a superficial wound in your anus, it might be a fissure.
If there is a small hole beside your anus that may or may have no secretions, it may be an anal fistula.
If you feel a mass that seems to be attatched to your anus or it seems coming from inside, it may be a hemorrhoid.
Go see a doctor so that you can get treated before it gets worse.
i hope this helps. (
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Can a baby suffer a rectovaginal fistula, from bearing down hard while constipated?
I guess I'm worried because my baby girl always cries so intensely while trying to pass a BM and I always find a little poop across the perineum into her vaginal area. Is this normal or could she have suffered a fistula?
I highly doubt it. Ask her pediatrician to make sure... but she'd have to have a horrific case of constipation for that to happen.
Crying while pooping can be normal... I'd be concerned if her BMs were hard, usually little pellets/marbles but especially if she's passing one large solid lump... and from what I'm searching it is also related to diverticulitis, which is super rare in babies.
When babies poop in diapers, it can go everywhere!! I've had to bathe my daughter to get poop out of between her labia majora & minora and from around her clitoris that I was afraid to just wipe off w/ a washcloth/baby wipe in the first few weeks. Finding poop on the perineum is totally normal, just clean thoroughly, especially if it is actually on her labia or vaginal opening (that's when I'd go for the bath, or at least what my mother calls the "booty bath" just sort of sit her in the bathroom sink w/ some warm water and gently wipe w/ your hand!)
Defenitely call your pediatrician for more info on constipation, that alone can be painful!
Here's one good pediatrician's advice on infant constipation: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/T081100.asp (
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How long should I wait before returning to work after having an anal fistula removed?
I recently had a fistula removed and was wondering how long before I should return to work. I am a receptionist and sit all day long and do not want to prolong my recovery by returning to soon. But i dooo need the money so I would like to return as soon as it would be ok.... Any suggestions?
3-5 days, work from home if possible. ouch. (
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What is the after affect of fistula-in-ano surgery?
I have fistula-in-ano and doctor said that you have to remove it by surgery. I am concerned about surgery that how painful is it and how long does it takes to heel up, how many days do I have to take off from work. If somebody has the fistula-in-ano surgery experience then please share with me.
Agree. (
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How do you know you have a fistula?
What are some of the symptoms if you have a fistula? Is it possibly it is not a fistula when there is not pain when you pass feaces, and no blood yet you have clear sweet smelling discharge coming out?
If your female how can you know the signs if you have a fistula? Is it via discharge from the anus and vagina?
Serious anus only?
Read up on it on a medical site.They may be able to help you.Just remember a fistula may join everything together so try not to worry .LOL (
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Can you heal an anal fistula without surgery?
It all started in May 2007. I had five interventions including three surgeries. Two interventions they used something called bio-glue that worked for a few months but then it started all over again. I cannot correlate anything I eat (or any of my F&B habits) or anything in my life style to the fistula. It seems to have a mind of its own but is extremely unpredictable. The good news is that it behaves for a few weeks, then bang it decides to show me a few days of hell.
Because anal fistulas pass through the anal sphincter muscles, treatment must be delicately performed to reduce the risk of affecting bowel emptying. Each patient must be individually assessed for the best approach.
The goal of treatment is to cure the fistula with as little impact as possible on the sphincter muscles. The plan will depend on the fistula's location and complexity, and the strength of the patient's sphincter muscles. (
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What is needle infiltration in hemodialysis? What is it called when a fistula is "blown."Is this infiltration?
This question is for probsbly dialysis nurses or techs.
At the begining of treatment when there was no problem with needle placement, is it still called "infiltration" when the fistula is "blown" and hematoma occurs?
When a needle is correctly placed the needle makes one hole - into the fistula. An infiltration is when it makes more than one hole - the needle goes into the fistula and then out another side.
A blown fistula is not the same thing as an infiltration. A fistula can blow when the needle first enters the fistula. The vessel wall is too fragile for the needle and the fistula pops or blows like a balloon. It essentially makes a small tear, which is larger than the needle. A needle can also blow once dialysis is initiated. This will most often happen from the venous needle because the exiting blood creates positive pressure in the fistula. This increase in pressure can be too great for the vessel to withstand, causing the vessel to rupture. Again, this is usually a small hole, but the leaking blood can cause quite a large hematoma. (
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