What is the scientific name for Congenital Cleft Food and Hand?
Cleft foot and hand (split or lobster foot and hand) or partial adactyly is a rare inherited anomaly in which a single cleft extends proxially into the foot/hand.
Tibial hemimelia-split hand/foot syndrome (TH-SHFM) is a rare constellation of multiple congenital malformations which includes Ectrodactyly (Lobster claw deformity or Cleft hand/foot) with a wide range of phenotypes of absent tibia/tibial hemimelia or long bone deficiency
cc (
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What is the name of this congenital disease?
The people with this usually walk with one foot limping and one of the arms, if not both, is brught up to their abdomen area with the hand hanging? It has something to do that their tendons their are frozen or something? The hands are usually deformed.
I think you are describing "Cerebral Palsy" ...Best wishes. (
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Does anybody here have any hand deformities?
I have a deformed hand and I only have 4 fingers (it kind of looks like a crab or whatever), but 2 of my fingers r nubs, and then my pinky is twisted sideways and can't be straighten and then I have a thumb, so the finger I'm missing is my index finger. I can do most of the things everybody else can do including writting with my hand.
The reason I ask this question is because I am in a Child Developments class at my school and we are researching about birth defects and I asked to research hand deformities (including researching about my deformed hand), so I would like to know if there's anyone on here that has a hand deformity, and if they could tell me about it and how it's like to have that deformity.
Downs Syndrom most often has crooked pinky fingers.. cant straighten out.. just always bent..
also look up thalidimide babies.. common drug in the late 40 to help with pregnancies.. caused deformities. (
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Does wearing a herps appliance cause facial deformities?
My 11 year old daughter is sheduled to have an oral appliance placed prior to having braces. According to the orthodontist, she has a "small mouth" and an overbite requiring them to expand her mouth. I am worried that this appiance will cause her jaw to grow out too much and cause her appearance to change. On the other hand, the alternative is to remove some permanent teeth in order to make room. Would appreciate any comments.
There are two factors to consider here. Will the effect of the appliance change her face shape, and does this have to matter? On the other hand, will a small mouth with fewer teeth give her a better life as an adult?
I think that the changes in the face will happen slowly, and modification of the appliance and the braces, if watched carefully, (and I can't imagine that this will NOT happen), can avoid any unsightly alterations to the shape of her head, and perhaps give her mouth a stronger framework.
She is young, and the skeleton is still flexible enough to adapt to the changes. I think it's up to you to help her adapt to the discomfort and the reactions of her peers.
From a purely medical viewpoint, I think that although the changes may be uncomfortable in the short term, and I understand that "short" means something entirely different to an eleven year old than it does to an adult, she will have a stronger and more adaptable mouth and head because of it. "Ugly Betty" syndrome might just be a plus if you still have that character on TV and movies where you are.
I am speaking from experience here, as our 30 year old had the same experience at the same age, with no adverse results whatever.
Whichever way you choose, you'll have some serious nurturing to do in the next few years, and you have my admiration for taking this on. (
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What is a hand disorder that is characterized by swan-neck deformities of each finger, and ulnar deviation?
I have been tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis and the results were negative. I have also been to multiple hand specialists none of which have been able to offer any suggestions, and I have also seen at least 3 orthopedic doctors/ surgeons who have also been baffled by this case if anyone has any answers please respond to this post.
Thank you
I have seen a rheumatologist who ruled out rheumatoid arthritis. I have seen many hand specialists, orthopedic doctors/surgeons, physical therapists, and a few other specialist, none of which seem to be able to figure out the disorder, also dupuytrens contracture has been ruled out.
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Masturbation frequently results in penis deformities?
I read an article that made the above statement, and
"Usually in the vast majority of the cases, the bend curves opposite of the mans dominant hand side, leading one to think about the physics involved in the act of masturbation."
I noticed that my bf has a bent p*. I am just curious if it is really true. You guys, does your penis bend to the left if you are right-handed, or the other way around? (I am assuming you mast* as they say all guys do...) Thanks for sharing!
I can't imagine that anyone yanks it hard enough, often enough to make a difference. (
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I've three fingers in my right hand , can i get a complete hand through plastic surgery?
The outer most two fingers are missing , have got nearly half a palm.It's a congenital defect.
The outer most two fingers are missing , i've nearly half a palm.It's a congenital defect.Am 19 yrs old.
As lil grin mentioned, prosthetics are a good option if you want the feeling of having a 'whole' hand. Unfortanately, transplants of this nature aren't occurring in general populace. There was the face transplant in France, but they are experiencing many issues with that. To be honest, I know several folks with 'incomplete' hands, due to a variety of issues, and they go natural and do just fine. They say it's more comfortable than a prosthetic. (
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What are possible treatments for osteoarthritis of hand joints?
Iv'e had surgery for my knees, but haven't been able to stop or slow down deformity and pain in my finger joints. I would appreciate others with osteoarthritis replying with suggestions
I'm so sorry. I have the same thing. The only thing you can do is try to keep your hands active as much as possible. I can't play tennis, can't play my cello, but I can still play on my computer! Some of the joints (like the thumb) can be replaced but from the research I have done, they seem pretty Medieval compared to what they can do for your knees and hips. Eat anti inflammatory foods like cherries (fresh or juice) and the spice turmeric. Stretch your wrists and fingers 1-2 times a day. (
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What causes congenital cateracts and How dangerous are they?
I had an eye appointment yesterday and the Dr. said I have astigmatism (which I already knew) and he also said it looks like I have a congenital cateract in my left eye. My right eye is fine but he says there is "no correcting the left eye with prescription" He referred me to speacialist but said the probably would not do surgery becasue of my age....? If anyone knows anything about congenital cateracts please let me know!
P.S I'm 20 years old.
As the eye develops while you are a fetus alot of things have to happen just right for all the components to develop just right. Thankfully, almost always, these things do happen just right. In some cases, though, as the eye is developing one or both eyes may not develop exactly as we would like. When this involves the lens of the eye it many times will cause a congenital cataract. Congenital cataracts, then, are present from birth but because the lens structure is not quite normal many times a congenital cataract will worsen or time. As to how dangerous are they, as long as the lens structure is intact, the lens capsule is intact, and the lens does not begin to sluff tissue as it becomes hyper mature, then the cataract itself is not dangerous. Of course, if it becomes more dense then your vision will continue to become worse. Once you and your doctor decide the time is right for a cataract operation and lens implantation then you should see a dramatic improvement in your vision. Without examining you I really can't be very specific in my recommendations so I think it would be best to ask these questions of your specialist so he can give you his impressions, expectations, and treatment plan. Hope this helped. (
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What is the difference between CORONARY and CONGENITAL heart disease?
I'm filling out a family health history form for my doctor and it's asking if anyone in my family has had coronary or congenital heart disease. I know my mom has heart disease but I don't know which kind it is. One of the arteries to her heart was becoming blocked and they had to put a stent in that artery to open it back up - it's called angioplasty. Is that coronary or congenital? Thanks.
Congenital means "from birth." Congenital heart disease is something you are born with, such as a murmur. If her artery is becoming slowly blocked, she does not have congenital disease. Coronary is the build up of plaques inside the artery walls. See attached link :) (
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