Can the herpes simplex 1 virus survive in the refridgerator on meat?
Say someone with herpes was eat meat and what was left was put in the fridge could the virus be present in the meat after several hours?
The herpes virus dies quite quickly away from the human body. It is spread through skin-to-skin contact - not through linens or towels, and certainly not through refrigerated meat.
For more information on herpes, and how it is spread, I recommend the website below. Y!A is a horrible place to look for factual medical information, because its so hard to separate the knowledgeable, factual answers from the uninformed answerers who have no idea what they are saying.
Good luck. (
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Does simplex herpes show up on blood tests?
And what is simplex herpes?
Yes, if that is what your doctor is testing for. There is a specific blood test that can test for both Herpes Simplex I, and Herpes Simplex 2. (Typically referred to in medical communities as HSV-1 and HSV-2). In response to the virus the body produces antibodies, the blood test checks for the presence of these antibodies. If the antibodies are present for HSV-1, then you've been exposed to and most likely carry that virus, the same for HSV-2.
Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause genital sores, however HSV-2 is the virus genreally associated with HSV-2. HSV-1 causes cold sores around the mouth, but as a I stated, can cause sores on the genitalia.
A doctor may recommend a culture of a sore when an outbreak occurs to double check the diagnoses, and help with treatment.
So yes, there is a bloodtest, and it can differentiate between the two strains. (
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Simplex 1 herpes... Can u get genital herpes from picking at a cold sore and then masturbating?
Bcuz my girlfriend has simplex 1 and she's terrified so. But she's scared that if she pokes her cold sore then masturbates that she would get genital herpes... Please help?
If it's a brand new infection orally, then the answer is yes because your body has not had time to build antibodies against it.
If it's an oral infection that you've had for quite some time, then the answer is no because your body has had time to build antibodies against it.
You can give herpes to someone else either orally by kissing or genitally by performing oral sex, if they don't already have the same strain as you. (
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Can Herpes Simplex Virus eat holes in your brain?
I never thought such a thing was possible, however, in the most recent National Geographic there is an article about memory where the subject had holes eaten through his brain from the virus. Umm, how do you know if you have herpes in your brain?
Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is a very serious disease in which the herpes simplex virus attacks the brain. It is not common in healthy immunocompetent persons.
If you were to contract HSE, you would become very ill, to the point of needing to be hospitalized. A physician would hopefully recognize the symptoms of an encephalitis and preform a lumbar puncture (spinal tap.) Upon seeing clear cerebral spinal fluid, lab tests would hopefully be run and the prescence of herpes simplex virus in the CSF would be found. you would then recieve IV antivirals (acyclovir or one of it's derivatives) to help control the infection. (
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a person who has genitel herpes simplex diseas can he get married ?
Since four year i have been suffering from gentiel herpes simplex and i have not told my parents but they want me to get married but i fear pls advise me what to do?
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Can you be born with herpes simplex?
And what exactly is herpes simplex?
Yes a baby can be born with herpes. If the mother is currently having an outbreak of genital herpes during delivery it's possible for the baby to contract the virus. As the baby is coming through the birth canal it can rub against the sores which can cause it to contract the virus. This can be avoided with a C-section though. And, being born with herpes is REALLY rare.
Herpes simplex is a group of viruses (8 different kinds to be exact). The most common kinds of herpes simplex are cold sores (usually herpes simplex virus 1) and genital herpes (usually herpes simplex virus 2). Herpes simplex can also cause chickenpox, shingles, and mono. Check out the links below for more information: (
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Can a Coldsore (Herpes simplex virus) lead to genital warts?
I've heard that you can get Herpes around the mouth if you perform Oral sex on someone with genital warts, is the same for the other way around? Could I get genital warts if my gf has a coldsore?
no a cold sore can lead to genital herpes. not warts (
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What is another name for herpes simplex?
My boyfriend said he something similar to herpes simplex and its a bigger name and I would like to know what it is
Got a couple of littler ideas.
Could be cold sore or maybe shingles (Not the kind on "da" roof). (
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Can Herpes simplex (h1) be spread through a pimple? What if the pimple is open?
Can Herpes simplex (h1) be spread through a pimple? What if the pimple is open?
Be descriptive please.
Spreading by touching the sore, then touching a pimple after wards.
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Can you get a fever blister without having Herpes Simplex I?
I've been sick this whole weekend and week and developed a blister in the middle of my bottom lip. My boyfriend said I had a fever. I had a cold, sore throat, and aches on my neck and shoulders. So my question is can you get a fever blister without having Herpes Simplex I? When I search fever blister it was linked with Herpes. I do STD testing every 6 months when I go to the GYN I went about a month ago.
You don't have "herpes" in the STD sort of sense...
There are many types of herpes--Simplex 1, Simplex 2, chicken pox, and shingles. It is a virus that always stays with is not a bacteria.
Oral Herpes--which most humans have--is simplex 1. The cold sore or fever blister comes out during stress or colds--i.e. fever blister or cold sore. The virus becomes active during stress or colds because your resistance is down at that time.
Genital Herpes--Simplex 2--causes sores on the genitals.
Chicken Pox-Most people get this at some point in their life.
Shingles--causes pain in an area around nerves--older people tend to get this.
I don't know of any other way to get a fever blister other than having simplex 1 or 2. However, the virus that causes oral herpes is very common, almost everyone has it and in many people it does not show up very often. In some people it shows up as a canker sore on the inside of the people don't ever see it just feel that they ate too many crunchy chips or something.
Just don't pick at it or touch your genitals after touching your mouth--oral herpes in rare instances can be transferred to the genital area. (
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