what are the effects of chronic secondary hyperparathyroidism?
50,000iu of vit d keeps it at 30 but PTH still at 185. This has ben going on for 18 months.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is caused usually by renal failure but also by vitamin D deficiency. The blood picture is affected by the cause.
Treatment is mainly with calcium and vitamin d (calcitriol) as you are having. It requires regular monitoring to get the balance right. There is a natural tendency to have high PTH values and low Vitamin D values. If the results are not improving with treatment you should have a chat with your doctor or an endocrinologist. (
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What is the difference between hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism?
I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and take medication to control it. I am having other symptoms and am wondering if I may have hyperparathyroidism. Is there a correlation between the two?
hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid; whereas hyperparathyroidism is an overactive thyroid.Medication is very different for each. (
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What are the chances of secondary polycythemia turning into Lukemia?
My dad has been diagnosed with secondary polycythemia. He quit smoking they day he was told what he had (it's been 3 days). He's also drinking a lot of water and avoiding hot tubs (he used to go everyday). He's not drinking pepsi anymore either.
my dad got this when he was 55 and lived to be 81. He died of a stroke. As long as your dad gets his hgb/hgt checked regulary he will be fine.. Dont worry its not that bad ..I am a nurse and have taken care of people in their 90s with it.. (
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At what point do I add priming sugar to my secondary fermenter and avoid potential oxygen exposure?
I have read lots on when to rack to a secondary but I am planning on adding the priming sugar to the secondary just prior to bottling. If I do this will i risk oxygen exposure? Could I add CO2 when adding the priming sugar, wait till it dissolves and then bottle immediately?
First boil 3/4 cup of the priming sugar in 1 pint of water. Add this to your bottling bucket. Transfer your beer from the secondary into the bottling bucket. Problem solved.
Make sure you always dissolve and boil it. Priming sugar in its current state is non-fermentable and will not carbonate your beer. I don't mess with the CO2 tabs and I don't know anybody that does... That's cheating if you ask me. (
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Why is secondary liver cancer from the colon so hard to treat?
My friend's Dad has received bad news about liver cancer and she's having a hard time processing the information.
I've looked on google but I cannot find something that simply explains why liver cancer (secondary) is so hard to treat.
Her Dad has two small spots on his liver and feels good but there are no treatments for him left. His CEA is very high (100+). She's struggling with understanding why two small spots cannot be treated. Anyone have an articles online that explains it?
He does not have "liver cancer" but metatstatic (Stage IV) colon cancer. The spots in the liver are colon cancer cells, not liver cancer cells. Yes it seems trivial, why not just operate and take them out, but many years of experience has shown us that this treatment is futile. The patient is put at risk during the operation and his life will not be lengthened at all by removing the two spots. The two spots you see on the imaging are only the tip of an iceberg; there are many more cancer cells growing and spreading, and we can not operate to remove them all.
Your friend's father will almost certainly die of colon cancer, but no one knows when. There are some very effective treatments for Stage IV colon cancer that can let him live a productive and happy life for a few years. My advice is to get the very best care he can and to live every moment he has left as well as he can. You can play a part in this too, help your friend through this, tell her to cherish every moment she still has with him. Take trips, throw parties, bake cakes, celebrate his life, and live! Good luck to you all. (
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What were your experiences of getting your child into secondary school this term?
Did your child get the school of your choice, or did you get second choice etc? I'm due to make applications for secondary school this year for my son and I've heard all sorts of stories about children not getting their first choice school etc. I'm in the UK.
Thanks xx
My son's that age too, but he's at private school so it's a question of passing the exams.
The one thing I would say, having heard horror stories, is to use ALL your choices. Only putting one choice down does not make it more likely you'll get it, it just means if you don't get it you go right to the bottom of the pile for all the other local schools and may end up miles away. Most of the really ghastly "they gave her a school the other side of the county" stories I've heard, the parents thought if they said "we demand this school, we have no other choices" it meant they'd get it. It doesn't. (
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How long do the secondary molars take to come through?
My little boy is 25 months and has just started teething with his last lot of teeth called secondary molars I believe how long do they take to come through? He is in a lot of pain when eating and last night he woke up 4 times which is very unusual and he also slept during the day again very unusual. Any tips anyone?
I'll be watching with interest. My 24 month old daughter has started cutting her two year molars, too. It seems like she takes weeks and weeks to cut a molar and it's a very off-again / on-again process. (
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Is there a good reason to secondary ferment a brown ale beer I am brewing?
I am doing a partial mash with honey, I have never secondary fermented this style before, should I? And why?
Secondary fermenting is mostly to filter the beer. I tend to use cheese clothe or pantie hose to filter the sediment out to get a clearer finished product instead of bothering with secondary fermenting.
So the question of should you comes down to personal taste. (
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What is the survival rate of secondary liver cancer?
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer about 5 years ago and has just been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer. The doctors have started her on a course of Chemotherapy. But honestly i really need to know the truth, how likely is it that this cancer will kill her?
I really hope for honest answers, thanks.
Good answer by "Stacey-Marie J"
This would be stage IV metastatic breast carcinoma to the liver.
You must realize that these cancer cells have been in the liver for at least five years already.
Those breast cancer cells spread to the liver before the primary breast carcinoma was initially treated.
We do not know what the stage was at presentation.
We don't know what adjuvant chemotherapy she may have received 5 years ago.
We do not know the estrogen and progesterone receptors.
We do not know the HER2/neu status>
We don't even know your mother's age ! !
Her doctors, who have all of this crucial personal information - are supposed to be explaining the prognosis for your mom and the family members who go with her for her medical oncology appointments.
It is part of their job.
Your job is to be with your mother when she has doctor visits - if at all possible.
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Here's the general or average five year survival for stage IV breast adenocarcinomas - 20%
But these statistics are very rough and include people with less life threatening metastases - such as bone metastases.
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The honest answer is that stage IV breast carcinoma with liver metastases is not considered to be a curable disease in 2009 medicine
- though some people do much better than we would expect according to the statistics. People are not statistics. Every person is different. Each is special. (
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Is Secondary fermentation necessary for making wine at home?
Is Secondary fermentation necessary for making wine at home?
No. Depending on what you're trying to achieve in the way of a flavor, it is not necessary if you're going for a more fruity flavor. (
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