FAQ - Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary
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What are the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism?

Is it debilitating? Can it be cured? The parathyroid gland controls the amount of vitamin D and calcium in your bones.

The parathyroid glands control the absorbtion and secretion of calcium in the body.
I dont know too much about it, but I know when you have a total thyroidectomy, the parathyroids are in the thyroid glands and have to be re implanted during the surgery to keep your calcium level up.
Look up the word hypercalcemia and you will see how hyperparathyroidism works. I imagine since the word hyper starts the disease, its over secretion of calcium into the blood  (+ info)

How long does it take a human body to die form secondary cancer of bones and lungs no drugs just pain killer?

No chemo no radiation just pain killers.Secondary cancer of the bones, lungs,spine and lymph nodes.Canceris tumor started in the liver. oh by the way two tumors on the liver not just one.

Only an oncologist can properly answer that after a proper diagnosis. The cancer stage is the primary basis for predicting possible death due to systemic failure. At the metastatic stage, a patient will be given a count of threes such that the worst estimate will be 3 months, beyond that, another 3, and further.  (+ info)

How long should I worry agout secondary infections from H1N1?

I have had H1N1 for five days now. Today is my first day fever free and I am feeling pretty good. When is the risk of getting a secondary infection over? I don't have any risk factors, I am a healthy young adult.

  (+ info)

What can I do about pain associated with Secondary dysmenorrhea?

Due to endometriosis, I have Secondary dysmenorrhea. I menstruate anywhere from 0-1 time every 1-2 years, but when I do, it's obviously an extreme situation. I've literally tried exercise, pain killers, heating pads, a hot bath...the list could go on. What can I do to lessen the pain, it's extremely severe?

Oh I'm sorry hun! The only thing that I can think of is investing in a TENS machine. My friend has one & swears it helps. Hope you find some relief soon.xx  (+ info)

How do you know if you have a secondary infection with a cold?

If you have a cold, what are the symptoms of having a secondary infection?
can someone please answer? i really need to know :( this cold has been going on longer than a week and no change.

Secondary infection would present with different severities with a cold. You wouldn't get a secondary infection with a cold however. People who have there immune system compromised usually have a second infection, but the symptoms can be high fever, muscle aches, join pain, loss of appetite. If it been more than week than you need to lay off work or school and rest. Get some more sleep and lots of fluids. If the cold has not change then see a doctor asap because this could be more than a cold.  (+ info)

Is the primary or the secondary immune system more rapid?

Compare and contrast a primary and a secondary immune response. Is the primary or the secondary immune response more rapid? Why?

You need to do the work Tam. But I will give you a hint. Break it down to its components. First line of defense is the skin. Second is the Nonspecific Immune Response, which is???, and the third is specific immune response which is??? Just break it down by those, define each and you have your answer. Take care.  (+ info)

Can you develop bronchitis very suddenly or is it secondary from having a cold/flu first?

On Saturday night I suddenly came down with a sore throat and a headache, by the next morning I was very wheezy and had chills, muscle aches and developed a cough. Also extreme fatigue. I went to the doctor today and was told that I have bronchitis. Isn't bronchitis usually secondary to something else or can you develop it suddenly on its own? Also don't you usually get a fever with bronchitis?

Ha ha funny! Saturday night I came down with a sore throat/cough and a slight headache. No chills, but I'm extremely fatigue also. I feel like weights are hanging from my eye lids, even when I get 9 hrs sleep.

I've been feeling this way since Saturday. The doctor told met the same thing today, Bronchitis! I told him I wanted to be tested for Swine, he refused. Then I made a big fuss, so he had his nurse test me.

I hate to be the one to say it, but Bronchitis is not common this time of year. Your symptoms sound like swine flu, and it's spreading rapidly across the U.S. The good news is, over 99% of cases are fine. So, just keep yourself hydrated. If you feel worse go to an urgent care or the E.R. and get tested. But I would bet that's what it is. I have the same thing going on. I know how you feel.

I couldn't believe he tried to write it off as BRONCHITIS!!!!  (+ info)

I am 35 yrs old and disabled due to motor vehicle accident. What is the best secondary insurance for me?

I just received medicare insurance. I've been looking for a secondary but most of them are only for people 65 and older. Is there an insurance out there that will fit my situation?

you can get Medicaid thru your state. also, check into compassionate payers. depending on your situation, they will have you apply for a grant. you could be approved for X amout of dollars to cover meds, whatever.

just google search "compassionate payers"

good luck!  (+ info)

Can cervical cancer be secondary to something in the brain?

I got a call from my doctor today saying that my smear test came back showing 'abnormal cells' and I'm being referred to the gynaecologist. I was wondering, if it is bad, that it's secondary to something going on in my brain. See, I've had trouble remembering things and my eyesight isn't like how it used to be - I wear glasses, the prescription is right at the time of testing, but my eyes go blurry at random times. I'm 26 years old.

No. Having abnormal cells doesn't mean you have cervical cancer, anyway.  (+ info)

Can a person have secondary polycythemia at age 21?

I moved up to a high altitude of 9000ft, and have been experiencing symptoms of polycythemia (opposite of anemia), even after a year later when I moved back to sea level, then went back up to denver which is roughly 5000ft. (symptoms are rash in bath, blood count above 15 etc )
Anyway is it possible for someone my age to have it? Also as it's secondary, is it treatable? Or life long term like primary?
I'm off to the doctor first thing tomorrow, but any answers would be appreciated.

Lxxiodan answer your some question but not address all your question.If you have secondary polycythemia and not due to chronic disease we call physiology polycythemia and the prognosis is very good completely should not compare to polycythemia vera.Many athletic train in high altitude just want to take this advantage and this condition usually no need to get treatment once you return normal altitude slowly your red cell count to return to normal.
polycythemia vera(primary) we consider it as blood malignant disease and eventally to end up to sever anemia.  (+ info)

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