FAQ - Jaw Cysts
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i have this knot under my left ear near my jaw bone i was wondering if it could be a cysts it keeps growing?

and it is sore and it hurts up in my ear also

Consult with your physician. It will require a biopsy to determine what it is and if it is benign or malignant.  (+ info)

Does anyone know of any good supplements that help regenerate jaw bone?

I just found out that due to several jaw surgeries, I have complete bone loss on the right side of my upper jaw. There was a cyst growing which I had removed. The doctors that I have seen are specialists yet they have no idea why the cysts had formed. They also informed me that I will be losing all my teeth in that area of my jaw. However, if I can find something to help me regenerate the bone, my teeth very well may be saved. Please help! I am only 37 and I will end up with a mouth of an 80 year old if I can't find a way to rebuild my jaw bone. Thank you!

try osteocare...  (+ info)

Has anyone ever had their jaw spontaneously fracture due to a cyst caused by an impacted wisdom tooth?

I have an impacted wisdom tooth with a cyst that is, according to my dental surgeon, eating away at the bone in my jaw. I have to have surgery to remove it and am a bit nervous about the whole thing. I'm 42!

Jaw eye surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories.
They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.  (+ info)

Possibly a cyst under the skin on my jaw?

I have something under the skin on my right jaw that feels sort of round. It's not very big, I'd say it's about the circumference of a dime. But when I touch it, I can move it around in there. There's nothing like this on the other side of my jaw. Anyone know what this could be?

Thers a chance it could be a cyst, or a swollen lymph node. Either way I would go to the doctor. Cysts or swollen lymph nodes are not fun. =) Good luck!  (+ info)

Do bone cysts (e.g. dental cyst, in the jaw) give indication that patient has leukemia (or bone cancer)?

This is in the case of a cyst in the jawbone, diagnosed (by accident) via an x-ray.

It also coincides with slightly higher than usual lymphocyte levels (50% when the upper bound is 40%). Levels have been high for 3 years now. Cause has not yet been determined. Doctor looking into viral infections as possibility for this.

Other than this newly discovered dental cyst, and slightly high lymphocyte levels, patient seems physically OK.

Dentigerous cysts are usually found to be benign (approx. 98% of time).

High lymphocyte levels can often be due to simple viral infections (patient has previous history of one such minor infection).

Are two findings mutually exclusive or inter-related?

Separately, problems do not seem too worrying. But combined, they could be an indication of danger ahead?

Blood test in progress, and surgery for cyst removal+biopsy planned. But I felt so anxious & scared, I just had to post this.

Please help. This is for a close relative.

Yes, but can bone cysts have any relation to leukemia? That's what I mainly wanted to know.

One thing may not be related to the other. It is possible to have leukemia and to have a benign cyst. The best thing you can do right now is wait for the cyst to be removed, have the biopsy, and follow up with what is going on with the lymphocyte levels. Be persistent until you get a definitive diagnosis. If you feel uneasy about this . . follow your instincts!

My son was originally diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which we thought explained his anemia and why he was finding sports physically exhausting. What we didn't know is that he also had multiple tumors in his abdomen. He had cancer and he had hypothyroidism. So, it is always possible that two medical issues, both separate, are going on. Follow up with your doctor.

Be strong.

Best wishes.  (+ info)

How to get rid of a ganglion cyst on the jaw bone.?

I have a ganglion cyst on the furthest edge of my jaw bone, where the jaw bone ends, it's on the end of the jaw bone. Evidently it would be extremely hard to hit with a book, lol. So are there any other methods available other than seeing a doctor.

Hi Kirsten :D

Well, there's the literal Bible bashing! XD No, seriously though, don't try it. LOL. It doesn't actually work, though in the olden days, there was a myth that it did.

Heat application should work. Topical plasters and poultices too. Don't try puncturing it with a needle, 'cos that can cause infection. (Sorry, I know you probably know all this already!)

Or you could just wait and see if it persists. Hopefully it should go away. Just try to avoid repetitive movements with your jaw bone. Wait, that's ridiculous, you can't really avoid that because of eating! My thesaurus is stupid. XD

Good luck and I hope your cyst departs presently! Lol.

xxx  (+ info)

Had surgery on Tuesday to remove a cyst from under my tongue. Jaw slams shut?

Today is the first day that I don't feel real bad. I can actually eat. But my jaw just slams shut on my tongue or just slams shut. Why? Its pretty painful when it happens.

This could be a form of spasm of the muscles around that area (an example only).

However, I would recommend getting back in touch with your surgeon to let them know what is going on.  (+ info)

What causes some people to form cysts in their body while others do not?

I get Baker's Cysts in my knees and Ovarian Cysts on my ovaries. What's the deal with all of the cysts?! Are the two connected? I mean, am I just more prone to developing cysts in different parts of my body or is this just a coincidence that I have cysts in two different parts of my body?

I get certain types of cysts in my lymphnodes under my arms in my groin and in my neck when i asked the doctor about it he told me some people are just prone to it and there isnt really anything to do except get the underlying cause removed. Which for me would mean several major surgerys to have all of my lymphnodes removed which i gather isnt an option because they play a major role in fighting off infection.  (+ info)

How long are jaw alignment braces needed for?

I recently got told to wear removable jaw alignment braces, which are the ones with big blocks on them. They cause my jaw and face to really ache, and look hideous as they're very big and bulky. Does anyone know how long I will have these for before getting fitted braces?
I'm 17 in 2 weeks, and all I want is to hurry up and get fixed braces, but my orthodontist never tells me anything.

it all depends on how badly crooked your teeth are. you may have them for weeks, months or longer. it just all depends on how your teeth were before.
and your orthodontist probably doesn't tell you anything because they never know anything for sure. something could always change and you wouldn't wanna be let down, would you? mine did the same thing. lol.  (+ info)

What is the largest angle a human jaw can exhibit without unhinging?

i think it's 45 degrees but is there a world record? Also I wonder if fixed jaw ratios are genetic, gender-specific, or all-around the same. It seems that everyone should physically be able to open their jaws to the max but some people with big mouths have trouble opening their jaws.

I think it's 45 degrees too, you're right. I bet if you stretched your jaw a lot then it could probably start to go farther.  (+ info)

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