FAQ - Kernicterus
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Can kids/people with Kernicterus talk, read and write?

i'm just curious i dont know anything about it and mostly all i know is that they cant sit up, stand or stuff. But can they talk read and wirte?

  (+ info)

Bilirubin blood work?

I had a high biliruben count from three different tests ranging for 1.8 to 2.0. I sometimes have slight seizures and abnormal reflexes. I know it can be a number of things including kernicterus or Jaundice. I just wanted to know if it could be something else and what I could do to lower my biliruben count.

Kernikterus with your bilirubin levels of 1.8 to 2.0 (presumably mg/dL) is out of the question. In children who are more susceptible to kerikterus, levels of 20 or greater are needed. For adults, the bilirubin has to be even higher in order for one to develop kernikterus.

If your other (liver) blood tests are normal, then the elevation of bilirubin is most likey due to Gilbert's syndrome, which is a congenital decrease in the activity of UDP glucuronyl transferase, and which has no clinical significance, and not related to your neurologic problems.

One possible scenario where neurologic and liver disease would come together would be Wilson's disease, which is an abnormality of your copper metabolism. Blood and urine tests for ceruloplasmin are used to help diagnose Wilson's disease. This may potentially be an important diagnosis to exclude.

As far as lowering your bilirubin counts are concerned, the options will depend on the cause. If there is something causing bile duct obstruction, then of treating the bile duct obstruction would be needed.

If you have Gilbert's syndrome, then no treatment in necessary, and higher (indirect) bilirubin levels would be expected following fasting.

If you have other liver diseases and conditions causing your bilirubin elevation, then they will need to be treated.

In any case, you should follow up with your doctor or whomever ordered the bilirubin test for you to follow up and make further recommendations for you.

All the best.  (+ info)

Any experiences with the NICU?

Well, my babies were born February 17th.

Caren Sophia
born at 3:03am via C section
weighing only 1pound 2.4oz


Leigha Grace
born at 3:05am via C section
weighting 2 pounds 2.2oz.

They're both in the NICU.
I'm only allowed to see them every three hours. Which is pure torture. So, i spend time on my boyfriend's laptop and sleep for comfort when i don't have visitors.

Caren, was actually diagnosed with Kernicterus.

Kernicterus occurs when free, unconjugated bilirubin crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and stains the basal ganglia, pons, and cerebellum; diminished protein status and the occurrence of acidosis in ELBW infants may potentiate the proportion of unbound bilirubin available to cross the BBB. Infants with kernicterus who do not die may have sequelae such as deafness, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy.

So, have any of you have experiences with the NICU? I'd love to hear some promiseing stories :]
Thank you so much for all the kind words everyone.

I appreciate all the support :]

I have never experienced it and I am grateful for that but empasise with you.

I hope Caren is ok and that the problems she suffers are not as bad as anticipated. It must be so stressful for you at the moment not to take your babies home and be the mum you have prepared for but it will happen one day. If it is possible try to make some special time at the hospital so you feel bonded with your little girls and good luck and best wishes.  (+ info)

Any experiences with the NICU?

Well, my babies were born February 17th.

Caren Sophia
born at 3:03am via C section
weighing only 1pound 2.4oz


Leigha Grace
born at 3:05am via C section
weighting 2 pounds 2.2oz.

They're both in the NICU.
I'm only allowed to see them every three hours. Which is pure torture. So, i spend time on my boyfriend's laptop and sleep for comfort when i don't have visitors.

Caren, was actually diagnosed with Kernicterus.

Kernicterus occurs when free, unconjugated bilirubin crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and stains the basal ganglia, pons, and cerebellum; diminished protein status and the occurrence of acidosis in ELBW infants may potentiate the proportion of unbound bilirubin available to cross the BBB. Infants with kernicterus who do not die may have sequelae such as deafness, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy.

So, have any of you have experiences with the NICU? I'd love to hear some promiseing stories :]

had a brother who is now 17 months and was 1 month early my mom was kinda hemraging and that caused it well he was being delivered he swallowed some blood.well back at the nursery they told us we could see him at 9:30 and it was ike 10 so my mom asked to see what happened and figured out he was pooping blood so they did some test and they figured out he swallowed some blood and was n the nicu for a week he had alot of hair and had 2 black eyes and still dont know why.i went with my mom to see him but i was 12 AT THE TIME and now im 13 but i couldnt go back there but he was so cute and still is he came out and has been the cutest little thing ever!
but h weighed 7 something but once he pooped out all the blood he weighed 4 something and i do wish you the luck  (+ info)