How to distinguish between leukemia and Effexor XR side effects?
I have several side effects of Effexor XR which coincide with symptoms of leukemia. Namely leukocytosis, lymphadenopathy, headaches every day, fatigue and night sweats. Is there any way to know which is the culprit? I'm 27 and on birth control, so menopause isn't likely to be causing the headaches or night sweats. Serious replies only, please.
I am currently on Effexor XR and suffered from headaches and night sweats for the first few months of taking it. I have also suffered from extreme fatigue since i began taking them 6 months ago. Leukocytsis and lymphadenopathy are infrequent side effects to the drug, which means approximately 1 in 100 people will suffer these effects. It is extremely likely that effexor is the cause and not leukemia. Although you should probably go to the doctor if these symptoms continue and try a different anti-depressant. (
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What is acute lymphocytic leukemia in a chronic stage?
A friend was recently diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia but said that hopefully it'll be in a chronic stage. I have no idea what any of this means. I went online and was doing a little research but it said it effected mostly older people, and he's only twenty. I couldn't find anything on what treatment entails or what chronic stage means. Anyone deal with this on a first hand experience? Is a chronic stage good?
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
There are four major types of leukemia. ALL is the most common type of leukemia diagnosed in children, and the least common type diagnosed in adults. About 5,200 people are diagnosed with ALL each year. Children account for two-thirds of these cases. In general, children with ALL have a better prognosis than adults. Most children with ALL can be cured of this cancer.
Symptoms of ALL include fatigue, pale skin, recurrent infections, bone pain, bruising, and small red spots under the skin. Doctors use various tests, including blood counts and bone marrow biopsies, to diagnose ALL.ALL is treated with chemotherapy and, sometimes, radiation. Children receive different types of chemotherapy regimens than adults. Patients with advanced cancer that has not responded to these treatments may need a stem cell transplant. (
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What are the consequences of not diagnosing leukemia for 2 years?
My friend just found out she has leukemia. I don't know what kind she has, and actually I don't think she does either. What I'm concerned about is that she just revealed to me that she has been feeling the symptoms for about 2 years. General weakness, headaches, and not feeling 100%. If she has gone 2 years with leukemia untreated, what does that mean for her?
She was diagnosed as probably having leukemia, but she's going in for another blood test.
That she is very lucky.
My daughter was feeling tired in Dec. sick in Jan. when she went to the dr. in Feb he said she would have died in 3 weeks if she had not come in. She had AML 4. Now she is going to have a stem cell transplant in 8 days. (
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How many types of childhood leukemia are there?
My friend's 3 yr old son, Jacob, was just diagnosed with Leukemia. I haven't been able to talk to her as she is with him in the hospital - he is starting chemo today. I just wondered how many types are there and which ones are most likely curable? Thank you!
ALL is the most common in children and most cureable in them.
AML is less common in children, and harder to get rid of in them.
There are several varieties of both, but those are the two general categories.
CML is very rare in children.
See the leukemia/lymphoma society website for excellent information about them all. (
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What jobs a person with leukemia could do?
I really needs answer for this. Especially about jobs that can be done alone by a person who has leukemia. Thanks a lot people!
A person with this disease of course has certain disabilities and limitations. That's hat I meant. What kind of job can he or she do with his or her disabilities?
That's not enough information... A person with leukemia is a person with unique abilities and limitations. I'd guess they can do anything that they feel like doing and that they are qualified to do. (
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What foods are good for leukemia patient?
i have a neighbor whose son has leukemia, she is asking a help to search for foods or drink good for her son, please help. thank you!
She should let her son eat what he likes. The importance is that he eats enough to not lose weight. I would recommend avoiding his favorite foods because he will eventually hate them, associating them with cancer and not feeling well. Bland foods are good when he is not feeling well from treatment. (
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Does a conceiving woman with Leukemia have to stay in the hospital forever?
I'm writing a story about this. So please tell me what pregnant leukemia patients do to keep the baby and herself safe. Tell me about the medications too.
The fetus is aborted or the woman will more than likely die, probably along with the baby. So, enjoy writing that story. She couldn't take the medications because of the pregnancy or she aborts the fetus and gets her chemo. (
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How long can grandma live with leukemia?
My friend's grandma is 84 and was just diagnosed with leukemia. I don't want to ask my friend to upset her, but I was wondering is anyone know what the average lifespan is once an elderly person is diagnosed?
Did she had bad habits that may determine (
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What type of leukemia do Jamie and Bailey have?
In the movie, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, what type of leukemia does Bailey have?
Also in the movie, A Walk to Remember, what type of leukemia does Jamie die from?
I tried looking up the one about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and I couldn't find any specifics.
I saw A Walk to Remember ( Loved it! ) and they were not specific about it either. All they said was that she was diagnosed two years ago and stopped responding to treatments. Sorry I can't find the exact types. :( (
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How often do bleeding gums mean leukemia?
My boyfriend says that every time he brushes lately he bleeds a lot from his gums. They don't hurt at all and he has not switched toothbrushes or anything like that. It came on suddenly a few days ago. About a month ago he had pain in his arm as well. How likely is it that he may have leukemia?
I had similar thing to my gum and it end up to be that I needed cleaning for my teeth badly. after doing it, just a week or two, it has gone... also mouth smell became much better...
so I suggest to see a dentist before jumping into conclusions (
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