FAQ - Leukemia P388
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What are the symptoms of having leukemia?

What are the symptoms of having leukemia?

Fevers and night sweats
Frequent infections
Weakness and fatigue
Bruising and bleeding of the gums
Bone and joint pain
Pain on the left side of the belly or shoulder due to swollen spleen
Swollen lymph nodes on the neck, armpit, or groin
Loss of appetite and weight loss  (+ info)

What can I do to make my son, who is hospitalized with leukemia, happy on his birthday?

My almost one year old son is in hospital with leukemia, he's getting a bone marrow transplant from my husband next Friday, what can I do to make him happy on his first birthday, which is 13 days from now. He won't be allowed to leave the hospital to go home by then, he'll have to stay in the hospital. But I want to do something for him on his birthday. What can I do? It'll be his first birthday, and I still want to make it special, even if it is in the hospital.

At 1, anything and everything could make him happy. Hiding in boxes, dressing up, being tickled, playing with goop.

As a kid, I spent one of my birthdays in hosp, and they let a friend bring a pet in, but I dunno if that's an option for you.

Basically I'd recommend anything that's fun for him to touch or explore, but to be honest, I'd just spend time with him. He loves you, not stuff.  (+ info)

what is the difference between the orange ribbon and green ribbon for leukemia?

i'm wanting to get it as a tattoo. my fiance's cousin has leukemia and i wanted to do it for him and i dont want to get the wrong one.

the orange one is the symbol for leukima. this site helps.
http://www.trinitylondon.com/awareness-ribbon-meanings.asp#greenribbon  (+ info)

My friend has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia and its getting to me?

My friend I recently met has been diagnosed with Leukemia. I've been feeling depressed and angry all the time for the past few days. What do I do to stop being like this, it's not normal for me and I am starting to worry people.

I'm sorry about your friend. It must be very hard for you also and it is understandable that you are angry and depressed. You are upset that this happened to your friend and you don't want your friend to do. You need to be strong for your friend because this happened to your friend and not to you. Leukemia is very curable today. Just be supportive and helpful to your friend and that is the best thing that you can do for your friend.  (+ info)

How to show support for student with leukemia?

A 1st grade student at my school was diagnosed with leukemia last week. He will not be able to return to school for 3 years. I am looking for ideas of things we can do to show our support for this young boy. We have put together a book of notes and pictures written by all of the students in his class. We were hoping to send something at least once a week for the rest of this school year to show we are thinking of him. Any ideas would be great! Thanks for your help.

What a super class - wish I had been taught at your place!

If you go to www.after-cancer.com, although it was really written for adults, there is stuff there that might trigger off ideas.

Look under
Treats - some things might appeal

Coco Chanel - if you student can't go out in the sun it says how she made this fashionable, and why we are turning away from this.

Exercise - if they can't get out there are some fun - and some weird things - to exercise sitting in a chair (at end of page)

Key in Humour - this changes but there is wacky stuff there.

and good luck

Verite R  (+ info)

How do people die of the effects leukemia treatment after they're in remission?

A girl just died only 5 years after being diagnosed of leukemia. She beat the disease twice, but all the sudden she started having multiple organ failures.. ventalator, dialysis... and she was in the hospital for 3 months and finally her body just gave out. I don't know much beyond that. But how does someone die like this after already beating the disease? How do the treatments take a toll on their body?
I think from what I heard that it might have started with a lung infection..
She went through a lot and they were going to biopsy her lungs but for that she would go on a ventilator and they didn't know if she'd ever come off. I think it was an infection that started this. An infection that people with normal, untainted immune systems would be able to beat.

it is sad that if she lived 5 years and 1 sec she is considered cured , that is just deceptive , a cancer doctor can use her info to tell others with the same disease that we have more proof that our trearments cure people , they just leave out the 5 year part , and sadly most people are so scared that they sign on the dotted line and if they live 5 years and 1 second they will be considered cured also and the docs can tell others how whatever they treated them with like chemo or whatever , will cure them to , and on and on ........... this has been going on for decades , anyway , Iam sorry for your loss , not knowing all the details I cannot comment on why this happened , the docs may not even know , who knows , the one thing I do know is cancer is very profitable and extremely toxic .  (+ info)

I am writing a book about a girl with leukemia. I need some help with facts?

I am writing this book where a girl has leukemia. Could anyone speak simple English and explain to me a few things about leukemia. Like the symptoms, the treatments, and any thing else would be highly appreciated. I would prefer if you listed any references and if you for some reason have any personal experiences with leukemia (ex: doctor, family member with leukemia, ect) that would be even better. Thanks!

Google.  (+ info)

How can I get a genetic test done to determine if I am a carrier of the Leukemia genetic mutation?

My fiance' and I want to have children soon. He has been diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia and we both want to know if I am a carrier of the same gene mutation to determine if our children will be a carrier of leukemia.

I do research on chronic myeloid leukemia, and I have never heard of anyone who had the Philadelphia-translocation (the mutation, which is thought to cause this disease), as an inherited mutation.
I am not aware of increased risk of leukemia in the children of CML patients. There are scattered reports of supposedly familial cases of CML, but that's it.
Your children may or may not get leukemia, pretty much like with everyone else. Right now, I don't see how anyone could calculate the odds.
But, I suppose, life is much more, than odds... so don't worry much, take care!  (+ info)

How does the bone pain feel like in Leukemia ?

My bones have been hurting at places in the past two months. I am really worried. I did a blood test but the result came back normal.
I wanna know how does the bone pain feel like in Leukemia. Is the pain on-going or does it come and go? Is it just concentrated on one spot or is it throughout the entire bone? What is the magnitude of the pain?

Every patient is different - especially regarding the magnitude of the bone pain, but the many patients I have seen with acute leukemias and bone pain have constant pain - a deep ache in multiple areas of bone - not in the joints.
Usually back, pelvic bones, upper legs (femur).
If your CBC was OK, you do not have any of the many types of leukemia.
Leukemias are always diffuse - all throughout the blood stream.
They cannot be missed on a properly done CBC with microscopic examination of the peripheral blood smear by an experienced, trained observer. I looked at the blood smears myself to be sure.  (+ info)

What is a good essay starters for a leukemia resaerch paper?

I have leukemia research paper to do, I have all the info you can think of pertaining to the subject, but I can't seem to write a great introduction sentence! Any ideas?????

No one here is going to write it for you. But you need to narrow your topic. Leukemia is toooo broad for one paper. Maybe a specific type or a specific treatment protocol.  (+ info)

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