FAQ - Nerve Degeneration
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Are chiropractors worth going to for general nerve degeneration?

If there is no specific disc out of line - ie general degeneration of nerves due to arthritis/wear and tear etc can chiropractors do much good?

chiropractors job is to remove any nerve interference that can cause disease. Chiropractors specialize in the nervous system. They align your body so that your body can work for you and restore your health.  (+ info)

What vitamins / herbs / holistic approach would help with nerve degeneration / numbness ?

I might have pernius anemia, Raynauds Syndrome/Phenomenon or whatever, but in any case, I need some natural approach to keeping the symptoms from worsening. No MD's for now - just advice from people who are in the alternative health industry or have personal experience with these type things... Thanks ahead of time!
070307 4:33
Wow! There are SO MANY great answers - will try a bit of all, but to just choose one, I am inept.
Please Yahoo Community, choose from your experience, the BEST suggestion!
Thanks So Much to all who responded!
=) Kim

Well I am sorry to say that I do not know about all of the diseases that are mentioned but I do know that the B-vitamins are excelent choices for nerve regeneration. B-12 for one and thiamin or B-1 or the lack thereof is the cause of muscle cramps and spasms in the condition known as Beriberi caused by alcohol abuse. I recomend a good sublingual B-complex because they work best together. Sorry that I'm not more technical but I hope this might help until you can find something better like the ones suggested.  (+ info)

is subluxation degeneration with nerve damage covered under workers comp?

The subluxation degeneration of what? You would need to be more specific if you wanted an answer and considering how tight workman's comp is, I'm sure they will decide if you can get coverage for what ever you have wrong.  (+ info)

i feel numbness and weakness in my right leg. i have been diagnosed with disc degeneration and a pinched nerve

Best to see a doctor again and obtain the best advice in terms of possible surgery, physical therapy, and pain management.  (+ info)

I have never degeneration at my lower back, is there a way to recover it?

Is there a treatment to recover the degenerated nerves?

I'm assuming you meant "nerve degeneration" in your lower back?

Yes, there are things you can do! Are you having acute pain or muscle spasms? That would mean more immediate action.

I had a pretty bad car accident a few years ago, and had several torn and herniated discs, along with muscle sprains and a dislocated sacrum. So I had lots of back and neck pain from injured tissue and pinched nerves.

I had chiropractic adjustments before, so I went back into treatment. There is a style of chiropractic I recommend called "The Activator Method" which is a low-force, low pain and scientific approach. It helps to align all the spinal bones, ribs, and even hips and legs.

I also had traction/decompression and massage. In time, the injures and discs healed! Even the torn disc repaired itself (the docs wanted to do a spinal fusion but I refused).

The traction/decompression was a key treatment, and many cities offer it now. A machine gently pulls the spine and damaged discs apart. It didn't hurt a bit but was actually relaxing! After a few months, the discs had healed.

Try an online search for your area for spinal decompression offered by a chiropractor and make a few calls. See what you can find locally!

Good luck!  (+ info)

why does my tongue fall asleep when I'm sleeping? I have 2 herniated discs - could a nerve be pinching?

something? I also have disc degeneration in my c-spine. This happened about a yr ago and has started back up.. It freaks me out. Is something seriously wrong?

  (+ info)

What is a tilted optic nerve?

I was diagnosed with lattice degeneration 3 yrs ago, which i have checked 2x per year. Reg Dr is no longer there and the new Dr. said that my right eye has a small hole and the optic nerve is tilted. He said that i will be fine as long as i keep checking 2x per year. He said that sometimes a hole will just sit there without change, and sometimes it gets bigger. He just told me to be aware of the symptoms for detached retina, and if i see flashing lights to come in right away or go to the ER. I am a little freaked out. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing. thanks for any input. God Bless.

Check out some of the links at the below site:  (+ info)

How do I treat mucinous degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament?

I have been diagnosed with mucinous degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament but don't understand what the best method of treatment is? I also have a prominent fissure in the lateral patellar articular facet. What exactly is a "fissure"?

quadriceps exercises , avoid exertion , pain killers ,  (+ info)

What is the very first symptom of macular degeneration?

What is the very first sign/symptom of macular degeneration? What does a drastic change in vision in one eye mean?
What are the symptoms of macular degeneration? Can macular degeneration, caused by arthritis medication, be stooped?
If it can be detected early, and is caused by an arthritis medication, can it be reversed when the meds are discontinued, or will the degeneration continue once it starts?


swollen testacles  (+ info)

How do you maintain your independence with macular degeneration?

My 78 year old step dad has advanced macular degeneration. He used to enjoy cutting the grass, cooking and reading crossword puzzles. Please share any information that is useful in maintaining his independence. Thank You.

Hi, and this is a good question !
I will just elaborate a little more on the first answer.
There are many visual aids available through the Braille Institute, the Foundation Fighting Blindness, and online companies that will send you catalogs of their products.
There are products such as talking watches, screens to magnify television screens, clocks and telephones with large and dark lettering and numbering, monoculars for long-distance viewing, and cctv's for intense magnification, along with so much more.
I recommend that you try to get him involved with a local Braille Institute asap. They have classes for all ages of visually impaired people, subjects such as cooking and art, learning Braille, and orientation and mobility, and how to adapt to macular degeneration. They will also issue him a library of congress card, which allows him to check out several large print books at a time., or even books on tape. Braille Institute even has private buses that will pick him up for classes.
If he is resistant to wanting to go the Braille Institute route, I suggest that you discuss the benefits of getting a social worker for his case, who can point him in similar directions.
I think that it is wonderful that you are asking!  (+ info)

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