FAQ - Noma
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Has anyone taken the online makeup course by NOMA? If so did you like it?

I thought about taking the class once but soon realized that a live class is better since you can ask questions and get direction from the instructor.

I would check out a live class if possible first..

for those that want the link for the NOMA classes here it is : http://www.nomausa.com/  (+ info)

hypacellular carson noma my mother has it. stomach stared swelling, dr has to drain stomach. any survivers tha?

my 60 year old mother has liver cancer diagnoise may 6, good christian woman. i have read survival rate is slim to none, can anyone tell me if they have been through this = she has blood clots in main blood supply and cant have surgery. any help will be appreciated good or bad

I am not a survivor but my dad was. He lived for almost 2 years after he was told he had a max of 6 months to live. The good thing is that they can deliver chemo directly to the liver, so the chemo does not have to go thru the blood stream. My daddy's tumor was the size of a softball, he did swell. Unfortunatly there is not a good survival rate, but their lives can be prolonged with the right drugs.
I am so sorry
Lots of hugs and prayers  (+ info)

kk i wanna loose some weight wile doing normal exersices for 30 mins?

need help please telll me some stuff i should do to loost weigh in 30 minuted to day like what noma workouts ansd how long shud to it i(((( i give 10 points cause this file is garbage but help me ty

Eat healthy (but yummy) and exercise (but fun).

I dont like dieting because it restricts you from eating what you want and doesnt let you live. Instead of eating straight fruits and veggies and ONLY healthy stuff, try eating low fat ice cream (in moderation), frozen blueberries sprinkled with SPLENDA, celery sticks, baked apple crisps, bananas with cinnamon, etc. You can eat healthy food but also have fun with it. Try making your own little meals and snacks that are healthy but are fun to make and also actually tastes decent. I know that plain spinach leaves taste awful so try mixing some stuff in it so that its yummy and tastes good. Dieting doesnt have to be all strict and boring, have fun with it.

Also, you need to exercise! I know as a human being like you, that jogging for hours is no fun, so try speed walking around at the mall. You get to shop and exercise, just make sure that you dont end up drinking a Starbucks frap while your doing that. Instead, walk around with a large cup of iced water and sip on that while you walk and shop. Good luck!

HOPE THIS HELPS! (Feel free to email me for more help)
♥ Priscilla  (+ info)

I thing i need professional help, i ready to have, but i am scared?


use it or loose it  (+ info)

is urine supposed to b purple?

the other day my friend noma gave me a presant; a cup of urine. but the weird thing was that it was purple. should i b worried for my friend. and was it even urine? help me!!! i know u have the answer!

i'd be more worried that my friend was gifting me pee in a cup.  (+ info)

Makeup online course?

I am thinking about taking an online makeup artist course because they do not offer classes anywhere near where I live but I am having trouble finding something that I can afford. I found one, NOMA Makeup Academy which is $349 but I want to keep my options open does anyone know of anything else out there around that price, or cheaper of course! Thanks!

As I know, this site has top listing of such college courses online - edu.2kool4u.net  (+ info)

4 times a day - masterbation?

im 17 and need to masterbate atleast 4 times a day im not sure if this is noma - advise?

it is not bad at all.. relax  (+ info)

This or That: UnCommon Girl Names (five name choices for each letter)?

Choose one name for each letter. If you hate all the names (and you might LOL) then pick the one you hate the least.

Baila, Bethesda, Bay, Bora or Biani

Carina, CoCo, Celyn, Clover or Coriandra

Davina, Dariah, Dia, Denaye or Diandra

Fauna, Fortune, Fierily, Flannery or Fiorenza

Katja, Katra, Keyla, Karena or Kyra

Mauve, Mayumi, Marnie, Mora or Macaulay

Nikita, Niley, Noma, Nyree or Nyssa
Don't worry, I'm not naming a child with any of these! I just thought they were unusual and wanted to know which ones you would choose if you had to.

ok this is hard....
I'm not a personal fan of any of them really...but to each their own!  (+ info)

Question about a CYST on my child's upper arm?

a large bump that never went away. Yesterday, a dermatologist cut it open and said it was hard and would not all come out. Sent tissue sample to a pathologist and then sutured it up. Have to come back in 2 weeks. When I asked if I had anything to be worried about, she said NO. She mentioned something about "******noma??" Do you have any ideas what this could be? I know I am relying on the doctor; however, of course I am worried. This is my daughter.
moonlight, I am looking for helpful answers; not MEAN ones! you shouldn't have wasted your time answering. I have enough to worry about .

I dont know about the "noma" thing, but I had a giant cell tumor, it was nothing. they just removed it through a surgery and no problems except a little pain now and then (it was in my knee). I know this is impossible; but don't worry until you know what the path says. When they first found my knee tumor; I was told it was probably cancer and spent the longest 3 weeks waiting for the path report. Just calm down and take it one step at a time. If you want; you could call the doctor and ask for the "noma" name and do some research on yahoo or google. good luck.  (+ info)