What is the best diet for people with heart disease,stroke and blood disorders?
I have been considering changing my diet to vegetarian because of my personal and family health history including heart disease, strokes and blood disorders. My boyfriend is overweight and has heart problems and diabetes. What diet would be best for us?
Low soduim, low fat diet. Stay away from processed food, fast food. Eat lean meat stay away from red meats. Try to bake your food not fry it. Do not add salt. Eat plenty of green vegies (
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What are the most common hemotological disorders and diseases?
Especially those causing low blood count, temors, and vomiting of blood. Any disorders are helpful.
Leukemia- cancers in the blood forming tissues.
Hemophilia- genetic illness that causes dysfunction in one of the blood's clotting mechanisms.
Hemorrage- Internal bleeding (can be caused by several things)
HIV- The virus, which causes AIDS, one of its ways of transport is via blood cells.
Hepatitis B and C- Different viruses which bring disease of the liver causing liver inflamation which can later turn into cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Malaria- Transmitted by mosquito bites, the parasite causes fever, anemia, chills, flu-like illness, and in severe cases, coma and death.
Trypanosomiasis- "sleeping sickness" Inflamation of the lymph nodes, and if symptoms spread they include anemia, endocrine, cardiac, and kidney diseases and disorders. The symptoms of the second phase give confusion and reduced coordination, the sleep cycle is disturbed with bouts of fatigue punctuated with manic periods progressing to daytime slumber and nighttime insomnia.
Sickle cell- Disease refers to a chronic hemolytic anemia associated with sickle cell hemoglobin, either homozygous or in combination with thalassemia or with another abnormal hemoglobin (such as C or F).
Exsanguination- Total loss of blood by lack of coagulating factors, such as hemophilia.
etc... (
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How do people die from eating disorders?
Mainly anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. I have been doing research on the two eating disorders and I would like to find out what others have to say or think about the two.
The pictures that I've seen are haunting me!
Usually anorexic people die from organ failure (kidneys, liver, etc.) because they are not sustaining enough in their diet to provide what the body needs. Lack of protein also can cause lack of concentration and other problems with the workings of the brain. (
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What are some signs of eating disorders?
I think my little 13 year old sister has eating disorders. She never eats much at all and if you ask if she is hungury she says no i'm fine and at super she pushes her food around to make it look like she ate a lot. Once I watched her the hole time through dinner and she only took 3 bites. Also she always is saying how she ways so much and how fat she is. She seems to exercise a lot also.
There are four common types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive overeating, and binge-eating disorder. If your sister has any it is most likely not the last two, because they involve eating a lot. But it is possible your sister may have anorexia nervosa (commonly referred to as anorexic) or bulimia nervosa (commonly referred to as bulimic)
Anorexia typically involves irrational fear of becoming obese, and results in severe weight loss due to self-starvation; may include bingeing and purging behavior.
Bulimia typically involves extremely restrictive dieting and regular and repeated binge eating, followed by self-induced vomiting, purging through abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas, or excessive physical activity.
Some signs are:
- Has lost a great deal of weight in a relatively short time period
- Continues to diet although bone-thin
- Remains dissatisfied with appearance, claiming to feel fat, even after reaching weight-loss
- Loses monthly menstrual periods
- Develops strange eating rituals and eats small amounts of food (i.e., cutting foods into tiny pieces, moves around on plate)
- Becomes obsessive about exercising
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Denial of hunger
- Binge regularly
- Purges regularly
- Diets and exercises often
- Disappears into bathroom often (for a long period of time to induce vomiting)
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Has swollen neck glands
- Has bad breath
- Has scars on the back of hands from forced vomiting
I believe, from the information you gave us, that your sister may very well have either anorexia or bulimia. It is most common in females in their teenage years and is caused by low self-esteem, fear of becoming fat, fear of growing up and becoming independent, peer pressure, and media influences. I would definitely talk to a guidance counselor, health teacher, your parents, or someone else that will be able to help her. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TRY TO HANDLE THIS YOURSELF!!! You need to get your sister professional help, because people with one of these disorders can take anything you say and think of it as another reason to keep losing weight.
These diseases can cause serious health problems and can even become fatal. The bottom line is your sister needs help. Please do not hesitate to get her help. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well! (
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What are some interesting and unusual mental disorders?
What are some interesting and unusual mental disorders?
I'm really interested in rare interesting mental disorders such as Trichotillomania (the urge to pull out your own hair) and Body Integrity Identity Disorder (The desire to amputate your own limbs). Can anyone give me a list of other really interesting and crazy mental/psychological disorders?
In east Asia there is one called (IIRC) koro, which is the belief of a man that his penis is shrinking.
Previous commenter mentioned pica - if they mean the compulsion to eat normally inedible things such as dirt and chalk, this is actually more biological, it is the body telling you you're lacking nutrients and craving things that might give them. Similar to food cravings in pregnancy.
http://www.cas.appstate.edu/~kms/classes/psy3202/Latah/latah.htm is an article about regional-specific mental illnesses. (
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What jobs involve research for mental disorders?
I find mental disorders quite interesting, and I think researching and trying to help find cures and such would make a good occupation. Is there one like this? If so what is it? How much do they make? Thank you! <3 Please don't give me cocky or jerky comments, thanks again.
You may want to work in the Clinical Trials area of a psychiatric hospital. It would involve documenting procedures that are used, therapy/medications . Best Wishes for your future. (
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How do eating disorders affect society at large?
I'm writing an essay and part of it needs to address how eating disorders affect society as a whole...and why they are a significant problem to SOCIETY. (Obviously they present significant problems to individuals and families but I need to write about it as it applies to society)
plus any proposals to address society's growing number of people with food disorders.
ideas for prevention programs, etc.
Large? Thats what i'm talking about (
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What are some disorders or genetic diseases that only affects Female (not male) offspring. Only Female?
I need to know which genetic diseases ONLY affects female offspring and not male. Last time I asked this question, ppl listed anything which were mostly male disorders or both. I specifically need disorders/diseases affecting Female offspring only. Thanks :-)
Help!!! I understand that Turner Syndrome is one of these diseases. I need to know more. Please list other genetic disorders that affect only females.
Aicardi Syndrome.
It affects only girls (well, and some boys with an extra chromosone) (
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How many teens are hospitalized for eating disorders in Canada?
Approximately how many teenagers are hospitalized every year for eating disorders in Canada? Or around the world?
I'm sorry I don't know the answer. I tried looking on google but couldn't find the answer. I would imagine it would be a pretty large number. All I can suggest is trying to search the internet. Good luck! Hope this helps! =) (
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Are there other well-known diseases or disorders that are similar to diabetes?
I am looking for a list of as many diseases or disorders that are similar to diabetes, or involve diet modifications, regular injects/shots, or regular blood tests.
Help is appreciated!
Diseases similar to diabetes? If you mean co-morbidities of diabetes, that is, other diseases more prone to occur with diabetes, you have the diseases falling under metabolic syndrome or syndrome X. For more details, see the link:
http://www.seasonalmagazine.com/2009/07/diabetes-symptoms-revisited-are-they.html (
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