FAQ - Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated
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What can someone coming off pneumonia do to play football this friday?

I am coming off of pneumonia and I feel great. I play varsity football and we have a game this friday. My cough is gone but the wheezing is still there when I sprint. What can a do pre during and post game to be at my best. ( I have an inhaler also.)

I realize the importance of being a varsity football player is something you feel passionate about. That is great that you are into it and able to do it, if you weren't recovering from pneumonia. Pneumonia is not a "respiratory infection" like bronchitis. This is a major viral infection that actually fills your lung cavities with fluid that is highly infectious and it isn't "gone" just because you're done taking antibiotics and can walk and run. I speak from decades of experience as a person who has had pneumonia several times in 40 years and am a pharmacy technician. There is a recuperation period that lasts a couple of months after the doctors have treated you that is very easy to have a relapse of this nasty viral infection and if it happens, you'll be worse off than the first time. But it's your call and I know how hard it is to not be able to do something that means a lot (it's easier said than done, I know.) So if you go ahead and play, know that it's a risk and make sure you have a full inhaler on you because you'll be puffing on it hourly.  (+ info)

How long does it take to recover from pneumonia?

I have been on antibiotics since Thursday (now Tuesday) for pneumonia. I still feel like crap though! The pain in my lungs is not as bad, but it's still an ache that won't go away. Plus I am extremely tired, all I can do is sleep. Should I go back to the doctor? How long does it take for pneumonia to clear up?
I was on one type of antibiotic from Thursday till Sunday but it wasn't working so they put me on a stronger one, that has been since Sunday to today.

I had double pneumonia in April. I took antibiotics for 10 days after getting out of the hospital and I still didn't feel well. Sometimes it takes a longer time. I had to take antibiotics for another 10 days after that and I still don't feel 100%. I'm older so I have other diseases as well and that might account for my very slow recovery. But not everyone fits into a certain category. If you are within a day or so of being finished with your antibiotics, call your doctor and get a refill. Your body must need the rest to recuperate, so don't worry about that. Feel well soon.

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At what age should a healthy adult consider the pneumonia vaccine?

I am seeing conflicting informtion on the web about the age at which a healthy adult should consider getting the pneumonia vaccine. Some web sites indicate that it's age 50, while others say it's age 65. Does anyone have any information about the age at which a healthy adult should get his pneumonia shot?

I had mine when I was 18 but I have bad ashma and that doctor said it would be a good idea to have it done along with my flu shot. I think I have to have it every five years.  (+ info)

How long do lymph nodes usually stay swollen with pneumonia?

I have had walking pneumonia for about the past two weeks. The cough has gotten substantially better and only comes on and off rarely. However, my lymph nodes seems to be just as swollen as ever. I was wondering how long lymph nodes usually stayed swollen when one has pneumonia. Is it abnormal for them to still be swollen? Should I consult my doctor yet again?

During an infection bacteria, viruses, and white blood cells all get filtered through your lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are also the location where your immune system selects the proper white blood cells for the job. Once they are selected they multiply rapidly which is why your lymph nodes swell.

Now that you're starting to get over the pneumonia and you're feeling better that doesn't mean that your infection is over. A few more things have to happen:
1) your body has to turn the immune system off to prevent new pneumonia bacteria targeting white blood cells from being produced.
2) your body has to clean up all the dead bacteria and dead white blood cells.
Both of those things take time which is why your lymph nodes are still swollen. You don't need to see your doctor again unless you start feeling bad and your symptoms return.

I hope this helps.  (+ info)

How long does a person with pneumonia live before it becomes fatal?

My friend has pneumonia he thinks. He's been coughing for 3 wks now. Refuses to see the doctor with no insurance on him. How much longer will he have before it's too late?

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How and why do people die from pneumonia?

If you have pneumonia that's far enough along that you have to be hospitalized and you're at risk of dying, why can't the hospital treat you for it and cure you? Why do people die from it? Do they suffocate?

Probably the best way to describe pneumonia,is literally drowning.The little things in the lungs called broncioles that help filter air and such to and from the lungs become weak and ineffectual.The lungs themselves eventually fill with fluid(mucus-like matter) not allowing enough oxygen to fill them ,causing lack of oxygen in the blood stream,reducing the oxygen flow to the organs,and the oxygen deprived organs begin shutting down,eventually causing death.This is a very slow and quite painful death,as the victim is constantly straining to get enough air,and virtually suffocates.Most people who get pneumonia have weakened immune systems,ie the elderly,terminal patients,people with AIDS,and such.
Most people will wait until it's progressed too far,most time not realizing how much damage it has already caused.Most times the doctors can go in and drain the lungs,but unfortunately,if the person has gone untreated for too long the organ damage is already irrepairable.
A lot of people die from this due to organ failure.Once the lungs get too full they collapse on themselves,and it gets real bad from there.
Sorry I sound like Dr.Dread,but that's the best desciption I can offer.Beleive I'll move on to something less dreary.Hope this helped.  (+ info)

How is a chest cold different from pneumonia?

The last two weeks I have been really sick. Fever, Chills, headaches, extreme tiredness, coughing. Now that has all gone away and left me with a cold feeling in my chest, shortness of breath, discomfort in my lungs. I really dislike going to doctors and being put on any medications. Though I am feeling like I may be going to emergency room in the morning. Anyone else have or had anything like this ? I am kind of guessing it is a Pneumonia.

chest colds coulod be due to many reasons like cold whether(obvious), throat infections, or just aggravations of flu. whereas pneumonia is an advanced stage. in pneumonia the lungs are filled with water, liquid, it could even be fatal if not treated properly and promptly.  (+ info)

What is it like to die of pneumonia in an 94 yr old dementia patient ?

My dad is in dementia and lives far away and he has pneumonia and they have him in the hospital. I know a lot of times frail people like him die and I expect that, but what is it like to die from pneumonia, ? Is it painful ??? do they keep them sedated ?? What is it like ? He has smoked for 80 years and I really don't see him coming home, but since I can't be there because I am sick, chronic, what is death to pneumonia like in elderly frail people. ?

Don't worry. They'll keep him comfortable and sedated. He won't suffer. My Mom was at the point where she needed a respirator to breathe and she had made it clear that she did not want to live that way. We had them remove it, but first asked the doctors straight up if this was going to cause her a lot of distress. They said no and assured us that she was heavily sedated and wouldn't suffer. We were there when they removed her from the respirator and it was just like she was going to sleep.

I'm sorry about your Dad, but rest assured the doctors have the means and will do everything possible to keep him comfortable. Best of luck to you.  (+ info)

What is the best home remedies for pneumonia ?

I have pneumonia and cannot afford a doctor or hospital visit to the ER,
I'm hoping to find some home remedies that wil help with this.
Thanks for any help or advice.

Pneumonia is a diagnosis that only a physician can establish. If you saw one to learn your problem then that same guy should treat you without an extra visit.

If you didn't get diagnosed by a doctor then you honestly can not know that you even have pneumonia.

But start with essentials: persisting fever with a bad (usually phlegm) cough.

Rest, hydrate, Tylenol, humid inhalations, and expectorants like plain Robitussin or Mucinex.

-MD x 30y  (+ info)

how can you tell the difference between pneumonia and a cold flu and cough?

how long does it take to progress into something serious. like say you get sick start coughing and think you are sick then you make an appointment to see a doctor in a week. can the pneumonia spread super fast and kill you? i mean if you are elderly and you are trying to see a doctor as fast as you can but say you cant get in for a week. or you dont think it is serious... until it is very developed. can it develop in a week?

Pneumonia is the lung's reaction to a bacterial or viral infection in the lungs, and it can develop as quick as a day. If you feel like you have something worse than a cold, then instead of waiting for a Doctor go to an ER or better yet go to a walk-in clinic and let them know of your symptoms. They will do a chest x-ray to determine if you have pneumonia. Signs of pneumonia include a "wet" chest, coughing up sputum that is green or yellow colored and/or foul smelling, shortness of breath, and possible fever. Most common sign is shortness of breath.  (+ info)

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