FAQ - Prostatic Hyperplasia
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what is the difference between benign prostatic hyperplasia and benign prostatic hypertrophy?

guys i need your help with this.. i'm so confused. can this both lead to prostatic cancer? i need the answer for my case study.. help me pls.

Just wikipedia both of them, you'd be surprised at what you can learn from that site.

Good luck with your study.  (+ info)

What is the difference between prostatic adenoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Prostatic adenoma is cancer, plain and simple. Benign hyperplasia is simply enlargement of the prostate gland. The latter occurs to most men, if they live long enough. It becomes an issue only if it enlarges to the point that urination becomes difficult.  (+ info)

What can you recommend for my benign prostatic hyperplasia besides drugs?

I have been diagnosed of having BPH. I have this condition for about ten years now. I take saw palmetto and pygeum africanum. They seem to be working because my urination, while of low "caliber", has not gone worse. But I still experience "dribbling" at the end of my urination. Can you recommend other effective supplements?

Good thing I saw your question, your symptoms call for the Homeopathic remedy CONIUM MAC in 1M potency take it once a week for atleast 3 weeks(3 Doses) and please keep me posted about your progress. It would be lots better if you can post your complete details and symptoms which you are feeling. But as far as I see it just CONIUM MAC will cure you 100% without any side effects or complications. To read about the said remedy please click the link and read carefully :- http://homeoint.org/books/boericmm/c/con-m.htm

Take Care and God Bless !  (+ info)

Can you use Saw Palmetto for horses with similar symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

There is a horse at my barn who urinates up to 12 times before noon, and we have noticed that his case resembles prostate issues. Saw Palmetto was recommended by a doctor for prostate, so why not for a horse?

What is recommended for humans may not be recommended for animals. You need to talk to a vet to get the answers you need.  (+ info)

Is there another treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) besides Doxazosin and Flomax?

I suffer with an enlarged prostate and the two medicines that I take now (Flomax and Doxazosin) causes my tongue to swell. Is there another medication I can take that doesn't cause my tongue to swell. Help me please!

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Is SAW PALMETTO effective for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (bph) or enlarged prostate?

I have this illness and is planning to take saw palmetto but I'm not sure if it is effective.

There is quite a lot of data in respected literature regarding the efficacy of Saw Palmetto Berry (Serenoa repens) in the treatment of BPH. I would recommend you take a jaunt on pubmed and see for yourself.

The key influence of Serenoa is the inhibition of an enzyme that converts regular testosterone into an extremely powerful form that generally is not supposed to last very long in your system. This powerful form of testosterone is responsible for enlarging the prostate and probably has a hand in prostate cancer. It also is the culprit in a lot of male pattern hair loss. Why is that strong hormone sticking around longer than it should? We think it's because of the Western diet -high in red meat and junk. Our livers are responsible for neutralizing that strong hormone and when they are taxed with all the junk and extra hormones of our modern diets they cant keep up. In Western cultures -esp US, we expect about 50% of men over the age of 40 to have this condition.

When you do the research you'll see the tremendous science -but, you will also notice recent snipey reports trying to debunk it. This is from the pharmaceutical industry which is trying to push flowmax, proscar, cadura, avodart, etc......
  (+ info)

what is the prognosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

for how long would the person live after the surgical procedure and is there a chance for the disease to reoccur again? pls help me..

The prostate does increase in size as a man gets older. Sorgery is unlikely to affect the length of his life.
The benefits of surgery are long lasting, but because only part of the prostate is removed, some men may eventually need another operation.
Surgery usually offers relief from BPH for at least 15 years. Surgery for BPH leaves behind a good part of the gland, so it is still possible for prostate problems, including BPH, to develop again. However, only 10 percent of the men who have surgery for BPH eventually need a second operation for enlargement. Usually these men had the first surgery at an early age.  (+ info)

whats the pathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia ?

whats the pathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia? it is more easier for me to understand a diagramed pathophysiology of the said disease.. but narrative form is ok.. thanks for helping..

jazz- Because the answer to your question is very long, I'll try to share some important features. The male prostate gland is located below the bladder. The seminal vesicles (containing sperm in semen) are located posterior to the prostate. The urethra exits from the bladder and goes through the prostate before exiting to the penile urethra (pee hoile).

The normal prostate is composed of glands and stroma. The glands are lined mucin-secreting epithelium. The fibromuscular stroma between the glands accounts for about half of the volume of the prostate. A prostate is about the size of a walnut.

Acute prostatitis (inflammation) is not common. Causative agents include bacteria similar to those causing urinary tract infections, as well as Neisseria gonorrheae. A related complication of prostatic abscess is uncommon. The edema and slight enlargement of the prostate with acute inflammation do not generally cause major symptoms, but may be associated with some pain on urination.

Chronic prostatitis may follow acute prostatitis. In some cases, bacteria can be cultured from urine that indicate the cause. In other cases, chlamydial organisms may be the cause. In some cases, no organism can be identified as a cause. Symptoms of painful urination along with low grade pelvic pain or low back pain may be present.

Nodular prostatic hyperplasia ((enlargement termed benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH) is a common condition as men age. Perhaps a fourth of men have some degree of hyperplasia by the fifth decade of life. By the eighth decade, over 90% of males will have prostatic hyperplasia. However, in only a minority of cases (about 10%) will this hyperplasia be symptomatic and severe enough to require surgical or medical therapy.  (+ info)

How does antihistamines make benign prostatic hyperplasia worse?

If you have BPH, try NOT to take medications such as antihistamines, diuretics, decongestants, antispasmodics, tranquilizers and certain types of antidepressants. These can weaken the bladder muscle or narrow the opening of the prostate and worsen the BPH symptoms.  (+ info)

What medicine to take for bph(Benign prostatic hyperplasia)?

none, unless you are having problems. meds that shrink the prostate contain estrogens, which have other issues in a male body. yes, they shrink the prostate, but can also cause sexual problems or developing breast tissue. doctors only use them in cases where the enlarged gland is obstructing urine flow or causing pain. also, dont assume BPH if it isnt a doctor saying that. you can't diagnose yourself safely. dont assume it is one thing or another, because the same symptoms can be prostate cancer or other issues.  (+ info)

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