How do I deal with Raynaud's disease in the winter on a farm?
I've recently begun to work on a farm. It gets very cold here in winter but I have to work outside dealing with wet stuff and cold stuff all the time. Previously I have dealt with my Raynaud's disease by wearing gloves, but when it's cold and wet and dirty and muddy these aren't much good. Does anyone know if there is medication I can take (such as vasodilators) to stop my arteries spasming? Or is there someone else in my situation who can think of an answer?
I don't have an answer, but I wish you best of luck. My sister has Raynaud's, but she lives in Fla. Not cold there, but she still has to deal with the temp change between outside and inside with air conditioning. My only suggestion would be to try to find another job..... (
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Are there any runners with "Raynaud's Disease" out there? What do you do for your cold hands?
I am a daily 4 mile runner in Chicago. I don't want to give up outdoor running for the fall/winter. I have Raynaud's Disease which affects my fingers. It is extremely painful. I like gloves so I can work with music player, but fingers go numb. Mittens are bulky, can't work music player and fingers still go numb. PLEASE give me ideas and tips and products to use so I can keep running outdoors!
I have this as well. More so in one hand than in the other and I am also a runner (7miles a day) /bodybuilder. Its so painful and I cannot withstand cold weather for more than 5 minutes without gloves on.
As odd as it sounds I put on finger cots (they look like miniature condoms lol) or just try putting on rubber gloves under neath your gloves.
Hope this helps and good luck .................I feel your pain :( (
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What can help offset the symptoms of Raynaud's disease?
I'm a 18-year-old girl and I was recently diagnosed with Raynaud's. My hands and feet turn purple quite easily. Other than keeping warm, what can I do to stop the symptoms from occurring? I know there's no cure for it.
I have primary Raynaud's--no underlying condition causes the symptoms.
Med student here. I'll help ya out. Raynaud's phenomenon is a tricky disease. There's often an underlying problem, usually a disease called Lupus (I'm an expert on the disease. I have it.). You should be checked for it. Here's an article on Raynaud's Phenomenon (RP):
Patients with Raynaud's phenomenon who have no symptoms other than the color changes of extremities may require only measures to prevent complications. Prevention measures are important in primary and secondary RP regardless of the severity. Simple initial care involves keeping the body warm, especially the extremities. Warm clothing in colder environments is essential. Cotton gloves can be helpful while searching the freezer. Room temperatures should not be too cool. Rubber gloves protect the hands and prevent cooling while washing dishes. Barefoot walking should be minimized. Compression of the blood vessels by tight-fitting wrist bands, rings, or footwear should be avoided.
Those with RP should guard their hands and feet from direct trauma and wounds. Any wounds or infections should be treated early to prevent more serious infections. Avoiding emotional stresses and tools that vibrate the hand may reduce the frequency of attacks. Biofeedback can also help to decrease the severity and frequency of RP in some patients.
Direct and indirect (passive) smoking should be avoided by patients with RP. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can cause blood-vessel constriction and lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which can further impair oxygen supply to the extremities.
Care of the nails must be done carefully to avoid injuring sensitive toes and fingertips. Ulcers on the tips of the digits should be monitored closely by the doctor. These can become infected. Gently applied finger splints are used to protect ulcerated areas. Ointments that open the blood vessels (nitroglycerin ointment) are sometimes used on the sides of severely affected digits to allow increased blood supply and healing.
Medications that can aggravate symptoms of RP by leading to increased blood-vessel spasm include over-the-counter cold and weight-control preparations, such as pseudoephedrine (Actifed, Chlor-Trimeton, Cotylenol, and Sudafed). Beta blockers, medicines used for high blood pressure and heart disease, can also worsen RP. These include atenolol (Tenormin), metoprolol (Lopressor), nadolol (Corgard), and propranolol.
Patients with persistent or bothersome symptoms may be helped by taking oral medications that open (dilate) blood vessels. These include calcium antagonists, such as diltiazem (Cardizem, Dilacor), nicardipine (Cardene), nifedipine (Procardia), and other medicines used in blood pressure treatment, such as methyldopa (Aldomet) and prazocin (Minipress). Recent research has shown that the blood-pressure drug losartan (Cozaar, Hyzaar) can reduce the severity of episodes of RP possibly more than nifedipine.
Medications that "thin" the blood, such as low doses of aspirin or dipyridamole (Persantine), are sometimes helpful.
Some patients with persistent symptoms can benefit by adding a medication called pentoxifylline (Trental) which makes the red blood cells more pliable, thereby improving circulation.
Severe RP can lead to gangrene and the loss of digits. In rare cases of severe disease, nerve surgery called "sympathectomy" is sometimes considered. In this procedure, to prevent blood-vessel spasm, the nerves that stimulate the constriction of the vessels (sympathetic nerves) are surgically interrupted. Usually, this is performed during an operation that is localized to the sides of the base of the fingers at the hand. Through small incisions the tiny nerves around the blood vessels are stripped away. This procedure is referred to as a digital sympathectomy. (
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Can one of the signs or symptoms for Raynaud's disease be tingling?
I have the others
Cold hands, Feet but also tingling in head, hands and feet. Also they get red easily. Friday I see a docotor.
Yes, but it can be really painful. Usually your fingers and toes go white when they're exposed to cold, like most peoples but in the case of raynaud's syndrome, the blood actually stops going to your extremities.That's what can cause a lot of pain when they warm back up and blood starts returning to your fingers and toes.
My mother has it, she's never had tingling in
her head though and her fingers and toe go extremely white.
Good luck with your Doctors. (
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Does anyone have Raynaud's disease and take medicine that actually works?
I have tried Verapamil, makes me dizzy.
I have Raynaud's but it's pretty mild and I've never been prescribed medication for it.
This article does list some medications (approved and unapproved) that have been used:
I also read more information at:
I find that after my painful red-white-blue reaction that lasts about 20 minutes (and hurts quite badly), my circulation returns to normal. If I can just get through that 20 minutes, I'm okay.
Sorry I can't be more helpful, but it's nice to know there are other sufferers out there. (
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I have Raynaud's disease and I need to find warm, loose fitting winter gloves. Preferably waterproof ones. ?
Anyone have any suggestions???
Ski gloves would be perfect for you, they are thermally insulated and are water proofed.
Go to any 'outdoors' sporting shop or look online for them.
I like Tinsulate, they are a good and reasonably priced manufacturer.
Have you tried those little charcoal hand warmers as well? My husband finds them practical and easy to use. (
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Can I donate blood even though I have Raynaud's disease?
I was diagnosed with Raynaud's disease earlier this year, and although I don't plan on donating blood, at least any time in the near future, I would like to know if I would be able to. I've looked online but I can't find anything about it and I was wondering if having Raynaud's would affect my ability to donate blood because of the bad circulation.
I too was diagnosed years ago, and from what I remember the Dr. telling me, it is poor blood circulation in your extremities, like your hands and feet. When I get cold, my hands and fingers turn red, than black and it hurts like hell. My feet do the same but because of shoes & socks, slower......I have been able to give blood. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think it complicates anything. (
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Raynaud's disease related to my constant headaches?
I have primary Raynaud's disease. And I've only been diagnosed with it since this past January though I've been feeling the symptoms for a few months before then (due to my being in Italy and not being able to get proper care). But anyways, if you don't know what Raynaud's is, it's basically a vascular disease that when you're exposed to stresses--stresses being extreme cold, smoke, plain mental stress, and sometimes caffeine--the blood vessels in some of your extremities overreact and constrict. I know that migraines are a similar thing going on, but in your head. I've read some sites that have connected migraines to Raynaud's. Does anyone else experience any of this? Do you think it is feasible for me to make this connection? I've never had headaches like this until I started experiencing the Raynaud's symptoms.
I have Raynaud's Syndrome. I was diagnosed 7 years ago. I have migraines also & my doc told me that they could be related. (
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How does a fifteen year old boy get Raynaud's Disease?
Do you mean how did you get it or do you want to get it? Raynaud's is caused by autoimmune disorders so that is typically why people get it, they have another illness causing the raynaud's. If you were diagnosed with it but nothing else, I suggest going to a rheumatologist to get further tests. Autoimmune disorders are difficult to diagnose and can cause damage to your body so you need to know if you have one. (
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What disease has these symptoms? Hypoglycemia, migraines, aching muscles, and Raynaud's Syndrome?
I used to have seizures with the hypoglycemia, but no more. I had my gall bladder out and thankfully, that symptom went away except for the week before the monthly period. I also have extreme sinus problems when it is time to start my period as well.
Sometimes ana is high and sometimes none at all. C3, C4 compliments show sometimes and sometimes normal. Also, bladder is affected with high levels of protein and blood. Other times fine.
I have seen a rhematologist. He will not say which autoimmune disorder I have. He will not even listen to the research I have done that says Lupus and another that I cannot spell.
I had a colonoscopy. No celiac disease. Just said it was irritable bowel syndrome.
I am not a doctor; I am only a pharmacy student. I think the Raynaud's Syndrome and the high ANA suggest it is probably an autoimmune disorder of some sort. So do the list of other sort of "nonspecific" symptoms. Maybe something like lupus, or perhaps a different one. I hate to name a specific disease, because there are many different autoimmune disorders & it could be anything. Of course, I could be wrong & it may not be autoimmune. I think maybe you should see a rheumatologist, however. (
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