How is respiration influenced by oxygen and carbon dioxide?
Can someone please be kind enough to explain to me how respiration is influenced by oxygen and carbon dioxide?
Thanks in advance for your help and answers......... =)
Are you perhaps getting yahoo answers to do your homework? (
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Baby is having dips in respiration and is still at the hospital?
He was born at 39 weeks pregnant. He is still at the hospital in the special care nursery one week after his birth. I was told when he is sleeping he has dips in his respiration and the little monitors go off. He was supposed to come home today but they kept him to give him oxygen for a few days to see how he responds. I am such a mess.. Has this happened to anyone? What happened?
Oh Mona..I'm so sorry. How are you holding up? How did your L&D go?? I don't know what happening but I will say a prayer for your little man. Everything will be okay. He will be home before you know it and this will all just be a memory. They are going to give him the best care and keep him happy and healthy. (
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What is the speed of Respiration in Newborn Babies?
If the baby intakes water in the caesarian case, what should be done? What should be the normal respiration speed in the baby after been kept in the Nursury for about 48 hours?
I think you're refering to baby's respiratory rate,am I right?The normal newborn will breath about 40 to 60 breaths per minute.Anything beyond 60 breaths per minute is considered tachypnea,or fast breathing.A baby who breaths too fast may have underlying lung or airway problems like:
1)Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), which is
common in premature baby whose lung is not fully mature.
2)Meconium Aspiration Syndrome(MAS),which is common
in post date baby,who has swallowed amniotic fluid tainted
with meconium,newborn's feacal matter.
They may also have other problems like:
1)Congenital Heart Disease -like a hole in the heart
2)Hypothermia -baby is too cold
3)Transient Tachypnea of Newborn(TTN)
4)Hypoglycemia -baby's blood sugar is too low.
and many other problems which I'll not list out here (
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What are some ailments and disorders that involve the human body's nervous system?
I would like to know what disorders/ailments affect the nervous system for a biology project, and I figured this was the best place to go.
I have autoimmune pernicious anaemia (unable to absorb vitamin B12 in the digestive system) which affects the nervous system as B12 is essential to maintain the myelin sheath around the nerves. If undiagnosed, it can lead to permanent paralysis, be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease (and cause permanent Alzhemier's disease if not diagnosed in time) and MS and is fatal without treatment. Misdiagnosis is common as lab levels are far too low. I have nerve damage in my finger still from being misdiagnosed. I had to diagnose myself.
Pernicious Anaemia: (
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What are the odds of my children inheriting these disorders?
My fiance and I were in the process of planning our wedding, when he told me his father and aunt have a seizure disorder; presumably from his paternal grandmother, because his father and aunt have different fathers. Now, my fiance also has an aunt (on his mother's side) that has Downs Syndrome. I am concerned about possibly passing something onto my future children. What are the odds of my children inheriting one or both of these disorders?
Down Syndrome isn't something that is inherited, and seizure disorders rarely are. So very low.
If you really are concerned you could talk with a geneticist. But as far as I can tell, there probably is no need to. (
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How well does zoloft work for anxiety disorders linking to depression?
How well does zoloft work for anxiety disorders or is there anything else better that u would recommend that would not put me to sleep. Ive feared social things, going back to school, getting a job and getting infront of people all my life Just wondering wondering if there is something that would help me have a productive life that would help my anxiety? I want even go into a store by myself I panic. Ive always been more to myself because of it no very social.
It works pretty damn good for me. I really don't feel sleepy at all just better.
It's more like your relaxed now that you don't have anxiety. It was a change for me because I couldn't think of a time where I was not panicky except when I was a little kid.
I started taking zoloft for anxiety/depression going on 2 months now.
I started at 25mg and am now at 100 mg, and I think I'm staying at 100.
It is truly amazing for anxiety. Anxiety has made me miserable, but not anymore.
I haven't had a panic attack in about a month now, and let me tell you it is great. I can go out in public now without a problem, Heart palpitations from anxiety are gone, and it also helps with my obsessive compulsiveness.
Good luck, you won't regret it! (
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What kindof cases/disorders would one expect to find on a Medical Endocrinology ward?
I know it is related to hormones, and there seems to be a varying amount of related disorders - from diabetes to thyroid to cancer. Are there any specific disorders in relation to Medical Endocrinology (in the UK)?
Here are some examples: patients with pancreatitis, patients in diabetic coma, sent up by the ER, patients in severe hyperglycemia sent up by the ER, patients with Addisons disease (adrenal trouble), patients with severe anaphylactic reactions that has not been properly diagnosed, young girls with severe abdominal pains who tell you when you ask whether they have had sex : "No doctor I am not married!" with an innocent smile and are about to loose a 6 week embryo,patients with acute neurotoxin infections from seafood, and other sources, patients with chronic heavy metal infections: lead, arsenic , benzene compounds, patients with wrongly diagnosed epileptic want more, we have seen them all mate. (
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What percentage of obese people have eating disorders?
What percentage of obese people have eating disorders? Is it more common than unhealthy lifestyle?
To clear it up, I mean people who have had eating disorders from the start, not after they started eating enormous amounts.
Most people have unhealthy life styles, especially older folks who are passing their habits down to their kids. However, it is more common to have an eating disorder at a younger age. So, finding a statistic is going to be age based, and not representative of everyone.
Contrary to your question, most people that have eating disorders are not obese, they are quite likely to be unusually thin. Think: young girls throwing up after a meal. The obese people will have a problem that deals with food as a source of soothing in an emotional setting. (
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What are some different types of inherited genetic disorders?
I have to do a project on one and don't know what to pick. If you find a website that lists and describes disorders that would be great or just do it here. It would help a lot!
Angelman syndrome
Canavan disease
Celiac disease
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Color blindness
Cri du chat
Cystic fibrosis
Down syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Klinefelter's syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
Sickle-cell disease
Tay-Sachs disease
Turner syndrome
some easy ones to research would be
Color blindness
Cri du chat
Cystic fibrosis
Down syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Turner syndrome
Sickle-cell disease (
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How does Jenny Craig work? Is if safe for people that had previous eating disorders?
I am asking and being 100% serious so please I am begging no stupid/insulting answers.
I am 21 and would like to lose weight, problem is I had an eating disorder for roughly 6yrs. I've been in recovery almost 2yrs so I'm doing good but it's really hard to diet without crossing the line back into an eating disorder. I wanted to try weight watchers but they don't allow people that had eating disorders to join.
So my question is how does Jenny Craig work? Is it anything like weight watchers?
I used to work for Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig is a calorie counting program. It is similar to Weight Watchers, except you purchase your food from Jenny Craig, and in Weight Watchers, you cook your own.
The most highly successful program for exactly what you are describing in your question above, is one called, Weigh Down, by Gwen Shamblin. You can Google Search this, and find it easily.
It is Internet based, as well as live groups in your area. All the information you need is on their website.
This program has an extremely high success rate for people with eating disorders, addiction problems, or those wanting to lose weight. It is nominally priced, so most any budget can participate.
I recommend Weigh Down head, and shoulders above any other program out there!
Hope this helped you. (
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