FAQ - Seasonal Affective Disorder
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Is seasonal affective disorder something to be concerned about in warmer areas?

I can understand people having seasonal affective disorder in areas where the weather change from summer-winter is more dramatic.

But what about warmer areas or areas where the season change is not so dramatic (such as Texas, Louisiana, Florida, etc)- would seasonal affective disorder still be something to be concerned about?

Probably not as much, but it can still be a problem. These areas don't get cold and snowy, but they get a lot of rain. My father has it. He lives in Arkansas and built himself a workshop outside with electricity and a heater and it really helped. He probably couldn't do that as easily here in Colorado where I live. It just gets too cold and snowy  (+ info)

How do you cope with seasonal affective disorder?

I have seasonal affective disorder. I have a hard time wanting to get out of bed and do anything in the winter time. Does anyone else have this? Any ideas how to cope with this disorder?
Does anyone know where you can find those lights to aid SAD?

I absolutely hate winter and the grey skies. It's so despressing. Try guided imagery. There are CDs out there for relaxation/mediatation purposes. Get one where the person talks you through the "imagery" Many will talk about peaceful, warm, sunny beaches! This does help. Also there are special lights sold to mimic the spectrum of the sun. These also help. I try to do things outside (shop, doctor's appt, etc) on days when it's not TOO COLD. Then when it's totally unbearable i try to stay indoors, and do activities I find entertaining. Or, when possible have company over.  (+ info)

Why is seasonal affective disorder more severe in the Northern Hemisphere?

For my psychology class, I am doing a presentation on seasonal affective disorder. In my research it says that SAD is more severe in the Northern Hemisphere and less severe in the Southern Hemisphere. Why is this?

Because of the way the Earth rotates, and its position relative to the Sun, there is less sunlight annually in the Northern hemisphere. The Northern hemisphere has less exposure to the sun during the winter- the days are shorter. SAD, most researchers say, can be caused by sunlight deprivation (not getting enough exposure to natural light). That is why people who have this disorder (like me) have Sun Lamps (sometimes referred to as SAD lamps). These lamps mimic the sun's natural rays and I use it about 15 minutes a day, more sometimes if it is in the winter and the days are shorter.  (+ info)

What type of light bulb is used for seasonal affective disorder/seasonal depression therapeutic lights?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what type of bulb is used in the therapeutic lights for seasonal affective disorder or winter depression? Thanks.

A full spectrum bulb or day light bulb, they emmit a blueish white light, the cheaper ones are normal light bulb dipped in a blue dye, the best ones are special flouresant tubes, dont use a sunlamp as the uv light can damage your eyes.  (+ info)

Do the symptoms and mental aspects of Seasonal Affective Disorder resemble the behavior of animals?

Specifically these 3 animals:
Cats, Wolves, Foxes

Do the symptoms and mental aspects of Seasonal Affective Disorder resemble the behavior and personality of those animals in any way? If so, how?

No. Those animals do not hibernate. If anything they become more active during the winter months since they have to work harder to feed themselves.
Think of hibernating animals such as bears. S.A.D. is a form of hibernation.  (+ info)

What would bethe best light box to get for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and i was looking at light boxes like my doctor recommended, and I was just wondering which box would be the best to get?

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS332US332&q=best+light+box+for+seasonal+affective+disorder  (+ info)

How many people are aware of SUMMER Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I think most people are aware of WINTER Seasonal Affective Disorder which causes depression during the winter months when the skies are grey much of the time, but how many are aware some people get severely depressed during hot, summer weather, the kind of weather that MOST people call "beautiful"?

Yes. It's much less common than the winter SAD and the symptoms are usually the opposite. Winter depressions usually involve increased appetite, weight gain, lethargy, excessive fatigue and sleeping much more than usual. Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, agitation and anxiety are usually seen in recurrent summer depressions. The causes of summer depressions are more obscure than that of winter ones. Some researchers believe that some people's brains are particularly sensitive to the increased heat and sunlight during the summer.  (+ info)

Are tanning beds good for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Are tanning beds good for Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Please help I have been searching for hours and can't seem to get a straight answer if it has been proven whether tanning beds are good / can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder. I keep reading that people have heard that it is good for that but can anyone tell me if it has been proven? Thank you so much! Very nice of you to take time to help.

No, because they are not good for your skin. There are lamps (not sure where to purchase them) that do help with SAD. They light up gradualy like a sunrise when you turn them on.
Please speak with your Dr. about this, and also you might want to check home depot, places like that.
However, being a medical condition, I would recommend you start with your Dr. first.
Take care..  (+ info)

What color to paint my room to help with Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I was just recently diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder and I was wondering if there were any colors I could paint my room that would help with my symptoms. (Not really into pinks and oranges, thinking more of green? or red?)

Bright, sunshiny yellow!..  (+ info)

New ideas for treating seasonal affective disorder?

There is a member of our family who has seasonal affective disorder. We have the lights and he has seen the doctor, any suggestions?

Other things you can try are over the counter melatonin supplements, meditation, regular exercise, and generally anything to counter the depression.

Most people don't have it forever and everyone suffers a mild form of it in dark rainy climates. Try to keep the person positive.  (+ info)

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