FAQ - Shock, Hemorrhagic
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Why females are more tolerable to hemorrhagic shock than males?Forensic Medicine.?

less % of their body is fluid (only 50% compared to 60% in men). In hemmoragic shock you need fluid to replace the blood lost and keep the circulation in order.

Also, women are involved in childbearing and monthly mentraution, causing more blood loss, increasing the number of cases and severity of hemmorragic shock.  (+ info)

How do you know about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever?

I'm a medical student.and i face so many child with case of DHF.It is common our country and we care them not to get dengue shock syndrome.i want to know how you treat and prevent the DHF.

  (+ info)

What are the cause and effects of hemorrhagic diseases?

It would be best if you could also include the nature of these diseases and prevention methods. Examples of hemorrhagic diseases would be appreciated :)

put everything about hemorrhagic diseases if you can :) THANK YOU!

A hemarrhagic disease is any disease that causes bleeding.

There are thousands of hemorrhagic diseases - way too much for Answers.

Best you narrow things down a bit.  (+ info)

How long to recover from a hemorrhagic contusion?

I had suffered a hemorrhagic contusion to my left frontal and parietal lobes in a skiing accident.

How long does it take to recover completely from such an injury?

I'm 51 years old.

I did see a neurosurgeon and he said I was lucky as it did not involve any "vital" area of the brain. I'm almost 99% recovered already 4 weeks after the accident so I guess I was very lucky. If I had no helmet on I would be dead. Back of my helmet was crushed!

have you seen a neurosurgeon? Every case is so different, without an examination and appropriate MRI, MRA and neuropsych eval it is impossible to gauge yor progress.  (+ info)

Why do hemorrhagic fevers make you bleed?

What is the exact mechanism that causes you to hemorrhage? And what cells to hemorrhagic fevers target, specifically Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever?


Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever targets human monocyte-dendritic cells, which aid the immune system and the vascular system control. Hemorrhagic fevers cause you to bleed by damaging these types of vascular cells, thus making bleeding harder to control and weakening the blood vessel walls. When the blood vessels are weakened, the blood vessels burst.

Andrew Guenther  (+ info)

How to deal with the shock and stress after a lifeguard had a rescue?

Three other lifeguards and i have to back board someone yesterday. We are all dealing with the stress and after shock from that.Myself and another lifeguard have not been able to sleep and have been very sick.We all have talked to our boss and tried not to think about it.What are some good ways to help with that just encase it happens again.Should we keep guarding or go home for the day?What could we do?

If it was a successful rescue, remind yourselves of this. You were there and you responded correctly. This was a very traumatic situation. It's normal to feel the way you do. It's probably not very likely this will happen again so soon. As time passes you will gradually be able to settle down. You are a special person looking out for the safety of others.  (+ info)

How long does it take to recover from shock?

I fell off a ladder this morning, but thankfully uninjured. Having said that, the shock must have affected me, as i noticed my body is still a bit shaky and stiff (from shock) now, 10 hours later. Will I be ok by tomorrow?

Well, it depends what you mean by shock.

from bbc web site..

What is it?

Shock can mean anything from a minor surprise to a fatal collapse of the body's circulation.

The most important distinction to make is between psychological (or mental) shock and physiological (or circulatory) shock.

* Psychological shock can occur after a physically or emotionally traumatic experience but its effect is on your state of mind
* Physiological shock is a dramatic reduction in blood flow that, if left untreated, can lead to collapse, coma and even death.

Now it is most probable that you are just a bit emotional after the fall but physiologocal shock is something that you shouldnt mess with. That said, it is highly unlikey that you would have physiological shock after 10 hours without some nasty internal injuries but if you start feeling dizzy and get very pale with blue lips or tongue then get to a hospital quickly.
Either way call nhs direct on 0845 4647 (http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/) as i dont want have missed anything on this one  (+ info)

What is the difference between heart faliure and cardiogenic shock?

By definition, shock is a state in which the perfusion is not adequate to maintain the metabolic needs of the bodys cells, if the underlying disease affects the myocardium then the condition is called cardiogenic shock since it is cardiogenic in origin.
Heart faliure is defined in my USMLE book as "inability of the heart to maintain an adequate output to meet the body's metabolic needs"
What is the difference between the two?

This is a really great question! From my understanding they are essential the same. I think cardiogenic shock is considered a type of systolic heart failure.

The difference may be in the cause- most heart failures develop over time- from MIs, hypertrophy, hypertension...
Cardiogenic shock more often occurs as a result of a significant heart attack where, suddenly, it is unable to pump effectively.

I'm looking forward to reading other answers... maybe there is a bigger difference!?  (+ info)

How to strengthen the heart or prevent myself from shock?

I have heart problem after a few shock which happen few years ago. I jump when I hear sudden loud sound and my heart really hurts. Any cure or remedies can help me from being too sensitive to sound?

Were those physical shocks or an emotional shock that left you with a kind of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Or did you have heart problems, went into cardiac arrest, and the shock paddles had to be used?

I can understand why sudden loud sounds make you jump; I'm like that as well. I'm very sensitive to sound and have had to uproot myself and move several times over the past 10 years because of excessively noisy neighbors or loud traffic (boom cars, loud motorcycles, loud aftermarket exhaust systems on autos and motorcycles).

To strengthen your heart you need to exercise daily. Even walking 1/2 an hour a day helps. It also helps you deal with the stress of excessive noise exposure your body has to endure every day. There is something called "EMDR" (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy that is used for people who have suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Usually psychologists and / or psychiatrists facilitate the therapy.  (+ info)

How can I shock my body back into healthy mode?

I like to stay really healthy by eating healthy and exercising, but for the past few weeks, I have been eating bad and not exercising. Now Im so tired and have a larger appetite and crave unhealthy food. Does anyone have any ideas how I can shock my body back into healthy mode? Or even some sort of "detox" that can be done ?

Well - you could always try fasting for a day or two (this works best for me on weekends). You can do any kind of fast that you want - no food at all, and only fruit and veggie juice and water - nothing but fruits and veggies, no breads and starchy carbs - no junk foods or drinks. It really depends on what your "problem" area is. Personally, I like just doing the fruits and veggie juices and water for two days.
I always found that it was impossible, or at least about 1000 times harder to exercise if I wasn't eating right - I needed lots of protein, and fruits and veggies, and very little starchy carbs and pretty much no sugar at all. For me, once I was eating better, I actually had the ENERGY to work out!  (+ info)

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