Does denture paste cause a bad taste in the mouth? What can be done about the guminess when removing denture?
A friend of mine finds that there is a taste associated with putting in dentures after using denture cream. Reducing the amount used is not the solution as the cream not last and has to be reapplied. Denture wafers advertised to bond is paste too. You add water.Contrary to advertisements it does not last/bond.When this person removes the dentures at night there is guminess that a toothbrush/mouthwash does not succeed in removing. Brushing the tongue and gums/gargling does not get rid of the taste.Does this 'paste/glue' affect the body after being used over a period of time?How do dentures affect the love life of individuals? Please help by offering suggestions and experiences.
There's a substance you can buy that starts out a liquid, then molds to the user's mouth. We use it on my hubby's dentures and with it, he doesn't need any paste or wafers. It's in the denture aisle in a blue and white box. It comes as a little tub of powder and you add a liquid to it and stir it. If you follow the instructions, it works great and only takes about 7 minutes from start to finish. :) It stays on for a week or two, then you replace it.
Also, it comes as a two-pack.
Good luck! :) (
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How can I obtain the insert directions for Cushion Grip Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive?
I have lost the insert directions for Cushion Grip Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive, and no one at a store I've tried will open a container to copy them for me. Can anyone help?
Go to this website below and read directions/reviews to get instructions.
Hope this helps.
Note: Copy and paste it to web address. (
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The dentist relined my bottom denture but teeth stick up more on one side than the other. How is it fixed?
When I smile, you can only see my bottom teeth on one side. They aren't level all the way around. Is this the fault of the relining?
The bottom denture is a full denture.
It could have been measured/molded wrong but go back to the dentist immediately. It is bad for your jaw and other teeth, and have your dentist fix this mistake, don't wait. (
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I got new denture put in 2 months ago but I am having big problems using and chewing any semi hard ( bread-hot?
This is my upper denture, I can not chew anything on one side at all period. If I do my denture falling apart and it has been 2 months. My dentist saying this is the way it is? I am talking about soft foods (watermellon-fresh bread-meatball) ,Please I need help to get back to a normal eating life.
Upper dentures usually function better than yours seems to be doing. I would have another dentist give you a second opinion. Perhaps they need to be relined so they fit tighter or the bite may need to be adjusted so that is is more even. Good luck to you. (
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How long did it take you to get used to your denture?
I am getting a top one, and I would just like to know how long it took some of you to get used to your denture. Also, how long were you in pain?
a full denture(one that replaces every tooth) vs. a partial denture(one that replaces only some missing teeth).
A partial usually takes less time to get adjusted to as it does not feel as "big". But keeping a partial denture and its surrounding teeth is very important.
A full upper denture is usually more tolerable than a full lower denture. You'll learn how to speak and talk and eat all over again. New dentures usually will result in some sore spots over the gum in the first week- your dentist will adjust the denture accordingly to allow these spots to heal. He'll also check the bite on the plate to match the lower teeth. As time goes on you'll become more comfortable with your denture and you'll be able to eat different kinds of food, gradually moving up to harder and more chewy food.
good luck. (
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How fast can I get a temporary or perm denture made. Been seeing dentist for extractions. Dragging his feet. ?
My son gets marrried in 5 weeks. With extractions done to date I have 1 tooth left to remove, but dentist says it will be 2 months or more till perm denture is made. He thinks temp dentures are a waste of my money. What do I do?
He is dragging his feet, go somewhere else. I just had 20 teeth removed and walked out the same day with dentures. I had mine done at Affordable Dentures. However here are a lot of places out there that will do the same. Not sure where you live, try searching for "one day dentures". (
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How do I get denture cream off the roof of my mouth?
I'm getting dentures in a few weeks. Is there any good way to get denture cream off the roof of your mouth or it it something denture wearers have to live with??
You can try to rub it off with a piece of gauze or give it time to wear off. You cannot just rinse it off with water or mouthwash. (
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When can I go back to work after getting a full upper denture?
I am about to get a full upper denture and they will be pulling 12 teeth, They will put my dentures in as soon as my teeth are pulled. My question is what can I expect as far as pain and major swelling? and Since i work with the public alot, how soon can i go back to work able to talk with minimal discomfort?
Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 25 years. I had advise people to take off 72 hours for several reasons. This is more tramatic then most people realize and the swelling lasts for 3-5 days. But the issue is the bleeding. The body needs time to heal and adjust to the new dentures. Talking will take some time as you must get use to the denture being on the arch(roof) of your mouth and re-train your tongue. And you will be very sore. The hard plastic is sitting on tender tissue that his been traumatized. Plus you will need to remove the denture after 24 hours and begin salt water rinses to help promote healing and stop infections and clean the denture of blood. I would not be in a rush to go back until you feel comfortable and at ease. Everyone is different, but I recommend at least 3 days or more to stop any embaressment if you feel sick, uncomfortable or not able to do your job. Good luck. M (
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How long does it take to get used to a partial denture?
My 8 year old son suffered with rare tumours when he was a baby which were attached to his jaw. One of the tumours was high and when it was removed it took with it 3 adult teeth (these are just under the eye when you are a baby, growing and dropping down as you grow). He has finally been given a partial denture to fill the gap (it is in the front) until he gets old enough to have permanent false teeth implanted. He is finding it difficult to eat and drink, not because it hurts as the teeth are a very good fit, but because he cannot feel himself chewing, etc. Does anyone know how long it takes to get used to this and be able to eat normally again? It would be good if I could give him a rough idea of when they will start to feel like "his" teeth!
I an a dental nurse and i also had a partial denture but i was 18 yrs old so i know that that the age is different and why we got one is different, but i can fully understand what your son is going though by finding it hard. Sadly he will have his denture changed so much that he will feel it hard every time, is this as you are awear the teeth are still moving and the jaw is still growing, he can take it out to eat and put it back if after and slow leave it in when he eat small things this can help, just let him take his time with it. i know that this is very hard as he is back at school soon but let take it out for dinner at home and leave it in for lunch at school this may help. all the best i hope that his treatment goes well Billie RDN AND WHAT EVERY YOU DON'T LET HIM SLEEP WITH IT!!! LIKE SOMEONE HAS SAID AS IT CAN GO DOWN DOWN THE BACK OF HIS MONTH THEN HE IS SLEEPING ALWAYS PUT IT IN A GLASS/CUP OF WATER PLEASE (
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How do you remove Denture Adhesive Cream from the roof of your mouth ?
When I remove my upper denture there is always some of
the denture cream stuck to the roof of my mouth, and I have used paper towels-- wash clothes if someone has information on
how to do this please be kind and tell me
Thank you
How do I remove adhesive residue?
To remove adhesive residue from your dentures, use a denture cleanser such as Fixodent® Denture Cleanser System with ProGuard. To remove adhesive residue from your mouth, gums, tongue, and palate, brush the roof of your mouth and gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush, toothpaste such as Crest®, and comfortably hot water. (
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