FAQ - Stomatitis, Denture
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After the unwrapping process takes place after Oral Surgery Can I still where my denture or Flipper?

I have a flipper and im bout to have an implant done after the unwrapping of the implant can i still wear my denture aka flipper? Also after the unwrapping part what takes place after?

You can still wear the flipper. After the uncovering, a cap is placed over the implant to keep the gum from covering it over and the lab will commence making the porcelain crown and in 2-3 weeks you should have it placed.  (+ info)

how do you keep a partial denture plate really secure in your upper mouth?

A friend of mine has a partial denture plate for his front teeth. Unfortunately he doesn't have many back teeth on the top so the plate doesn't clip between two other teeth. He says he can't keep it from moving about. He's tried a lot of denture adhesives, but has never tried the powder. Any one have any advice for how he can make it feel more secure? Thanks.
He says he has to reapply the adhesive 3xs a day. Anyone else do this? Thanks

if he goes back to the dentist he will be able to make the plate thicker for him ,ive worn a plate before i got teeth implants in and that what the dentist did for me it awful when u drink with a plate as the teeth are like clobbers in u mouth so tell him try the dentist,or also inquire about mini implants it a plate with no gum on it that clicks firmly into u gum costs around 1,000 euro in the seapoint clinic in dublin in ireland the dentist is tom leihnan or old quater dentist in limerick ireland the dentist is paul o connell  (+ info)

I am a new denture wearer, upper and lower. Using denture adhesives, is there a "best" way to remove adhesives

I am a new denture wearer using both upper and lower teeth. I am trying several adhesives, but I find removing the adhesiive later is difficult. It won't separate easily from either the gums or the dentures. Is there a "best" way to remove it? Is is harmful when swallowed?

You have discovered the catch to using denture adhesives. Those that work well, work a bit too well when you don't need it to. The simpliest way to remove the upper denture is to slip a finger above the front teeth and pull down. Remove the bottom plate in the same way, although there it works best if you work with two fingers- one beneath the teeth at the corners. Actually, if you have well fitted dentures you should not need any dental adhesive to hold the plates in place. Although the dental adhesives are safe to use in the mouth from a poisoning standpoint- they are not good for the long term health of your mouth. The membranes inside your mouth still need to breath, which the adhesive will prevent. It can make you a higher risk for a mouth infection like thrush or trench mouth, and block the salivary glands. There's no good method to remove the excess from the plates or your mouth, aside from wiping and brushing. Most of the denture cleaner tablets, those that fizz- will do an adequate job of removing the excess, but you will still want to wipe off what you can and be prepared to brush them under hot water. Honestly though, the best way to deal with slippery dentures is to return to the dentist and have them realigned. Properly adjusted dentures should stay in place on their own. That doesn't mean you will be able to chomp into an apple, or chow down on ribs or corn on the cob the way you used to though. Having dentures means you have to adapt to new ways of biting into things, and some things you just can't do.  (+ info)

what is the treatment for stomatitis aphtosa?

inside the lip and on the gum i have stomatitis aphtosa ,what is the treatment?

This is the formation of canker sores on mucosa of the mouth, possibly caused by something eaten like hot foods, spices, chemicals substances of cheap toothpaste or mouth washes, low nutrition, forms of bacteria or infections and other unknowns.
Treatment varies but first you have to correct the gastric disturbance causing the problem, then simply washing out your mouth frequently with proper hygiene. There are some mouth rinsing treatments but without further identification of the cause, its best not to disclose a possible misdiagnosed treatment.
My grandfather used to prevent any illness I may have gotten during my kiddo years by giving me his tried and true remedy, a "horse laxative" of certain medical herbs guaranteed to make you tie up the toilet for an afternoon but you won't get sick. Of course I was too dumb not to learn.  (+ info)

What's it like to have all your teeth pulled and replaced with a full upper denture?

What was the recovery period like. Does it feel terrible to have a denture in your mouth?

The pain can be overwhelming. However, I've never had a patient that wishes they hadn't done it. When you need dentures, you will do anything to get them. If you don't get the immediate denture, you will have to wait 6 weeks to start the process to get one after all the swelling has gone down. If you can go that long w/o your teeth, well, that's up to you. Many people can eat fairly well and stop taking pain medicine in 4-7 days. I hope all works out great for you!!  (+ info)

What's the best solution for denture bad breath?

I have an upper denture, and wish I had a solution to the bad breath/dry mouth problem. Gum or candy helps, but I am sometimes at places (like schools) where I'm not able or allowed to just suck on those whenever I want.

Try NuvoraBreath... Not any mouth freshener can get rid of bad breath since most mouth fresheners only mask bad breath. Therefore, there is no use in having those fresheners. But certain products like, NuvoraBreath keep the mouth clean and fresh by killing the very bacteria that causes bad breath.  (+ info)

how to remove the hard plake from the denture?

how can i remove the yellow hard but very fine crust from my denture?i dip it to the bleach,it only cleans the tea and Coffee stain,and i soaked to denture cleaning tablets water,it only cleans the stains,but did not remove the hard stuff.
please only those people answer,who have the denture and have the experience and the people who work with dental industries or with the dentist,and have the experience.thanks.

Calculus (aka tartar) can be easily removed by a dentist by soaking them in a special solution and placing in an ultrasound cleaner. Tartar sticks to dentures and natural teeth so tenaciously that professional removal is the only way to handle the problem. There are no over the counter products available to dissolve/remove tartar.  (+ info)

Scheduled for gum grafts(3), I wear a partial denture(upper front), when can I start wearing my denture again?

Will have gum grafts(3), 1 upper & 2 lower. I wear a partial denture, when can I start wearing it again? I'm aware infection might or will occur. I cannot go back to work without my denture. Not an option! What is the recovery time without any infection or whatever. How to prevent infection from happening? What diet while gums are healing?

took me 2 weeks for the infection in my mouth to be back to normal again..... during my time of swollen/sensitive gums ordeal i drank protein shakes and smoothies  (+ info)

How much does a denture cost?

Partial denture for single tooth, upper central incisor?

I don't want a bridge. Any other Options?

A single tooth denture aka a flipper can run about $600. You can also do an implant which is permanent ($1500). They put a screw into your bone and then screw on a tooth. This is an expensive option but it permanent and more natural looking. I know a person who has a flipper and has to take it out to eat, sleep and its annoying over time. So most insurances don't cover the implant but if you can get Care Credit or a payment plan this would be a good option.  (+ info)

Can I get a partial denture to replace my molar?

I split one of my molars in two because I didn't get it crowned after having a root canal. I was considering a bridge or an implant, but they are way too expensive for me right now.

Could the dentist make me a denture with one tooth on it to fill in the gap?

Also, can I leave the denture in there all the time? Or will I have to take it off at night? How much would a denture like this most likely cost?


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