FAQ - Stomatitis, Denture
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What type of denture adhesive & cleaner works best for you?

There really is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer so consider this kind of a poll...my husband has new dentures, I have my original teeth, so, what adhesive do you use for keeping them in and what denture cleaner do you use, and your opinion on others, if you have one. This is all new to me (& him) so thought I'd ask...Thanks & have a great weekend!

Polident and Efferdent are good soaking cleaners. If he is a heavy smoker or coffee or tea drinker he might use Dentu Creme with a brush to remove these heavier stains. It would be best if he could get used to the dentures without relying on any adhesive. None are that great but if he needs a little initial help getting used to them .3 little dabs evenly spaced may provide a little support during his learning period. I wish him good luck.  (+ info)

Does anyone know the purpose of the blue ring that comes in the new blue efferdent denture cleaner tub?

I use the denture cleaner for my invisalign.

Ask your invisalign provider (dentist), he/she should know if this is a new tool that has just been introduced with the product.  (+ info)

Partial denture teeth seem very short compared to natural?

My husband just got partial dentures both upper and lower. The teeth on the dentures seem very, very short--they don't stick up at all from the gum the way his natural teeth do. This is especially pronounced when looking at the backside of the top dentures. His front tooth that is natural has a fair amount of tooth exposed above the gum line, his partial denture has less than a third as much.

We are concerned, is this normal? Will it affect eating for the artificial gum line to be so high?

You have to keep in mind that the false teeth actually sit on top of the gums not in them. If the teeth were copied exactly as the originals were your husband would not be able to open and close his mouth. I am sure on the visual surfaces- the parts seen by people looking at him, they teeth appear normal. What you describe is completely normal for denture teeth.

The chewing surfaces should be similar to real teeth in surface area and hopefully the cusps are deep enough to provide good chewing surfaces.  (+ info)

Can i replace my crooked front teeth with a partial denture?

I have crooked front teeth. I am not able to afford crowns or veneers. So i was wondering if it is possible to remove my front teeth and get a partial denture until i could afford implants?

You could have the teeth removed and a flipper inserted at the same time. You can let the area heal for 6 months to a year and then start on the implants. Talk to your dentist and see what he thinks of that plan. Good luck.  (+ info)

How to remove built up denture cream?

I just got dentures and I just took them out the first few times and soaked them in water anway the denture cream built up and hardened and I have to scrape to remove. Does anyone know anything I could soak them in or anything to get it off?

Rinse them in warm water and scrub with either a denture toothbrush or regular toothbrush.

Be careful how much adhesive you apply in the early days.  (+ info)

What can I do about "stomatitis" on my tongue?

I was diagnosed with stomatitis ( a type of viral infection). It causes lots of sores in my mouth. The sores on the inside of my cheeks are alright, but I've got white sores on my tongue. It feels horrible, and I can barely eat! All that's helping is anisthetic (kinda like orajel, so don't reccomend that to me) and ice cream. Both of those things numb the pain so I can eat.

Is there any remedy or anything I can take to actually heal these sores? It's been 5 days with them, and I'd like them to go away sooner.

Stomatitis...More commonly known as a canker sore, can be miserable. However, here's a couple of remedy's you can try for come relief.. Mix a 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8oz. of warm water. Swish this around in your mouth really good, then spit it out. Do this about 3x a day until you're cured. Or, for the pain, get yourself a numbing agent, such as Oragel or Ambisol and apply it to your sores. Actually, any type of numbing medication will help. I would suggest something that numbs for a toothache. That would be the strongest. If none of these work, ask your doctor for a prescription.  (+ info)

Does anyone know if there is a way to have braces as well some kind of bridge or denture at the same time?

I need braces but I have a bridge. I have a feeling I need to take it out before I get the braces but I don't want to walk around with a missing tooth. Has anyone had the same experience and was able to have braces as well as some sort of denture or temporary fill in the gap? Thanks!

You will not have to walk around with a gap. If the orthodontist has to move the teeth that are attached to the bridges, sometimes they have to section the bridge (remove the fake tooth) and then place the "fake tooth" on the braces. They will put a bracket on the tooth and hook it onto the wire. Although it will not look perfect, most people won't be able to tell. If the teeth with bridges are not majorly involved they may be able to work around it without destroying it. It all depends on the treatment necessary. The best bet is to have a complete evaluation by your orthodontist. He can explain all your options.

Just a side note. If they section the bridge, it will need to be replaced after treatment is complete. Immediately after your braces are removed the orthodontist will most likely make you a retainer with the missing teeth on it. For long term treatment, a new bridge or implant is necessary. Good luck.  (+ info)

I am interested in getting denture implants?

I have had dentures for a very long time. I have severe bone loss in my jaws. Could I be candidate for denture implants.

I was just at the dentist a few days ago. I have a few gaps in my jaw, and was wondering if I could get dental implants.

The first thing would be to get a dental X-ray, and only then can the dentist assess whether you are suitable for it. You need to have sufficient bone in the jaw because you need to drill the implant into the bone.

I was told I wasn't a candidate for implants because the area where I wanted to have an implant had too little bone, and also because the sinus (a normal cavity in the skull) was way too close to the area, and if I did have an implant, it would go into the sinus cavity (which is a big no-no). Also, you may have problems as you age since you say you have severe bone loss, and this may cause the implant to move a little over time...  (+ info)

What kind of denture adhesive would you use for sensitive gums?

My elderly parent's dentures are loose and they slip both uppers and lowers. She had the uppers realigned but they still slip. She also has sensitive gums and some adhesives blister her gums. I was wondering if anyone knows of an adhesive for sesitive gums. She don't want a strip just a bonding cream.

pollydent  (+ info)

Can a dentist make a denture the same size as your other teeth to fit in in line with the rest?

Ineed 1 bottom denture and this dentist told me that it will be smaller than the rest,but anything is better than a small gap so any one know any info on this would be helpful,thanks.

Are you getting a false tooth to replace one tooth or a whole mouth. One missing tooth is called a partial or a flipper. A denture is an entire set to replace all the missing teeth.

The tooth should be the same size and shape as the tooth that fell out so it fits the space well. A dental implant is better than a bridge that someone suggested because the teeth on each side has to be shaved down to fit the appliance which can damage those teeth. If you can get a dental implant it would look and function the same way that your tooth did before you lost it without damage to the adjacent teeth.  (+ info)

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