How long does it take to heal your gums from denture surgery?
This is for immediate dentures, once all the teeth are pulled how long does it take for the gums to heal.
Yeah, 3-4 weeks.
Here's an answer I wrote a while ago that has answers to many questions that might be on your mind:
I don't know the details of your surgery, but I can share the experiences of many of my own patients. They usually make out AMAZINGLY well when they have an immediate denture placement. As you mentioned, the denture serves to protect the surgical area. It also keeps swelling to a minimum. It is very unlikely that you will get dry sockets. I can't say if you wil look like you were punched in the mouth or anything either, but this is usually not the case. Sometimes, if you have a lot of bottom teeth removed (especially), you may have a bruise on your chin for a week or so, but this tends to occur more if you (the patient) are older - like 70 or older.
Yes, you will be numb and your speech might be sort of mumbly, but what the heck... Enjoy it. If your mouth doesn't work right for a few hours, just laugh about it. It'll be back to normal soon.
I do not know what your dentist's protocol is, but I tell the patient to leave the denture in place for 24 hours and I always schedule them for 15 minutes the day after surgery. This way, I can remove the denture and clean up the site and clean out the inside of the denture. I can also trim any areas that look like they are going to cause pressure sores. If your dentist does not practice this way - and considering that it is the weekend - I'd suggest that you leave the denture in place for at least 24 hours. When you take the denture out, very gently clean your gums with a wet washcloth. Rinse out the inside of your denture and get it back into your mouth within five minutes. This is the only time that I really want a patient to sleep with their dentures in place. You should have your denture in your mouth almost 24 hours a day for maybe 3 weeks so you don't bump into the multiple extraction sites and open up the wound before it has really healed shut. (
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What is better to have dental implant or partial denture?
I heard implant is not good because the presence of metal in the body which is a foreign material and the body will act with antibodies.Also that if you have dentures,even partial , the bones will retract and you will look older . How are the dentures now days,can you really eat good with them and what happens if you forget taking them off during sleep?
i'd say the implant is a better choice... i've got a partial at the moment, waiting on an implant. i cannot eat one darn thing with the partial in my mouth! it totally sucks--i can't go out to eat. feh... as far as rejection of the implant goes, i think it's quite rare (
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what are the side effects of using denture paste?
i need to know what are some of the side effects of using denture paste.
None, if you dont have an allergic reaction to it at first use then there are no side effects (
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Which one should I consider denture or bridge?
I have 02 missing teeth in front. My dentist suggested to me to do a bridge as I am using a denture now. I need advice whether should I maintain my denture or doing a bridge is better. Does bridge need lots of attention to maintain? What is the advantage or disadvantage? Appreciate sincerely advice for my decision making.
It all depends on the condition of the remaining teeth and bone.I had the same problem and considered the denture to be only a short term option -you should get something permanent.A bridge requires the adjacent teeth to the space to be cut down and are difficult to clean-so what condition are they in?. If they are in near perfect condition the best option are dental implants.More expensive but eliminates damage to the teeth that a denture or a bridge can do. (
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where in canada could I get a denture repair kit for home repairs?
I am lookng for a denture repair kit and can only find companies in the states and most don't ship to canada any ideas would be lhelpful
your welcome (
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For Denture Wearers-How old were you when you had to start wearing them?
Curiosity. I am 22 but have horrid teeth, though I brush them every day :( I am scare the dentist will want to yank them all. Everybody in my fam has problems. They rot inside out.
I was 48 when I had the bad teeth extracted and upper dentures made to replace them. Never regretted it--spent about 40 years suffering with bad, misaligned and rotting teeth. Your dentist will give you the best answers about dentures. (
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I just had 7 teeth pulled for denture fitting, what can I do to help the swelling?
I had the top teeth pullled for dentures and all is well. The bottom, however, is very swolllen and I am unable to eat. Has anyone gone through teeth pulling for dentures and just need some advice.
warm water and salt.just take some hold it in your mouth for a minute or two then repeat.the salt water reduces swelling in the gums (
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How to stick the fallen denture (removable) tooth?
One of the teeth from my friends removable denture is fallen out. I think this could be glued in. But he does not know which glue should be used. Is any non-toxic glue is available in the market? which can be used on dentures? (He has no chance to go to a dental technician for repair. )
household epoxy will do just fine (
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i am having 7 teeth extracted on the bottom already had the denture fitting when can i put denture in after te?
7 teeth extracted on monday impressions already taken when can i put denture in?
You can probably have the denture inserted right away. It will not fit as well as it would after healing but it will help control swelling and bleeding. Your dentist should give you instructions on how to care for your extraction sites and how best to manage the denture for the first couple of days.
I can be of any help, just give me a yell. (
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What is actually used to form a denture plate?
What is the plate itself made of and where can i pick this up for my schooling? I'm not that far in school but need to get further knowlege.
The pink gum shaded part is acrylic. The teeth can be plastic, porcelain, or a vinyl material. (
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