What are some bad effects that can be led from xenozzonosis (animal to human diseases) ?
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Is there any significant animal testing that you know of that has discovered a cure for human diseases?
I saw someone asking this on youtube, but it didn't have any answers to it.
I want proof.
I'm a vegan btw. ;]
you can bet almost everything we use has been tested on animals first. that includes insulin, advil and all types of things that have cured a disease. for instance my mom takes a MS medication that has made her alot better, of course that was tested on animals, they just dont advertise that. proof is that they will not test anything on human until they test on animals first. (
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Emerging Animal Diseases and Food-Borne Infection Problems?
There have been several emerging animal diseases and food-borne infection problems occurring in Japan over the last 5 years. We describe brief pictures of these epidemics and our control activities. As acute contagious and/or emerging animal diseases, the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak caused by the Pan-Asian topotype of the type O virus occurred in March 2000 after 92 years of FMD-free status.
In 2004, four cases of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which was the first outbreak after 79 years, and caused by the H5N1 subtype, were identified. As part of the responses against these outbreaks, all the animals in the affected farms were destroyed, and movement control areas were established around the infected premises, and a nation-wide intensive survey for FMD and HPAI was performed. As for food-borne or feed-borne infections, the first bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was identified in September 2001 and 19 more cases have been reported until June 2005.
A large outbreak of food-borne infection caused by low-fat milk contaminated with enterotoxin A produced by Staphylococcus aureus, involving more than 13,000 patients, occurred in 2000. In 2003, people who consumed uncooked liver and meat from wild boar and deer developed clinical signs of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis E virus. Pork is also suspected as natural source of virus transmission. Early detection of the first cases and rapid action in preventing and controlling the spread of infections are very important combined with proper risk communication about correct information of the diseases.
Today, meat-borne disease still become top-10 disease & death in US & England/Wales.
I don't understand your logic. Are you saying people shouldn't be able to eat meat? Or are you trying to convince people to become vegetarians?
I like this part of your question -"why risk the innocent vegetarians". As if meat eaters are responsible for all the disease in the world. Those poor innocent vegetarians. They don't stand a chance.
Also, meat-borne disease a top ten killer in the world, I don't think so. I don't know where you got that propaganda but the is blatantly false.
I you want to have a serious dicussion about this topic, stay away from propaganda. (
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Animal origin of sexually transmitted diseases?
I just read an article that states all sexually transmitted diseases originated with humans having sex with animals. It said that right now in Africa men are having a lot of sex with dogs. What are your thoughts on this?
lol heres a simple solution.
HPV-from the best known dogs around: MEN (
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Has animal testing cured any diseases in the past 10 years?
If it hasn't then whats the point of it?
i dont have a sickness im just wondering if its cured anything because i think its inhumane
I don't use anything that's been tested on animals. (
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Animal Diseases passed on to humans?
How come so many dangerous diseases are passed from animal to human?
Such as the HIV (AIDS), wasn't it first passed on from a chimpanzee when scientists were experimenting with it?
And right, now the Swine Flu.
Most animals have an HIV equivalent. It most likely happened when people were receiving transfusions of equine plasma. It was a common procedure 50 years ago, but since went out. The virus likely just adapted to the new human environment. It does mutate quickly, after all.
Any way, the reason it's so dangerous when they cross species is because we have no natural immunity to it. Over time the virus will be less dangerous. (
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What animal wouldn't give me diseases?
My friend bet me i wouldn't bite the head off an animal. I've already ruled out mice and rats because they would give me a disease and i could die. Which animal may not give me anything bad?
Nearly every animal out there might have a zoonose (a disease that can be passed from animals to humans). From flies to elephants, there are hundreds of diseases you can get from this type of exposure http://www3.tiho-hannover.de/einricht/who/forum_vph/home/home_e/aufgaben/zoonosen/liste_zoonosen_e.htm, http://www.gopetsamerica.com/diseases/zoonoses_list.aspx.
The other posters are correct. Or get a rubber bat, bite its head off, and make a joke about it. (Supposedly Ozzie thought that live bat was actually a rubber one.) (
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What purpose does animal testing serve, when in reality, diseases vary from species to species?
It gives those sick demented scientists a way to get their jollies without having to torture and kill people. (
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what animal diseases can the trichanthera plant cure?
what animal diseases can the plant cure... and can it cure pigs? pls... it's for my high school research..
Farmers in Colombia have used trichanthera as an indigenous medicinal plant to treat conditions in humans and domestic animals. In humans, it is used as a blood tonic, to treat nephritis and as a lactogenic drink for nursing mothers. In domestic animals, it is used to treat colic and hernia in horses, and retained placenta in cows. Sprouts are used for human consumption in maize porridge.
Pigs eat it well, especially during pregnancy. However, when eaten in amounts that theoretically supply all the protein needs (about 3 Kg/day), pregnant pigs rapidly lost body condition when given only Trichanthera as a supplement to sugar cane juice. Up to 30% replacement of the soya bean protein by Trichanthera appears to be feasible (Preston, 1995).
Results, in terms of litter size and gain to weaning, from replacing 75% of the soya bean meal with Trichanthera in cane juice diets for pregnant sows have been very encouraging. Litter size did not differ from that of the control group and gain to weaning was slightly higher, with high levels of the leaves (Mejia, 1989). In another experiment, leaves from Trichanthera gigantea were used as a partial replacement for soya bean (extracted meal or cooked whole seeds) during the pregnancy phase of sows fed a basal diet of sugar cane juice. Trichanthera was offered ad libitum and complemented with either soya bean meal or cooked whole soya bean seeds. The control treatment received only cooked whole soya bean seeds as the protein source. There were no significant differences in productive traits (days empty, numbers, weights and growth rate of the piglets) due to treatment. Protein conversion rate (kg protein/kg of weaned piglets) was best on the Trichanthera+cooked soya beans (0.425) and worst on the Trichanthera+soya bean meal. The control treatment was intermediate (0.608). It is concluded that the leaves of Trichanthera gigantea can provide about 30% of the protein (about 1 kg/day of fresh leaves) of the diet of pregnant sows fed cane juice (Sarria, 1994).
Results with growing pigs have been less satisfactory. Performance was reduced at all levels of substitution of soya bean meal by Trichanthera. Rate of live weight gain decreased (625, 584, 522 and 451 g/day) and feed conversion deteriorated (3.04, 3.27, 3.63 and 3.89) with increasing substitution (0, 5, 15 and 25%) of soya bean protein by Trichanthera leaves. Intake of cane juice, protein and of total dry matter decreased with increasing substitution by Trichanthera leaves (Sarria et al., 1991).
TRICHANTHERA sp.: Cajeto (C); Nacedero (C,D). Said to be used for living fence posts in Colombia. In Darien, it is used medicinally for smallpox. (
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Why and whats a notifiable disease?? (animal diseases) Thankyou?
Why and whats a notifiable disease, (animal diseases) What makes it a notifiable disease?
Thankyou xx
A notifiable disease is a disease that is required (by law) to be reported to the government. It usually happens during pandemics (infectious diseases) for both humans and animals. Some examples are Cholera, Lyme Disease, Tuberculosis (serious ones).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notifiable_disease (
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