What do you think about animal testing?
How do you feel about testing animals to help cure diseases and create medicines? How about using animals to make sure food, drinks, and over-the-countered drugs are safe? Or to make sure cosmetics are safe? What are some good things that could come from animal testings? What are some of the dangers?
i'm doing a debate against animal testing, and i just wanted to use people's opinion in my speech...so help?
it can be just ur OPINION!!
If it cures a human disease its cool, but I think using animals to test cosmetics or other stuff is cruel. (
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cure for diseases found by animal testing? urgent!?
which all diseases have cures/drugs been found by animal testing.. or which solving had become easier with the help of animal testing....
if u could just name them it would be fine... but they have to be true :P
PLZ PLZ PLZ help! urgent
Real evidence of curing Huntington disease have been found by researchers at the University of British Columbia's Centre for Molecular // Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT), when they studied with a mouse. This provided hope in curing the disease in humans.
Towards the end of the 19th century, Robert Koch (1843-1910) established that specific diseases are caused by specific germs. He saw rod-shaped bacteria in the blood of cows that had died from anthrax and guessed that they caused anthrax. When Koch injected mice with this blood, they also developed anthrax. Koch, Pasteur and others also identified the germs causing diphtheria, rabies and the plague. This allowed scientists to develop vaccines for animals and people by using weakened germs.
An anthrax vaccine was one of the first to be developed. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) weakened anthrax bacteria by heating so that it no longer caused disease and vaccinated a group of sheep with the weakened bacteria, causing the sheep's immune systems to produce antibodies. Pasteur later infected this vaccinated group and another non-vaccinated group with live anthrax. The vaccinated group survived whereas the non-vaccinated group died. The anthrax vaccine has saved countless farm animals and people.
Smallpox, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, and mumps deformed and killed thousands of children a year prior to the 20th century. But, with the development of vaccines, natural smallpox has been eradicated from the world, polio has been eradicated in the western hemisphere, and whooping cough, tetanus and mumps are much more rarely seen in developed countries.
Many life-saving surgical procedures, including organ transplantation, heart-valve replacement, coronary artery bypass and open-heart surgery, have been developed using animal models first. Animal studies have also led to the development of drugs to treat epilepsy and certain forms of cancer. Animals are also considered essential for testing the safety of food additives, drugs, workplace chemicals and vaccines. (
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What diseases have animal tests helped cure? Will the US follow the EU?
I've found a plethora of reasons animal testing are invalid, misleading and unnecessary. I've learned that they do not only harm and kill animals, but they harm and kill humans who use products that were deemed "safe" for animals- animals are just plain different than humans, we react differently.
1. I am wondering what good animal testing has done- what diseases it has cured? I know thousands and thousands of diseases and illnesses have been given and then cured in ANIMALS, but have not been able to be applied to humans.
2. My other question is whether you think the US will follow the European Union's example and outlaw all animal testing for the reasons I discussed above?
Honestly no disease have been cured due to animal testing. Many of the most important advances in the field of health care can be attributed to human studies, which have led to major medical breakthroughs, such as the development of anesthesia, the stethoscope, morphine, radium, penicillin, artificial respiration, x-rays, antiseptics, and CAT, MRI, and PET scans; the study of bacteriology and germ theory; the discovery of the link between cholesterol and heart disease and the link between smoking and cancer; and the isolation of the virus that causes AIDS. Animal testing played no role in these or many other important medical developments.
In fact, two separate bodies of work were done on polio: the in vitro work, which was awarded the Nobel Prize and did not involve animals, and the animal tests, in which a staggering number of animals were killed. Nobel Laureate Arthur Kornberg noted that for 40 years, experiments on monkeys who had been infected with polio generated “limited progress” toward a cure. The breakthrough came when scientists learned how to grow the virus from human and monkey cells
I dont' think the US will outlaw animal testing especially since they approved the Animla Enterprise Terrorism Act last year. However I believe they should. Animal testing is only delaying any real research that can be done to help cure many serious illnesses. Use of stem-cells (and yes there are stem-cells other than embryotic ones) or sample tissue and even artificial organs can produce even more accurate results than animal research. (
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What cures for diseases were tested on animals in the UK? (please include sources)?
I am doing an essay on the pros and cons of animal testing. Can you provide me with some of these, along with cures for diseases which have been tested on animals. (Please include sources)
Pretty much every medicine created in the past 50 years was tested on animals first.
Here's one link I found with five minutes of looking http://www.ncabr.org/biomed/FAQ_animal/faq_animal_8.html
There are many others! (
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What diseases that can be transmitted from animals to human and vice versa?
Tell me what diseases do you know that came from animals and transmitted to us. And also what ways we can prevent it.
There are hundreds, way too many to list here! You are referring to zoonoses, the term for a disease that can be passed from animals to humans and vice versa. Zoonoses can be parasitical, fungal, bacterial, viral, and just plain "other". They can be transmitted by cows, cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, and even fish.
Read about common zoonoses at
http://www.anapsid.org/chomeltables.html (about pets!)
If you have access to a library, this book http://www.amazon.ca/Zoonoses-Communicable-Diseases-Common-Animal/dp/927511580X is a good source for your Question.
If you have a particular pet you are concerned about, you may want to search [pet] zoonoses. (
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What are diseases that hide in your body/ animals that hide and wait for their prey?
What are some types of diseases that you can have and you wouldn't even know, diseases that hide in your body, and wait for the perfect to attack your body. Or animals that hide and wait to attack their unknowing prey.
Parasites can hide in your body, wait and attack. Most get into a host without their knowledge and attack the system. They could fall into both categories. Check out:
If you want a disease that can hide in your body, try some of the genetic diseases that are only passed on if both parents carry that gene like Downs Syndrome. There is also heart disease, Huntington's Diesease (it degenerates your brain), and a slew of Mental Illnesses. (
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Why do humans get so many types of sexually transmitted diseases whereas animals get none?
When you think about it, humans are absolutely filthy when it comes to sex. The percentages of folks with herpes are so very high. And then you have all of the others: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital warts, crabs, AIDS, Hepatitis C, etc, etc, etc. Why do humans get so many sexually transmitted diseases whereas animals get none? What is it with humans? Why does nature punish humans for having sex whereas animals can have as many sexual partners as they want and not get a disease?
There's a number or reasons for the APPARENT high incidence of STDs in humans:
1/ Sex is a common and easily studied activity among humans, unlike animals to whom we don't have the same motivation to study in this aspect.
2/ Humans are able to modify their environments rather more successfully than other species. They can become almost invulnerable to many influences, hence Nature responds by increasing the number of maladies afflicting humans to control their unrestrained overpopulation.
3/ Animals DO get STDs.
Koalas' are rife with chlamydia, armadillos' are the ONLY animal affected by syphilis (and transmittable to humans) and some monkeys have been implicated (in/accurately ?) with the spread of AIDS.
Crabs are lice and as animals are infestations rather than diseases. Their spread CAN involve sexual contact but not necessarily -- just lke nits (head lice) -- and are readily found among other animals.
Genital warts are warts on genitals.Warts are papiloma virus's that can involve contact other than sexual to spread on many animals not just humans.
Too, many animals have sexually transmitted infertility ailments that are identified and spread by researchers amongst pest populations to reduce plaguing.
Whilst many animal illness's are related to human maladies not all are transmittable between animals and human, and when they do (zoonoses) not all require sexual interaction. (
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Can disease or infection be transferred if involved in sex acts from human to animal or vice versa?
Can disease or infection be transferred if involved in sex acts from human to animal or vice versa?
beastiality is gross wtf is wrong with u lol (
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Is there any dangers of catching diseases from animals when peeing outside?
I was taking a leak outside and a big black bird flew right over me and landed on a branch pretty close to me. I heard people say that you can get diseases from birds. Can you catch anything on the genitals because it was exposed?
Stop trolling. lol
If you are serious for some reason, maybe you should be more worried about the bird thinking it's a tiny worm. (
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I got my son a crab. He has 5 medium legs and one big leg in the front. Do crabs carry diseases?
I am afraid to let me son carry him because I heard some reptiles carry diseases? I am also not sure why his front leg looks so different. I am beginning to woner if he has an infection on his leg. How are diseases transmitted? Is it only when the animal is handled or can the disease be "inhaled?"
lol (
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