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Sinus arrhythmia?

I am a firefighter/paramedic, and I have recently noticed that I have sinus arrhythmia. I hooked myself up to an EKG at work and noticed my heart rate ranging from mid 40s to low 60s that was in sync with my respirations. Just curious if anyone else has this condition. Thanks in advance.

Sinus Arrhythmia while more common in children and adolescents is a completely normal and healthy variation of Normal Sinus Rhythm. Don't sweat it!  (+ info)

My dd (3 years) has a sinus arrhythmia. The pediatrician found it by EKG. He also did and X ray.?

He said it is very common and did not recommend seeing a pediatric cardiologist. SHe has chest pain, which is how he found it in the first place, and clammy hands and her abdomen hurts at times when she plays too hard. She breathes loudly while at rest and sometimes snores. I am so scared that he is missing something and want to take her to the local children's hospial.

Sinus arrythmia is NORMAL and it is seen in ALL children . Typically the pulse quickens with exhalation and slows down with inhalatiion .
The snoring and loud breathing point toward an ENT cause , like adenoids .
Clammy hands , abdomen pain and chest pain are rather subjective and could be due to anything . You should only be alarmed if more obvious signs appear to you , for instance bluish discoloration , rapid breathing , changes in urination habits , swelling in the body etc  (+ info)

Is there a cure for sinus arrhythmia?

  (+ info)

What is sinus rhythm/arrhythmia?

I've received a letter from my neurologist following a 24 hour tape ECG a month or so ago and I'm confused about what the letter says

"Please find enclosed this gentleman's 24 hour tape result which as you can see shows sinus rhythm/arrhythmia (at times marked) throughout with a borderline/reduced PR interval. There was one relevant patient reported event at 0351 hours showing sinus rhythm at 93bpm"

I get the end bit meaning that what I said was potential a problem or symptom was actually all okay.
It is the bit at the start which I don't understand. I know arrhythmia to be an abnormal heart rate but sinus to be normal, but what it says makes so sense to me.

Can anyone help? Is anything wrong with it?

Sinus rhythm is a term used in medicine to describe the normal beating of the heart, as measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Cardiac dysrhythmia (also known as arrhythmia) is a term for any of a large and heterogeneous group of conditions in which there is abnormal electrical activity in the heart. The heart beat may be too fast or too slow, and may be regular or irregular.
A short PR interval may indicate a pre-excitation syndrome via an accessory pathway that leads to early activation of the ventricles.  (+ info)

what does sinus bradycardia with marked sinus arrhythmia mean?

ekg, done 10 days ago

sinus bradycardia means slow heart rate
sinus arrythmia means heart is not beating in the normal rythym but the heart beat is still starting in the right place.
Many people live wiht this for their whole lives and never even know they have it. Stress less.  (+ info)

Slow heart beat and sinus arrhythmia?

So I went to the emergency room recently and had an EKG after I was experiencing some chest pain and a very low heart rate.
My heart rate was at 41 beats a minute. I am not a world-class athlete, I am not in shape, and am overweight so I was concerned.
The doctor told me I have sinus arrhythmia but had no answer for the chest pain I was experiencing and said it was just stress.
He said there is no treatment for sinus arrhythmia which is fine, but I'm still concerned because I'm still having some chest pain and my heart rate is still really low. (He also said the low heart rate is fine.) Does anyone have insight to what could be going on?

Well I would suggest seeing an cardiologist.. THe things is since you do have an arrhythmia it is more likely that you can brady down. sick sinus syndrome and acute bradiacardia is not good, you could end up having a heart attack having just an EKG done isn't' going to see what is really going on you should have more tests..  (+ info)

Could simple sinus arrhythmia be why a "Irregular" symbol shows on the Blood Pressure Cuff?

First off- I am an anxiety ridden person with an obsession for taking my pulse rate.

For every 30-60 times I take my Blood pressure on my at home cuff, I will get an "Irregular Symbol" 2 or 3 times.

I have been cleared by 2 different cardiologists for having any heart issues...

I notice that many times even when I take my BP at home, my breathing changing and I get nervous. Is it possible that simple sinus arrhythmia be why a "Irregular" symbol shows on the Blood Pressure Cuff once in awhile?
Note: Its not my BP that concerns me....its seeing the "irregular" symbol on the machine.

IT is possible, but what is more probable is that it could be your anxiety that is affecting your BP.

Generally, Age, Stress etc can affect your pulse rate and BP.

When you do your BP, try to relax as you have said 2 cardiologists have cleared you and you are an anxious person anyway.

Relax, trust the professionals and do not focus on your BP all the time.  (+ info)

Will a Sinus Arrhythmia disqualify me for a job with US Border Patrol?

I Recently had a Physical for a Position with Border Patrol and I just recieved a Letter that informs me that I have a Sinus arrhythmia, but it doesnt say anything about needing treatment, or taking pillsand it also doesn't say anything about disqualifying or qualifying for the position. It appears to me that it is just a letter so I see my physycian and see if something is wrong. But i am really looking forward to this Job and I am wondering If im gonna be disqualified for this

Absolutely not, a sinus arrhythmia is associated with phases of respiration. The faster rate occurs toward the end of inspiration and the slower heart rate occurs at the end of expiration.   (+ info)

Is it odd for a 30YO female to have sinus arrhythmia/sinus dysfunction? Most info is for seniors.?

Not an overweight but an otherwise rather healthy and active person, experiencing not the sinus arrhythmia that occurs from respiration but the kind that occurs from sinus node malfunction.

Sometimes the thing just doesn't fire or fires all crazy like. The joys of the arrhythmia types (basically whichever, whenever it chooses) and the 'consequences' (like fainting) are endless but would prefer to experience that joy less often.

Almost all the info about dealing with this issue is for seniors. I'm having trouble finding info for young people with this issue without another condition or disease of some kind causing or playing party to it. Pacemaker surgery is what is recommended for seniors but is a pacemaker what is needed for this condition at 30? Is there not any other way to help correct or mitigate the condition?

It's certainly possible for a 30 yo person to have it, though it IS uncommon.

Without knowing anything else about you, your health history, meds, etc., I'd wonder if your heart has ectopic foci or has a wandering pacemaker near your SA node, which would definitely cause your sinus arrhythmia. I'd look into talking to a cardiologist and getting an electrophysiology study (EPS) done, and see if the ectopic areas (areas where your heart shouldn't be using as a pacemaker if your SA node is fine) can be ablated.  (+ info)

Is smoking ganja bad for me if I have a heart murmur and a sinus arrhythmia?

I like to smoke a lot and never really get paranoied. But when I thnik about my heart, thats when I get a little paranoied.
I have a heart murmor and sinus arrhythmia, I know the heart murmor aint bad and the sinus thing is common in a lot of teens. Its an odd heart beat rythm. Iv'e been to the heart doctor and they said Im fine and can do whatever, but they didnt know I smoked so I just want to make sure.

So I just want to know if its safe to smoke or are there bad effects toward the heart besides increased heart rate when I smoke?


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