A woman a few streets away who suffered flooding has been told she has asbestosis. Apparently all the houses in our area have tiles on the floors downstairs that when broken or get wet release something into the air that causes asbestosis if exposed over a few years. I was not flooded but I did notice some tiles were broken when I replaced my carpets after moving in 18 months ago. Should I be worried about this?
you only need worry if there is a possibility of it becoming air borne if there is then you need to take care of it and no it won't be cheap sorry
its not toxins in asbestos that cause the damage its the asbestos its self
its has been banned for quite some time however it was not just used in military buildings and industrial it was used in residential also
it was put in drywall, drywall mud, floor tiles, floor tile glues, and even some insulation.
however it (in most cases) takes a considerable amount of exposure to create a problem. (
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What is the difference between asbestosis and pulmonary fibrosis?
My husband has been advised by his consultant to claim industrial disease allowance for his pulmonary fibrosis.Has he worked in shipbuilding with asbestos we expected to be told he had asbestosis!Should we be pleased or is it two names for same illness? He has lost a lot of former colleagues to asbestosis and so we and especially me, are very concerned about his quality of life in the near future.
asbestosis is caused by exposure to asbestos asbestos fibres are thin and microscopic and easily pass through the filters in the nose and bronchi into the lungs it sticks to the lungs and scars the lung tissue it makes it harder for the lungs to function properly and gas exchange gas exchange in the lungs gets harder it can cause respiratory failure and can take years to develop
pulmonary fibrosis scars the tissue in the lungs eventually the air sacs in the lungs are all replaced by fibre or scar tissue this tissue is thicker and the tissuyes cant transfer oxygen to the blood anymore (
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What is asbestosis and how is it different from mesothelioma?
Also, which one is more threatening?
My husband died from asbestosis contracted when he was between 21 and 25 in the Merchant Navy. The disease does not show itself until much later. He was in his 70's when it was diagnosed. It is inflammation of the lungs which is caused from inhalation of asbestos particles. Mesothelioma is a tumour of the lining of the lungs or another organ again with the same initial cause. (
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If asbestos is found in the lungs does that mean you definately have asbestosis?
Ans what are the effects of asbestosis?
No. Some fibres can remain in the lung forever and cause no issues. It is when the body defends against the fibres and enclose them in protein substances and create "asbestosis bodies", that a chronic inflammation occurs. this is asbestosis. (
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How frequently does asbestosis develop into diseases such as lung cancer or mesothelioma?
This would depend on the severity of the asbestosis, i.e. some sufferers can have a mild widespread scarring of the lungs over a life time. However smokers who continue smoking after they have been diagnosed with asbestosis have a fifty five percent higher chance of developing cancer and mesothelioma - particularly if the person smokes more than 20 per day.
Tobacco smoke and asbestos both contribute to each other’s cancer-causing carcinogenic effects, hence, both risk factors combined is more dangerous than the effects of one risk factor alone. (
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How doe a healthy lung look appose to an asbestosis infected lung?
They will give you an x ray, but that is not the final answer as to if you have asbestosis. They will do Pulmonary function tests, Ct Scan and even do a Bronchoscopy, where they run a tube down and actually take out a piece of the lung to check for Asbestos.
When I was informed I had it, I started walking, every day to get my lung capacity up. I can walk 30 blocks, pick up mail and turn right around and walk back, without stopping, without breathing hard.
And I have white lung also, from working with glass dust.
It depends on how bad you have Asbestosis, as to how easy it is to see on an x ray. They first found out I had it in the 1970's and I am still here in 2008, and am 73 so it always stays there in the lungs, but what good lung capacity you still have you can increase by exercise.
Now my Dad had black lung, and that is easily seen on an xray. But asbestosis will usually look like a spot or sometimes a mass on a lung. You see since the lungs cannot get rid of the asbestos fibers, they create fibroblasts to sorround the asbestos fibers. This will look like scar tissure,
sometimes you will read on a CT scan, diffuse pulmonary fibrosis. Now if you are doing a report on this be sure and include that it can affect the heart also. You will usually see patients with a dry cough, sometimes called a non productive cough. (
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What is the real cause of Asbestosis?
Is it the Asbestos itself or was it the glue compounds that held together the asbestos to make sheets etc that were carcinogenic. I've known of people who have lived in the areas where it was mined for decades and they seem to have no issues with sickness.
Boa the fibres are furry. Ive seen and felt raw asbestos from tailings at the mine
Not 1 person mentioned the bonding compounds. Why?
Asbestos causes Asbestosis and melothemioma (not spelt right i know) Nothing else causes it. my dad died of the melo...oma one. He went from playing A grade tennis to death in 2 years. He was riddled with secondary cancers. The lining of the pleura gets ripped up. very painful. Asbestos is mined out of the ground. They knew in the 1880s it was unsafe but it was still takes 30-49 years sometimes for symptoms to occur. it makes me sick that governments cover it up.My dad died at 59 and ws a strong man who played tennis cricket and football when he ws young. He worked outside and was tough.
Losing him to this disease has not gotten any easier even after 17 years. he was tough physically but as a man he was the best person in the world. Totally good, non racist and a great dad. Very unusual in his thinking and clever. But asbestos still got him. So beware of it. (
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What are the features of asbestosis of the lung on an xray?
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Is the Incidence of Mesothelioma Similar Between Asbestosis and Silicosis?
Thanks K, I wasn't Sure Where to Go.
Anreuro, I Heard this Long Ago, With the Burning of Rice Fields in Central Ca., I Heard that Problem was Ultimately Found to Be From the Release of Silicon, Oxidized Forms, Into the Atmosphere, Not Bagasosis (Sp?).
Hopefully, Spreedog answers this Q ;-). Maybe he (or, someone else) will have a much better answer. But, I’ll give this a shot...
I found a 1997, where cohorts of asbestos sprayers and silicosis patients were tracked for incidence of cancer. Total cancer, lung cancer, and mesothelioma were dependent/criterion variables (<-not familiar with the statistics utilized), from what I saw. I realize this research is a little dated. There is no control group, but just looks like a report on incidence, but, still, not very much control to attribute results to isolated effects. Anyway, from what I read, standardized incidence ratios indicated that asbestos sprayers had a significantly higher incidence in the development of mesothelioma. Silicosis patients only had significantly higher incidence ratios for all sites (i.e., total cancer risk). Check out the abstract for yourself:
Interesting little bits to do with silicosis and asbestos-related diseases. More recent, but not quite relevant to your Q: Apparently, silicosis and asbestos-related diseases not only differ in their causative materials (obviously, really), but also in terms of complications; autoimmune disorders being common in silicosis and tumors in asbestos-related diseases. Asbestos-related disease patients also show restricted overpresentation of TcR-Vbeta without clonal expansion, whereas silicosis patients reveal significant overpresentation of TcR-Vbeta 7.2. Basically, it may be concluded, here, that there are superantigenic effects associated with asbestos and dysregulation of autoimmunity-inducing effects of silica. I include these aforementioned bits, for the sake of interest, really, but perhaps you may glean something related to your reasoning/background to do with asking the Q. Here is the relevant abstract:
EDIT: Below, scroll down to the graph entitled, "CDC asbestosis vs silicosis deaths" associated with "Attachment 1". It's not a very clear graph. Pesky. But, on quick skim, it looks like a comparison of those with either asbestosis or silicosis who expired due to malignant mesothelioma, from 1980 thru 2002. Looks like, asbestosis on the rise and a bigger killer (?): (
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Is there a list of Naturopathic Doctors who work on Asbestosis?
Hi, sorry but i don't know where you're from so I can't help you find a naturopathic dr. Sorry! But this link might be of interest to you :)
Good Luck (
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