I was getting a stint removed from the bile duct. They said it was now in stomach.How does it get out?
it passes thru your gastrointestinal tract and is excreted along with your fecal matireal. (
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if the bile duct is white in colour what does this mean?
i have been told that the bile duct in my goll bladder is white what is this telling me
that it has calcified? this can happen due to excessive fibrosis (scarring) following chronic inflammation (
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what is the measurement of common bile duct in a 60 year old patient?
The mean diameter of the normal common duct was 4.1 mm. A common duct greater than 7 mm (circumfrence = 21.98 mm) in diameter can be seen in (a) nonjaundiced patients with gallstones and/or pancreatitis, or (b) jaundiced patients with common duct obstruction by stone or tumor. A common duct greater than 11 mm (circumfrence 34.54mm) in diameter is strongly suggestive of obstruction by stone or tumor.
Gekko!!! (
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what is the measurement of common bile duct in a 60 yr old patient?
Are you measuring by ultrasound or are you injecting a contrast through the sphincter of oddi?
I would say it should not be much larger or dilated than a normal younger person. If the bile duct is dilated, I think that warrants further investigation to make sure there is no obstruction.
Why on earth are you asking here? Ask the doctor!!!!! (
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a loved one recently diagnosed with bile duct cancer?
they are starting chemo and radiation in 6 days. They are also inserting a stent. seems to have had this for approx. a year now and about a month ago we noticed yellowing. This is what propted a visit to the doctor. Please let us know what we are in for. Can this be cured!!!!
I found this link that might be of some help... It probably wont be what you want to hear though...
Sounds to me like its one of those things that you wont know its there until its too late. The symptoms that CAN come up early, are usually passed off as some other problem. Best thing to do is Chemo and Radiation. Possible surgical measures can be taken to reduce some of the symptoms.
Hope this helps. Sorry that you have to see someone go through this... (
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Drugs end up here by way of the bile duct or from passage from the stomach?
A. Intestine
B. Liver
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bile duct if is got a hole dose it need a opp?
if the bile duct has a hole in it what does this mean dose this need a opp cannot get a answer off my doctor please answer
if you have a hole in your bile duct it will cause the bile to leak out of the duct into the skin or abdominal cavity you probably will need surgery on it to fix id say go to a different doctor cos the one you have now sounds like an asshole he should have told you himself instead of leaving you to try find out on the net (
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My gallbladder Bile duct is dilating?
Since my doctors office is closed till tuesday, please explain to me what this is, My gallbladder Bile duct is dilating? they also found 2ct solid area mass adjacent to gallbladder, and my left kidney has more fluid than normal, and something else he said my collecting system on left shows little abnormalilty...thanks for the help
I'm assuming that the study you're talking about is an ultrasound. That is usually the first-line study to look at the gallbladder and common bile duct. If your CBD is dilated, there can be several reasons for this. Usually it is due to some sort of obstructive process. The most common cause is gallstones, but certain type of cystic lesions and tumors can cause this as well. Given that they see a mass, that will need to be worked up. The next study to get, and what I would imagine your doctor will order, is an ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholecystopancreatogram). This is a study that can show the entire common bile duct and identify what exactly they're seeing on ultrasound. Another option, especially if you're not jaundiced or have no abnormalities in your liver function studies would be a CT scan.
The collecting system refers to the tubes that leave the kidney and collect and concentrate urine. Kidney stones or other forms of obstruction of the ureter can cause this. Sometimes it can be a normal finding...given they say little abnormality, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But definitely go see your doctor to sort all of it out. (
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Blocked common bile duct and jaundice question.
I had an ERCP done on July 23rd to remove a gallstone from my common bile duct. I was very jaundiced at the time. It's now almost 3 weeks later and I've noticed that my eyes still seem to have a bit of a pale yellow colour to them. Certainly not as noticeable as it was, but definitely still there. How long should it take for the jaundice to disappear completely? I would have thought it would be gone by now, but I really don't know.
It depends on how severely jaundiced you were at the onset of your illness,like how many months. Your best advice is to stay outdoors in sunlight, to make the jaundice go away faster.Most babies need 6- 8 hours of sunlight exposure (being in a bright window) for 3 to 6 weeks. (
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what's the timeline for dying of bile duct cancer?
I'm just wanting to know what happens in what order and for how long - I don't know what to look for and I'm the caregiver
Its not possible to predict how long someone will or will not live . . every person is an individual that follows their own timeline regardless of the 'statistics'. You can find a generalized order for anyone who is in the dying process . . which is anywhere from a few weeks to days to hours . . the process can be delayed, stop or start at any moment.
Hospice: Preparing for approaching death
You should be in contact with Hospice as they can guide you and your loved one through this process. (
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